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DMEM, low glucose, pyruvate, no glutamine, no phenol red


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 11880028
Other protocol()

Flow Cytometric Analysis of Autophagic Activity with Cyto-ID Staining in Primary Cells
[Abstract]  Flow cytometry allows very sensitive and reliable high-throughput analysis of autophagic flux. This methodology permits to screen cells in flow and capture multi-component images. Using this technology autophagic flux may be analysed accurately in both suspension as well as adherent cells upon trypsinization independent of how heterogeneous the autophagosomal content might be. The method is based on Cyto-ID staining of autophagic compartments (pre-autophagosomes, autophagosomes, and autophagolysosomes) in live cells using Cyto-ID® Autophagy Detection Kit. Autophagic compartments are intermediate constituents of a dynamic lysosomal degradation process and their intracellular abundance at a particular time point is a function of the established equilibrium between their ... [摘要]  流式细胞术允许非常灵敏和可靠的高通量分析自噬通量。该方法允许在流动中筛选细胞并捕获多组分图像。使用这种技术,可以在悬浮液以及粘附细胞中在胰蛋白酶消化时精确分析自噬流,而与自噬体内容物的异质性无关。该方法基于使用Cyto-ID自动吞噬检测试剂盒的活细胞中的自体吞噬细胞(前自噬体,自噬体和自噬溶酶体)的Cyto-ID染色。自噬区室是动态溶酶体降解过程的中间组分,并且它们在特定时间点的细胞内丰度是其产生和降解之间建立的平衡的函数。自噬吞噬的确定有助于自噬体形成的早期诱导和自噬体成熟的晚期抑制之间的区分,因为两者都导致自噬体存在的最终增加。 Cyto-ID测定基于使用选择性染色自噬隔室的特定染料,因此允许测定自噬通量,作为染色隔室在碱性或活化条件[雷帕霉素(1-5μmol/L),PP242(1- (NH 4 Cl)(10-20μmol/L)或含有6mmol/L葡萄糖(饥饿培养基)的Hanks平衡盐溶液),使用溶酶体化合物阻断自噬溶酶体降解mmol/L)或氯喹(CQ)(5-10μmol/L)。 ΔMFICyto-ID = MFI Cyto-ID(+ CQ/NH 4 Cl)-MFI Cyto-ID(-CQ/NH 4 Cl)。
