Screening Method for CRISPR/Cas9 Inhibition of a Human DNA Virus: Herpes Simplex Virus
[Abstract] The efficiency of cleavage of individual CRISPR/Cas9-sgRNAs remains difficult to predict based on the CRISPR target sequence alone. Different intracellular environments (dependent on cell type or cell cycle state for example) may affect sgRNA efficiency by altering accessibility of genomic DNA through DNA modifications such as epigenetic marks and DNA-binding proteins (e.g., histones) as well as alteration of the chromatin state of genomic DNA within the nucleus.
We recently reported a multi-step screening method for the identification of efficient sgRNAs targeting the Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) genome and reported a differential mechanism for viral inhibition by CRISPR-Cas9 in the latent versus lytic phase. The screening platform detailed in this protocol allows ...
[摘要] [摘要 ] 单独基于CRISPR靶序列仍难以预测单个CRISPR / Cas9-sgRNA的切割效率。不同的细胞内环境(例如,取决于细胞类型或细胞周期状态)可能会通过DNA修饰(例如表观遗传标记和DNA结合蛋白(例如组蛋白))和染色质状态的改变来改变基因组DNA的可及性,从而影响sgRNA效率。核内基因组DNA的标记。
我们recen TLY 报道的多步骤方法筛选用于有效sgRNAs靶向的识别的单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1)的基因组,并报告为在潜对裂解病毒相抑制CRISPR-Cas9的差动机构。该协议中详述的筛选平台允许在无细胞系统中以及在病毒靶细胞(例如人包皮成纤维细胞)的背景下逐步测试切割效率,然后对CRISPR / sgRNA的作用进行功能测试病毒蛋白的表达,复制,和再活化。该策略可以容易地应用于其他靶细胞,例如多能干细胞衍生的人感觉神经元或其他人DNA病毒。
背景 ] 单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)是的一种嗜神经性DNA病毒疱疹病毒科家族引起终身和无法治愈感染在大多数人群的,并可能导致显著发病率和死亡率(Liesegang环等人,1989; Roizman 等人。,2013) ...
In silico Analysis and Site-directed Mutagenesis of Promoters
[Abstract] In normal as in cancerous cells, gene expression is tightly regulated by transcription factors, which are responsible for up- or down-regulation of thousands of targets involved in different cell processes. Transcription factors can directly regulate the expression of genes by binding to specific DNA sequences known as response elements. Identification of these response elements is important to characterize targets of transcription factors in order to understand their contribution to gene regulation. Here, we describe In silico analysis coupled to selected mutagenesis and promoter gene reporter assay procedures to identify and analyze response elements in the proximal promoter sequence of genes.
[摘要] 正常情况下,在癌细胞中,基因表达受转录因子的严格调节,转录因子负责上调或下调参与不同细胞过程的成千上万个靶标。转录因子可以通过结合被称为反应元件的特定DNA序列直接调节基因的表达。识别这些响应元件对于表征转录因子的目标是重要的,以便了解它们对基因调控的作用。在这里,我们描述了与选定的诱变和启动子基因报告物测定程序相结合的电子分析,以鉴定和分析基因的近端启动子序列中的应答元件。
背景 转录因子对全球基因表达的影响可以通过其使用shRNA或CRISPR-Cas9方法的敲低来进行研究,然后进行微阵列分析,可以提供数百个失调基因的重要数据。这种分析虽然非常有用,但缺乏关于失调基因直接控制的信息。为了进一步研究这些基因,使用生物信息学的电子分析分析提供了额外的信息来鉴定研究的转录因子的直接靶标。另外,可以使用定点突变和启动子 - 基因 - 报道分析来分析这些响应元件的功能。我们最近已经表明,致癌转录因子MYC(细胞性骨髓细胞瘤癌基因)控制结肠直肠癌中ITGA1(整联蛋白α1亚基)基因的表达,并且它们的表达在72%的结肠直肠肿瘤中相关。该协议描述了用于分析ITGA1启动子的程序和用于MYC致癌基因的响应元件的鉴定。后者已知是MYC / MAX / MAD网络的成员。这些因素之间的相互作用导致基因激活或抑制,这取决于上游信号和细胞条件。
Cell Culture Transfection for Production and Purification of Wnt Ligands
[Abstract] Wnt ligand proteins are extremely difficult to purify and enrich in vitro. This protocol uses Wnt11r protein as an example to illustrate how to use 293T cells to produce secreted Wnt11r and collect it in vitro for further biochemical experiments.
[摘要] Wnt配体蛋白在体外非常难以纯化和富集。 该协议使用Wnt11r蛋白作为例子说明如何使用293T细胞产生分泌的Wnt11r,并收集在体外进行进一步的生化实验。