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Pipet-LiteTM XLS+ manual 12-channel pipette

瑞宁Pipet-Lite XLS+多道移液器

Company: Mettler-Toledo International
Catalog#: L12-XLS+
Other protocol()

Sulforhodamine B (SRB) Assay in Cell Culture to Investigate Cell Proliferation
[Abstract]  The SRB assay has been used since its development in 1990 (Skehan et al., 1990) to inexpensively conduct various screening assays to investigate cytotoxicity in cell based studies (Vichai and Kirtikara, 2006). This method relies on the property of SRB, which binds stoichiometrically to proteins under mild acidic conditions and then can be extracted using basic conditions; thus, the amount of bound dye can be used as a proxy for cell mass, which can then be extrapolated to measure cell proliferation.

The protocol can be divided into four main steps: preparation of treatment, incubation of cells with treatment of choice, cell fixation and SRB staining, and absorbance measurement. This assay is limited to manual or semiautomatic screening, and can be used in an efficient ...
[摘要]   Limonium 已知有性和无融合生殖(通过种子的无性繁殖)繁殖模式。在这里,我们提出解剖协议为胚珠的发芽。使用微分干涉对比(DIC)显微镜。该协议允许更好地处理胚珠,并提供优于早期技术,特别是在较大胚珠的某些优势。这种方法还能够观察到完整胚珠中的减数分裂和胚囊发育,以及容易检测到区别性和无序性发育的事件。

[背景] 发生在胚珠发育期间,有必要细胞学检查胚珠。这项研究可以涉及显微镜观察石蜡或树脂包埋,切片材料或清除的器官。在D'Amato(1940; 1949)的先驱作品中公开了对性和无融合生殖物种中胚珠和胚囊发育的第一次细胞学研究。在这些作品中,花使用Karpechenko的方法固定,包埋在石蜡中,切片并用Heidenhain的铁苏木精染色,其染色质和染色体在细胞核中染色。使用这些方法的花芽切片可导致由于单个细胞的部分破坏结构完整性而具有差质量的制备物。更容易的选择是清除福尔马林:乙酸:乙醇固定的器官并用纯的Mayer's hemalum染色(Wallis,1957; Stelly等人,1984)。这种技术需要少得多的时间和劳动,特别是对于通常在卵巢中形成小胚珠的物种,这是 Limonium ...

In vitro Real-time Measurement of the Intra-bacterial Redox Potential
[Abstract]  All bacteria that live in oxygenated environments have to deal with oxidative stress caused by some form of exogenous or endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Imlay, 2013). Large quantities of ROS damage DNA, lipids and proteins which can eventually lead to bacterial cell death (Imlay, 2013). In contrast, smaller quantities of ROS can play more sophisticated roles in cellular signalling pathways affecting almost every process in the bacterial cell e.g. metabolism, stress responses, transcription, protein synthesis, etc. Previously, inadequate analytical methods prevented appropriate analysis of the intra-bacterial redox potential. Herein, we describe a method for the measurement of real-time changes to the intra-bacterial redox potential using redox-sensitive GFP ... [摘要]  所有存在氧合环境中的细菌都必须处理由某种形式的外源性或内源性活性氧(ROS)引起的氧化应激(Imlay,2013)。大量的ROS损伤DNA,脂质和蛋白质,其可以最终导致细菌细胞死亡(Imlay,2013)。相反,较少量的ROS可以在细胞信号传导途径中发挥更复杂的作用,影响几乎细菌细胞中的每一个过程,例如,代谢,应激反应,转录,蛋白质合成等 。以前,不充分的分析方法阻止了细菌内氧化还原电位的适当分析。在本文中,我们描述了使用氧化还原敏感性GFP(roGFP2)测量细菌内氧化还原电位的实时变化的方法(van der Heijden等人,2015)。 roGFP2蛋白被工程改造成含有特定的半胱氨酸残基,其在氧化时形成内部二硫键,导致蛋白构象的轻微改变(Hanson等人,2004)。这种移位导致两种不同的蛋白质同种型在分别在405nm和480nm下激发后具有不同的荧光激发光谱。因此,相应的405/480nm比率可以用作细菌内氧化还原电位的量度。比率量度分析排除了由于roGFP2浓度差异引起的变化,并且由于构象变化是可逆的,因此系统允许测量氧化以及还原条件。在该方案中,我们通过测量鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(鼠伤寒沙门氏菌)内的细菌内氧化还原电位来描述该系统,但该系统可以调整用于其他革兰氏阴性菌。
