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Company: Gilson
Catalog#: P10L
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Determination of the Developmental Origin of Seeds Containing Endosperm Using Flow Cytometric Analysis
[Abstract]  Seeds derived from a diploid, sexual plant typically contain a 2n embryo (n+n) and 3n endosperm, a ratio characteristic for most flowering plants. However, this ratio is altered in apomictic species, which reproduce asexually through seeds (Koltunow and Grossniklaus, 2003). Apomixis is usually a facultative trait and encompasses several developmental steps: (1) apomeiosis (avoidance of meiosis), (2) parthenogenesis (embryo development without fertilization), and (3) functional endosperm formation (autonomous without fertilization or pseudogamous requiring fertilization). If all three steps occur, this process results in maternal offspring (2n+0), which is genetically identical to the mother plant (clonal). Moreover, sexual and apomictic pathways can occur in the same plant and sometimes ... [摘要]  源自二倍体,有性植物的种子通常含有2n胚胎(n + n)和3n胚乳,这是大多数开花植物的比率特征。然而,这种比例在无性生殖物种中改变,其通过种子无性繁殖(Koltunow和Grossniklaus,2003)。单性生殖通常是兼性性状,包括几个发育步骤:(1)蚜虫病(避免减数分裂),(2)孤雌生殖(没有受精的胚发育)和(3)功能性胚乳形成(无需受精的自主性或需要受精的假性乳房)。如果发生所有三个步骤,该过程导致母体后代(2n + 0),其与母本植物(克隆)在遗传上相同。此外,性和无融合途径可以在同一植物中发生,并且有时它们交叉,产生多倍体倍生(n + 0;由减数分裂和孤雌生殖产生)或BIII杂种(2n + n;由蚜虫和受精产生)(Rutishauser,1947 )。可以在流式细胞计数种子筛选(FCSS)中测定不同类型的后代,其中染色的核的相对染色质含量通过测量它们的荧光强度来确定。这允许将胚乳的倍性与胚胎的倍性进行比较,并且因此推断形成种子的途径(Matzk等人,2000)。这种方法特别用于表征无形生殖植物中的种子或有性生殖的繁殖突变体的发育起源。
这里,我们提出了在十字花科中的FCSS的方案,植物的 Boechera 。然而,原则上,该方案可以应用于产生含有胚乳的种子的任何物种。

Chemosensitivity Assay
[Abstract]  Chemoresistance is one of the special properties of cancer stem cells, which is the main cause of chemotherapy failure and plays an important role in the recurrence of various cancers including osteosarcoma. The most widely used assay for evaluating chemoresistance is the modified cell proliferation assay. An equal number of cells are seeded onto 96-well culture plates or 24-well plates, and then different concentrations of anti-cancer drugs are added into each well. After that, measure the cell density or cell activity to observe the effect of anti-cancer drugs to cancer cells or cancer stem cells. The chemoresistance of cells is stronger, the cell density or cell activity is higher. Here, we describe chemosensitivity assays for osteosarcoma cells and osteosarcoma stem-like cells.
[摘要]  化学抗性是癌症干细胞的特殊性质之一,其是化疗失败的主要原因,并且在各种癌症(包括骨肉瘤)的复发中起重要作用。 最广泛使用的用于评价化学抗性的测定法是修饰的细胞增殖测定法。 将等量的细胞接种到96孔培养板或24孔板上,然后将不同浓度的抗癌药物加入每个孔中。 之后,测量细胞密度或细胞活性,观察抗癌药物对癌细胞或癌症干细胞的作用。 细胞的化学抗性更强,细胞密度或细胞活性更高。 在这里,我们描述了骨肉瘤细胞和骨肉瘤干样细胞的化学敏感性测定。
