Trimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (TriFC) Assay for Direct Visualization of RNA-Protein Interaction in planta
[Abstract] RNA-Protein interactions play important roles in various eukaryotic biological processes. Molecular imaging of subcellular localization of RNA/protein complexes in plants is critical for understanding these interactions. However, methods to image RNA-Protein interactions in living plants have not yet been developed until now. Recently, we have developed a trimolecular fluorescence complementation (TriFC) system for in vivo visualization of RNA-Protein interaction by transient expression in tobacco leaves. In this method, we combined conventional bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) system with MS2 system (phage MS2 coat protein [MCP] and its binding RNA sequence [MS2 sequence]) (Schonberger et al., 2012). Target RNA is tagged with 6xMS2 and MCP and RNA binding ...
[摘要] RNA-蛋白质相互作用在各种真核生物过程中起重要作用。 RNA /蛋白质复合物在植物中亚细胞定位的分子成像对于理解这些相互作用至关重要。然而,到目前为止,尚未开发在活植物中形成RNA-蛋白质相互作用的方法。最近,我们开发了一种三分子荧光互补(TriFC)系统,用于在烟草叶中瞬时表达的RNA-蛋白质相互作用的体内可视化。在这种方法中,我们将传统的双分子荧光互补(BiFC)系统与MS2系统(噬菌体MS2外壳蛋白[MCP]及其结合RNA序列[MS2序列])(Schonberger等人,2012)相结合, 。目标RNA用6xMS2标记,MCP和RNA结合蛋白与YFP片段融合。编码这种融合RNA和蛋白质的DNA构建体用土壤杆菌悬浮液渗入烟草叶中。通过共焦显微镜观察体内的RNA-蛋白质相互作用 【背景】近来,多种类型的长非编码RNA(lncRNA)已经被鉴定并显示出在转录调节和染色质修饰中起重要作用(St Laurent等人,2015)。到目前为止,lncRNA介导的功能的大多数分子机制与RNA-蛋白质相互作用密切相关(St ...
Determination of Local pH Differences within Living Salmonella Cells by High-resolution pH Imaging Based on pH-sensitive GFP Derivative, pHluorin(M153R)
[Abstract] The bacterial flagellar type III protein export apparatus is composed of a transmembrane export gate complex and a cytoplasmic ATPase complex. The export apparatus requires ATP hydrolysis and the proton motive force across the cytoplasmic membrane to unfold and transport flagellar component proteins for the construction of the bacterial flagellum (Minamino, 2014). The export apparatus is a proton/protein antiporter that couples the proton flow with protein transport through the gate complex (Minamino et al., 2011). A transmembrane export gate protein, FlhA, acts as an energy transducer along with the cytoplasmic ATPase complex (Minamino et al., 2016). To directly measure the proton flow through the FlhA channel that is coupled with the flagellar protein export, we have ...
[摘要] 细菌鞭毛III型蛋白质输出装置由跨膜出口门复合物和胞质ATP酶复合物组成。出口设备需要ATP水解和跨细胞质膜的质子动力来展开和转运鞭毛成分蛋白以构建细菌鞭毛(Minamino,2014)。出口设备是质子/蛋白质反向转运体,其将质子流与通过门络合物的蛋白质转运相结合(Minamino等,2011)。跨膜输出门蛋白FlhA与胞质ATP酶复合物一起作为能量转导(Minamino等,2016)。为了直接测量通过与鞭毛蛋白输出相结合的FlhA通道的质子流,我们开发了具有高空间和pH分辨率的体内pH成像系统(Morimoto等,2016)。在这里,我们描述了我们如何测量生活沙门氏菌细胞出口设备附近的局部pH(Morimoto et al。,2016)。我们的方法可以应用于广泛的活细胞。由于局部pH值是监测活细胞活性的最重要参数之一,因此我们的方案将广泛应用于生命科学的各个领域。 【背景】已经检测到跨膜质子通道复合物的质子通道活性是细菌细胞的细胞质pH降低(Morimoto等,2010; Che等,2014; Furukawa等,2017)。然而,为了详细测量活细胞中膜复合物的质子通道活性,需要精确测量局部细胞质pH。绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的衍生物,pHluorin,激发波长为410和470 nm,发射于508 nm是测量活细胞胞质pH值的有用探针(Miesenböcket ...
Selection of Genetically Modified Bacteriophages Using the CRISPR-Cas System
[Abstract] We present a CRISPR-Cas based technique for deleting genes from the T7 bacteriophage genome. A DNA fragment encoding homologous arms to the target gene to be deleted is first cloned into a plasmid. The T7 phage is then propagated in Escherichia coli harboring this plasmid. During this propagation, some phage genomes undergo homologous recombination with the plasmid, thus deleting the targeted gene. To select for these genomes, the CRISPR-Cas system is used to cleave non-edited genomes, enabling isolation of the desired recombinant phages. This protocol allows seamless deletion of desired genes in a T7 phage, and can be expanded to other phages and other types of genetic manipulations as well.
[摘要] 我们提出了一种用于从T7噬菌体基因组中删除基因的基于CRISPR-Cas的技术。 首先将编码与待缺失的靶基因的同源臂的DNA片段克隆到质粒中。 然后将T7噬菌体在携带该质粒的大肠杆菌中繁殖。 在这种繁殖期间,一些噬菌体基因组与质粒进行同源重组,从而缺失靶基因。 为了选择这些基因组,CRISPR-Cas系统用于切割未编辑的基因组,从而能够分离所需的重组噬菌体。 该协议允许在T7噬菌体中无缝地删除所需的基因,并且可以扩展到其它噬菌体和其他类型的遗传操作。 【背景】噬菌体(噬菌体)是生物圈中最普遍和广泛分布的生物实体,突出了它们的生态重要性(Suttle,2007)。许多研究还提出将噬菌体用于医疗目的(Weber-Dabrowska等人,2001; Merril等人,2003; Harper和Enright,2011; Edgar ,2012; Bikard等人,2014; Citorik等人,2014; Yosef等人, 2014年和2015年)。不幸的是,仅有少数公开的方法详细描述了噬菌体基因组学的基因工程(Selick等人,1988; Marinelli等人,2008; ...