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Company: AMRESCO
Catalog#: 0332
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Crude Preparation of Lipopolysaccharide from Helicobacter pylori for Silver Staining and Western Blot
[Abstract]  This protocol provides an easy and rapid method to prepare lipopolysaccharide from the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori for visualization on acrylamide gels by silver staining and for detecting the presence of Lewis antigens by Western blot. The silver staining is a four-step procedure, involving a 20 min-oxidation step, a 10 min-silver staining step, a 2-10 min color development step and finally a 1-min color termination step. Lipopolysaccharide from H. pylori wild-type and corresponding mutants analyzed by this method are described in a recent publication (Li et al., 2017). This crude preparation of LPS for silver staining is also applicable in other Gram-negative bacteria. [摘要]  该方案提供了一种从胃病原幽门螺杆菌制备脂多糖的简便快速方法,用于通过银染显示丙烯酰胺凝胶,并通过Western印迹检测Lewis抗原的存在。 银染是四步法,包括20分钟氧化步骤,10分钟银染色步骤,2-10分钟显色步骤,最后是1分钟颜色终止步骤。 来自H的脂多糖。 在最近的出版物(Li等人,2017)中描述了通过该方法分析的野生型和相应的突变体的幽门螺杆菌。 这种用于银染的LPS的粗制剂也适用于其他革兰氏阴性细菌。
【背景】脂多糖(LPS)是一种大而可变的复合糖脂,其组成了大多数革兰氏阴性细菌外膜的外叶。 它通常由三个结构域组成:称为脂质A(或内毒素)的疏水结构域,其嵌入外膜中; 相对保守的非重复核 - 低聚糖; 和从细胞延伸到外部环境的可变O-抗原。 H的独特功能。 幽门螺杆菌脂多糖O抗原是模拟人Lewis抗原的岩藻糖基化寡糖结构的存在。 从革兰氏阴性细菌大规模提取高纯度的LPS是劳动密集型和耗时的。 在这里,在这个协议中,我们详细地描述了使用来自胃病原幽门螺杆菌的容易和快速的粗制备制剂用于通过银染和Lewis抗原通过蛋白质印迹进行表达。

TUNEL Assay to Assess Extent of DNA Fragmentation and Programmed Cell Death in Root Cells under Various Stress Conditions
[Abstract]  DNA damage is one of the common consequences of exposure to various stress conditions. Different methods have been developed to accurately assess DNA damage and fragmentation in cells and tissues exposed to different stress agents. However, owing to the presence of firm cellulosic cell wall and phenolics, plant cells and tissues are not easily amenable to be subjected to these assays. Here, we describe an optimized TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling) assay-based protocol to determine the extent of DNA fragmentation and programmed cell death in plant root cells subjected to various stress conditions. The method described here has the advantages of simplicity, reliability and reproducibility. [摘要]  DNA损伤是暴露于各种压力条件的常见后果之一。 已经开发了不同的方法来准确评估暴露于不同应激剂的细胞和组织中的DNA损伤和碎裂。 然而,由于纤维素细胞壁和酚类物质的存在,植物细胞和组织不容易进行这些测定。 在这里,我们描述了优化的TUNEL(末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶介导的dUTP切口标记)测定方法,以确定经受各种应激条件的植物根细胞中DNA片段化和程序性细胞死亡的程度。 这里描述的方法具有简单,可靠和重复性好的优点。
【背景】暴露于各种压力通常导致至少一定程度的DNA损伤,导致各种损伤,例如胸腺嘧啶二聚化,碱基烷基化,单链缺口和双链断裂(Bray和West,2005; Manova和Gruszka,2015)。在所有类型的DNA损伤中,DNA片段化在应激条件下特别令人关注,这可能是应激的直接影响(如用基因毒素治疗方法所观察到的)或间接作用(主要是通过过度产生的活性氧),甚至可能是两者的累积结果(Bray和West,2005; Kapoor等,2015)。这种DNA损伤必须由细胞的修复机械精确修复,否则可能会导致细胞死亡。为了维持正常状态,细胞利用依赖于三个非排他事件的DNA损伤反应。检测/识别损坏,其通过维修机械的访问,最后修复(Smerdon,1991)。
   在细胞水平上应力适应的主要分子机制之一涉及对由于应激引起的受损DNA的DNA损伤和/或有效修复的抗性。因此,为了评估基因型的应激适应性,通常需要对DNA损伤进行准确评估。两种广泛用于检测植物DNA断裂的测定法是单细胞凝胶电泳 ...

Reconstitution of Lymphopaenic Mice with Regulatory and Conventional T cell Subsets
[Abstract]  Transfer of mature T cells into immunodeficient mice results in sub-optimal reconstitution of the peripheral T cell pool. Under lymphopenic conditions, dendritic cells are released from tonic control by regulatory T cells (Tregs), and consequently drive activation and proliferation of low affinity T cells specific for endogenous antigens. This oligoclonal proliferation results in a T cell population dominated by T cells possessing an effector/memory phenotype and a limited TCR repertoire. Oligoclonal expansion can be prevented by selectively reconstituting the Treg compartment prior to T cell transfer (Bolton et al., 2015). Reconstitution of the Treg compartment of lymphopenic mice has been tested in immunodeficient mouse strains such as Rag-1-/-or Rag-2-/- ... [摘要]  将成熟T细胞转移到免疫缺陷小鼠中导致外周T细胞库的次优重建。在淋巴细胞减少症状下,树突状细胞通过调节性T细胞(Tregs)从强直对照释放,并因此驱动对内源性抗原特异的低亲和力T细胞的激活和增殖。这种寡克隆增殖导致由具有效应/记忆表型和有限TCR库的T细胞支配的T细胞群。可以通过在T细胞转移之前选择性重建Treg区室来防止寡克隆扩增(Bolton等人,2015)。已经在免疫缺陷小鼠品系例如Rag-1 /或 Rag-2 -/- 中测试了淋巴细胞减少小鼠的Treg区室的重建。 小鼠,以及在通过致死性全身照射作为调节骨髓移植(BMT)的瞬时淋巴细胞减少的免疫小鼠中。将纯化的Treg转移到这些宿主中,结合用外源IL-2处理7天,足以重建Treg区室并减少树突细胞共刺激分子的表达,这是防止自身反应性T细胞不适当扩增的关键过程。在Treg重建后转移的T细胞不经历快速的自发增殖,而是进行慢的内稳态分裂以用天然T细胞重新增殖T细胞库,从而允许外周T细胞库的最佳重建。
