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Eppendorf Research® plus, single-channel, variable, incl. epT.I.P.S.® Box, 20-200 µL, yellow


Company: Capitol Scientific
Catalog#: 3120000054
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Bioassay of Xanthomonas albilineans Attachment on Sugarcane Leaves
[Abstract]  Sugarcane (interspecific hybrids of Saccharum species) is an economically important crop that provides 70% of raw table sugar production worldwide and contributes, in some countries, to bioethanol and electricity production. Leaf scald, caused by the bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas albilineans, is one of the major diseases of sugarcane. Dissemination of X. albilineans is mainly ensured by contaminated harvesting tools and infected stalk cuttings. However, some strains of this pathogen are transmitted by aerial means and are able to survive as epiphytes on the sugarcane phyllosphere before entering the leaves and causing disease. Here we present a protocol to estimate the capacity of attachment of X. albilineans to sugarcane leaves. Tissue-cultured ... [摘要]  甘蔗(蔗糖种类的种间杂交种)是一种经济上重要的作物,其在世界范围内提供70%的生食糖生产,并在一些国家对生物乙醇和电力生产作出贡献。由细菌植物病原体Xanthomonas albilineans引起的叶片烫伤是甘蔗的主要疾病之一。传播X。 albilineans主要由受污染的收获工具和感染的茎秆确保。然而,这种病原体的一些菌株通过空中装置传播,并且能够在进入叶子并引起疾病之前作为甘蔗叶片上的附生植物生存。在这里,我们提出一个协议来估计X的附件容量。白皮书到甘蔗叶。将组织培养的甘蔗小植物浸入X的细菌悬浮液中。白皮书和X附件。通过两种方法确定了白皮书:叶片印记(半定量方法)和叶洗/匀浆(定量方法)。这些方法是评估甘蔗叶烫伤病原体菌株/突变体致病性的重要手段。

背景 管理X之间相互作用的机制。 albilineans 和它的宿主植物(甘蔗)不是公知的。 Albicidin是由白念珠菌产生的植物毒素,是已被证明在这种病原体的致病性中发挥作用的唯一分子因子(Birch,2001)。然而,X的致病性。白皮书不完全依赖于albicidin。缺乏Albicidin的突变体仍然能够有效地定殖甘蔗茎并产生疾病症状(Birch,2001; ...

Isolating and Measuring the Growth and Morphology of Pro-embryogenic Masses in Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze (Araucariaceae)
[Abstract]  Embryogenic suspension cultures of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze (Araucariaceae) can be used as a model to test the effects of compounds added to the culture medium on the cellular growth and morphology of Pro-Embryogenic Masses (PEMs). PEMs are formed by embryogenic and suspensor-type cells. To measure changes in the cellular growth of embryogenic cultures, we performed sedimented cell volume (SCV) quantification, which is a non-destructive method. Morphological analysis by microscopy allowed for the observation of growth and development of PEMs and the alterations in embryogenic and suspensor-type cells. The methods used here provide an efficient means for monitoring the cellular growth of PEMs and identifying morphological changes during the development of ... [摘要]  可以使用南洋杉(Araucaria angustifolia)(Bertol。)Kuntze(Araucariaceae)的胚胎悬浮培养物作为模型来测试添加到培养基中的化合物对前胚胎形成质量的细胞生长和形态的影响PEM)。 PEM由胚胎形成和悬浮细胞形成。为了测量胚胎发生培养物的细胞生长的变化,我们进行沉降细胞体积(SCV)定量,其是非破坏性方法。通过显微镜进行的形态学分析允许观察PEM的生长和发育以及胚胎形成和悬浮体型细胞的改变。这里使用的方法提供了一个有效的手段监测PEM的细胞生长和识别胚胎发育培养发展过程中的形态变化。这些研究还可以与生物化学和分子分析例如蛋白质组学结合,以进一步研究胚胎生长和形态。
< br=""> [背景] Silveira 等。 (2006)使用SCV测量来分析外源多胺对A的形态学变化的影响。 angustifolia PEMs和Osti等人 。 (2010)测试不同一氧化氮供体对细胞生长和PEM形态的影响。最近,Douétts-Peres等人。 ...

The Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane as an in vivo Model to Study Metastasis
[Abstract]  Metastasis is a complex process that includes several steps: neoplastic progression, angiogenesis, cell migration and invasion, intravasation into nearby blood vessels, survival in the circulatory system, extravasation followed by homing into distant tissues, the formation of micrometastases, and finally the growth into macroscopic secondary tumors. This complexity makes metastases difficult to investigate and quantify in animal models. The chick embryo is a unique in vivo model that overcomes many limitations for studying the metastatic process, due to the accessibility of the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), a well-vascularized extra-embryonic tissue located under the eggshell, that is receptive to the xenografting of mammalian tumor cells, including human. Since the chick ... [摘要]  转移是一个复杂的过程,包括几个步骤:肿瘤进展,血管生成,细胞迁移和入侵,附近血管内渗,循环系统中的生存,外渗,然后归巢到远端组织,微转移的形成,最后生长宏观继发性肿瘤。这种复杂性使得转移瘤难以在动物模型中研究和量化。鸡胚是独特的体内模型,其克服了用于研究转移过程的许多限制,这是由于绒毛尿囊膜(CAM)的可接近性,所述绒毛尿囊膜是位于蛋壳下的良好血管化的胚胎外组织,其接受哺乳动物肿瘤细胞(包括人)的异种移植。由于鸡胚在此阶段是天然免疫缺陷的,所以CAM可以支持肿瘤细胞的植入,并且其中的生长可忠实地重现致癌过程的大多数特征,包括:生长,侵入,血管生成和远端组织的定居(Deryugina和Quigley,2008; Zijlstra等人,2002)。 CAM在癌细胞移植后5-7天内维持快速肿瘤形成。这个特征提供了用于快速研究转移性级联的灌注和定植步骤的独特实验模型。此外,使用定量PCR来检测物种特异性序列,例如Alu ,鸡胚CAM模型可用于监测和定量在远端组织中异种移植的异位肿瘤细胞的存在。因此,鸡胚模型已经证明是用于癌症研究的有价值的工具,特别是用于研究癌症转移中涉及的分子和途径,并分析转移性癌症对潜在疗法的反应(Herrero等人 。,2015; Casar 。,2014)。在这方面,使用快速和定量的自发转移鸡胚胎模型可以提供用于筛选抗癌剂的常规小鼠模型系统的替代方法。
