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KOD-Plus-Neo DNA polymerase

KOD-plus NEO DNA聚合酶

Company: TOYOBO
Catalog#: KOD-401
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Genotyping-free Selection of Double Allelic Gene Edited Medaka Using Two Different Fluorescent Proteins
[Abstract]  This protocol describes a simple genotyping using two different colors of fluorescent protein genes inserted at the target locus. This method makes it possible to determine the genotype of each individual simply by observing the fluorescence later than F1 generation. [摘要]  该协议描述了使用两种不同颜色的荧光蛋白基因插入目标基因座的简单基因分型。这种方法可以简单地通过观察比F1代更晚的荧光来确定每个个体的基因型。

【背景】由于基因组编辑动物的常规基因分型在很大程度上取决于基于PCR的基因分型,所以有必要提取基因组DNA。在青aka中,尾鳍是一种易于再生的组织,因此经常用于基因分型以保持鱼的活力。要切断尾鳍,必须喂鱼几周,使其长得足够大(体长约1厘米)。喂养和照顾许多鱼费时费力。因此,希望减少繁殖早期如胚和早期幼虫的鱼的数量,以减少任务。然而,由于胚胎和幼虫的尾鳍太小而脆弱,因此很难将它们活下来。为了克服这个问题,基因分型的一个简单和非侵入性的方法是必不可少的。因此,我们开发了一种新的方法,只需通过观察荧光就可以无创地确定每个胚胎期的基因型。我们在基因敲入实验中证实了该方法的益处,该实验针对在受精后4天(dpf)(Murakami)在中枢神经系统(CNS)中表达的生长相关蛋白43( gap43 et al 。,2017)。这个基因适用于基因敲入实验,因为在先前的研究中,已经通过RT-PCR和原位杂交揭示了其时空表达模式(Fujimori等, 。,2008)。如果野生型靶基因的表达模式是未知的,则需要通过RT-PCR或任何其他技术来分析,以证实其与基因敲入菌株中报道基因的对应性。

CRISPR-PCS Protocol for Chromosome Splitting and Splitting Event Detection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
[Abstract]  Chromosome engineering is an important technology with applications in basic biology and biotechnology. Chromosome splitting technology called PCS (PCR-mediated Chromosome Splitting) has already been developed as a fundamental chromosome engineering technology in the budding yeast. However, the splitting efficiency of PCS technology is not high enough to achieve multiple splitting at a time. This protocol describes a procedure for achieving simultaneous and multiple chromosome splits in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a new technology called CRISPR-PCS. At least four independent sites in the genome can be split by one transformation. Total time and labor for obtaining a multiple split yeast strain is drastically reduced when compared with conventional PCS ... [摘要]  染色体工程是应用于基础生物学和生物技术的重要技术。染色体分裂技术称为PCS(PCR介导的染色体分裂)已经被开发为发芽酵母中的基本染色体工程技术。然而,PCS技术的分割效率不够高,不能一次实现多次分割。该协议描述了通过称为CRISPR-PCS的新技术在芽状酵母酿酒酵母中实现同时和多个染色体分裂的过程。基因组中至少四个独立的位点可以通过一次转化来分裂。与常规PCS技术相比,获得多重分裂酵母菌株的总时间和劳动力大大降低。

背景 能够快速有效地操纵多个遗传基因座或染色体区域的染色体工程技术变得越来越重要。这些技术为阐明染色体和基因组功能提供了有力的手段。此外,它可以用于通过创建广泛的遗传变体来繁殖有用的菌株。在芽殖酵母酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces ...

Preparation of Knockdown Transformants of Unicellular Charophycean Alga, Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale Complex
[Abstract]  To prepare the knockdown transformants of the Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale (C. psl.) complex, particle bombardment was applied with a newly constructed vector (pSA0104) with an endogenous constitutive promoter fused to a DNA fragment corresponding to an antisense strand of a target gene. Using a hygromycin resistance gene (aph7”), hygromycin-resistant colonies were selected. After the second screening, integration of the vector into the genome was checked by PCR and the knockdown effect was evaluated by Western blotting using a specific antibody against the target protein. [摘要]  为了制备鬼臼藓藻(Clonsterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale)复合物的敲低转化体,用新构建的载体(pSA0104)应用粒子轰击,所述载体具有内源性 组成型启动子,其与对应于靶基因的反义链的DNA片段融合。 使用潮霉素抗性基因( aph7")选择潮霉素抗性菌落。 在第二次筛选后,通过PCR检查载体到基因组中的整合,并使用针对靶蛋白的特异性抗体通过蛋白质印迹评估敲低效应。
