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Company: Beckman Coulter
Catalog#: Du 730
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Quantification of Methylglyoxal Levels in Cowpea Leaves in Response to Cowpea Aphid Infestation
[Abstract]  Aphids are a serious pest of crops across the world. Aphids feed by inserting their flexible hypodermal needlelike mouthparts, or stylets, into their host plant tissues. They navigate their way to the phloem where they feed on its sap causing little mechanical damage to the plant. Additionally, while feeding, aphids secrete proteinaceous effectors in their saliva to alter plant metabolism and disrupt plant defenses to gain an advantage over the plant. Even with these arsenals to overcome plant responses, plants have evolved ways to detect and counter with defense responses to curtail aphid infestation. One of such response of cowpea to cowpea aphid infestation, is accumulation of the metabolite methylglyoxal. Methylglyoxal is an α,β-dicarbonyl ketoaldehyde that is toxic at high ... [摘要]  [摘要] 蚜虫是世界各地农作物的严重害虫。蚜虫通过将它们柔软的针状口器插入宿主植物组织中取食。它们会进入韧皮部,在那里吃韧皮部的汁液,对植物的机械损伤很小。此外,蚜虫在进食时,会在唾液中分泌蛋白质效应器来改变植物的新陈代谢,破坏植物的防御,从而获得对植物的优势。即使有了这些武器来克服植物的反应,植物也进化出了探测和反击的方式,以减少蚜虫的侵扰。豇豆蚜虫感染的这种反应之一是代谢物甲基乙二醛的积累。甲基乙二醛是一种对、对二羰基酮醛,在高浓度下有毒。在暴露于许多不同的非生物和生物胁迫后,甲基乙二醛水平略有上升,并已被证明在低水平上作为一种新兴的防御信号分子。在此,我们描述了一种在豇豆蚜虫感染后,利用高氯酸提取工艺在豇豆叶片中测量甲基乙二醛的方案。将提取的上清液用碳酸钾中和,丙酮醛与N-乙酰- l-半胱氨酸反应量化,生成N-乙酰- s -(1-羟基-2-oxo-prop-1-yl)半胱氨酸,并进行分光光度定量。

[背景] ...

Plant Assays for Quantifying Ralstonia solanacearum Virulence
[Abstract]  Virulence assays are powerful tools to study microbial pathogenesis in vivo. Good assays track disease development and, coupled with targeted mutagenesis, can identify pathogen virulence factors. Disease development in plants is extremely sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, atmospheric humidity, and soil water level, so it can be challenging to standardize conditions to achieve consistent results. Here, we present optimized and validated experimental conditions and analysis methods for nine assays that measure specific aspects of virulence in the phytopathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum, using tomato as the model host plant. [摘要]  毒力测定是研究体内微生物发病机制的有力工具。 良好的分析跟踪疾病发展,并结合定向诱变,可以识别病原体毒力因子。 植物的疾病发展对环境因素如温度,大气湿度和土壤水位极其敏感,因此标准化条件以获得一致的结果可能具有挑战性。 在这里,我们提出优化和验证的实验条件和分析方法的九个测定,测量植物病原细菌 Ralstonia solanacearum 的毒力的特定方面,使用番茄作为模型宿主植物。

【背景】 Ralstonia solanacearum 是一种土壤传播的细菌,在广泛的植物中引起细菌枯萎,并继续感染全球的新宿主(Hayward,1991; Elphinstone,2005; Wicker et al。 ,2007; Genin,2010; Weibel et al。,2016)。结果, R. solanacearum 是研究最深入的植物致病菌之一(Mansfield et al。,2012)。

R上。 solanacearum 可以长期存在于土壤或水库中(Alvarez et ...

Extraction and Measurement of Abscisic Acid in a Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae
[Abstract]  Abscisic acid (ABA) has been known as a phytohormone of land plants, which is synthesized in response to abiotic stresses and induces various physiological responses, but is also found from eukaryotic algae. Recently, we reported that a unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae produced ABA, which prevented cell growth and enhanced salt stress tolerance (Kobayashi et al., 2016). This report describes the detailed method for the extraction and quantification of ABA in the model red alga C. merolae. [摘要]  脱落酸(ABA)已知为陆生植物的植物激素,其响应于非生物胁迫合成并诱导各种生理反应,但也可从真核藻类中发现。最近,我们报道了单细胞红藻(Cyanidioschyzon merolae)产生ABA,其阻止细胞生长和增强盐胁迫耐受性(Kobayashi等人,2016)。该报告描述了在红海藻模型中提取和定量ABA的详细方法。 。
关键字:脱落酸,藻类, Cyanidioschyzon merolae ,HPLC,植物激素

] 植物激素ABA已在发散光合真核生物中发现,但单细胞藻类的功能仍不清楚。在最近的研究中,我们显示单细胞红藻。 melorae 通过本方案累积ABA以应答盐胁迫。这是用于从C中提取和定量ABA的第一已公布方案的细节。 merolae 。此协议针对 C进行了优化。基于陆地植物协议的。
