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Instant Nonfat Dry Milk


Company: Nestle
Catalog#: 050000033188
Other protocol()

HIV-1 Virus-like Particle Budding Assay
[Abstract]  Viral replication culminates with the egress of the mature virion from the host cell. This step of the viral life cycle has recently garnered increased attention with the discovery of the cellular restriction factor, Tetherin, which tethers budded virions to the surface of infected cells and inhibits viral spread. The importance of this block in viral infections has been suggested by the discovery of viral antagonists, such as HIV-1 Vpu, which counteract Tetherin. This protocol describes a system to study HIV-1 budding under BSL-2 safety conditions. It takes advantage of the ability of many viral matrix/capsid proteins to generate non-infectious virus-like particles (VLPs) with the expression of a single viral protein (i.e. HIV-1 p24 Gag). This protocol was recently used to ... [摘要]  病毒复制随着来自宿主细胞的成熟病毒体的流出而达到高潮。病毒生命周期的这个步骤最近通过发现细胞限制因子Tetherin而发现增加的注意力,Tetherin将暴露的病毒粒子束缚于感染细胞的表面并抑制病毒扩散。这种阻断在病毒感染中的重要性已经通过发现病毒拮抗剂如HIV-1 Vpu(其抵抗了细胞因子)而提出。该协议描述了在BSL-2安全条件下研究HIV-1芽生的系统。它利用了许多病毒基质/衣壳蛋白产生具有单个病毒蛋白(即HIV-1p24Gag)表达的非感染性病毒样颗粒(VLPs)的能力。这个协议最近用于表征在HIV-1 Vpu存在下,Tetherin亚型对VLP释放的影响(Cocka和Bates,2012)。同时表达的Tetherin和其他病毒拮抗剂可用于研究Tetherin介导的病毒芽出的限制。
