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Vortex mixer


Company: VWR
Catalog#: 444-1372
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A Quantitative Heterokaryon Assay to Measure the Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling of Proteins
[Abstract]  Many proteins appear exclusively nuclear at steady-state but in fact shuttle continuously back and forth between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. For example, nuclear RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) often accompany mRNAs to the cytoplasm, where they can regulate subcellular localization, translation and/or decay of their cargos before shuttling back to the nucleus. Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling must be tightly regulated, as mislocalization of several RBPs with prion-like domains such as FUS and TDP-43 causes the cytoplasmic accumulation of solid pathological aggregates that have been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Traditionally, interspecies heterokaryon assays have been used to determine whether a nuclear ... [摘要]  许多蛋白质在稳态下仅出现核,但事实上在细胞核和细胞质之间连续地来回穿梭。例如,核RNA结合蛋白(RBP)通常伴随mRNA到达细胞质,在那里它们可以在穿梭回到细胞核之前调节其货物的亚细胞定位,翻译和/或腐烂。必须严格调节核质穿梭,因为几种RBP与朊病毒样结构域如FUS和TDP-43的错误定位导致固体病理性聚集体的细胞质积累,这些聚集体与肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)和额颞叶痴呆等神经退行性疾病有关。 (FTD)。传统上,种间异核体分析已被用于确定感兴趣的核蛋白是否穿梭;这些分析是基于来自两个不同物种(例如,小鼠和人类)的供体和受体细胞之间的融合,可以根据不同的染色质染色模式区分,并检测蛋白质的外观。受体核。然而,异核体的鉴定需要经验并且容易出错,这使得难以获得用于定量研究的高质量数据。此外,荧光标记的RBP在供体细胞中的瞬时过表达通常导致其异常的亚细胞定位。在这里,我们提出定量测定,其中表达接近生理水平的eGFP标记的RBP的稳定供体细胞系与表达膜标记物CAAX-mCherry的受体细胞融合,允许容易地鉴定和成像大量高可信度异核体。我们的测定法可用于测量任何感兴趣的核蛋白在不同细胞类型,不同细胞条件下或突变蛋白之间的穿梭活性。

【背景】要了解蛋白质的各种功能,重要的是找出它在细胞内定位的位置。标准的微观和生物化学方法仅在其稳态浓度高于检测阈值时才揭示蛋白质的存在。他们不排除它在短暂地定位的情况下扮演其他重要角色的可能性(Gama-Carvalho和Carmo-Fonseca,2001)。例如,许多RBP在不同的细胞区室中发挥作用,它们伴随着它们的结合mRNA(通常未检测到)并连接真核基因表达的多个步骤(Müller-McNicoll和Neugebauer,2013)。 ...

Metabolic Heavy Isotope Labeling to Study Glycerophospholipid Homeostasis of Cultured Cells
[Abstract]  Glycerophospholipids consist of a glycerophosphate backbone to which are esterified two acyl chains and a polar head group. The head group (e.g., choline, ethanolamine, serine or inositol) defines the glycerophospholipid class, while the acyl chains together with the head group define the glycerophospholipid molecular species. Stable heavy isotope (e.g., deuterium)-labeled head group precursors added to the culture medium incorporate efficiently into glycerophospholipids of mammalian cells, which allows one to determine the rates of synthesis, acyl chain remodeling or turnover of the individual glycerophospholipids using mass spectrometry. This protocol describes how to study the metabolism of the major mammalian glycerophospholipids i.e., phosphatidylcholines, ... [摘要]  甘油磷脂由甘油磷酸酯骨架组成,酯基化两个酰基链和极性头基。头组(例如胆碱,乙醇胺,丝氨酸或肌醇)限定了甘油磷脂类,而酰基链与头基一起限定了甘油磷脂分子种类。添加到培养基中的稳定的重质同位素(例如,氘)标记的头基前体有效地并入哺乳动物细胞的甘油磷脂中,这允许人们确定合成速率,酰基链重塑或周转使用质谱法测定个体甘油磷脂。该方案描述了如何用这种方法研究主要哺乳动物甘油磷脂的代谢,即磷脂酰胆碱,磷脂酰乙醇胺,磷脂酰丝氨酸和磷脂酰肌醇。

背景 放射性标记的前体已广泛用于研究培养细胞中的甘油磷脂(GPL)代谢。然而,这种方法有严重的缺点。首先,研究GPL的所有分子种类的代谢是不可行的,因为不可能的事实,即没有恢复到高度复杂和耗时的方案来将各个分子种类彼此分离(Patton& em等人,1982),这显然是研究其新陈代谢所必需的。第二,所需的放射性同位素相当昂贵。第三,为了最佳标记,未标记的前体应尽可能耗尽介质。第四,可以同时向细胞中加入两种不同的前体,即使对同位素光谱之间的重叠进行准确校正是必要的对所收集的部分进行液体闪烁计数。由于这些障碍,许多研究最近引入了研究GPL代谢的替代方法(例如,Heikinheimo和Somerharju,2002; de Kroon,2007; Kainu等人2008年; Postle和Hunt,2009; ...

In vitro Tumor Cell Migration Assay Using ThinCertsTM (Transwells)
[Abstract]  The high migration rate of tumor cells often results in poor prognosis for the survival of the patients. Here, we describe a protocol to measure the migration of cells using a quantitative assay. The relative tumor cell migration was measured using ThinCertsTM cell culture inserts and a lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay to quantify the relative cell number. The quantification of the migration with the LDH kit is much more precise than other methods using i.e. crystal blue to count the cells. [摘要]  肿瘤细胞的高迁移率通常导致患者的生存的不良预后。 在这里,我们描述了使用定量测定测量细胞迁移的协议。 使用ThinCerts TM细胞培养插入物和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)测定来测量相对肿瘤细胞迁移以定量相对细胞数。 使用LDH试剂盒的迁移的定量比使用结晶蓝计数细胞的其它方法精确得多。
