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细剪刀 - 夏普

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 14060-10
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Establishing an Adult Mouse Brain Hippocampal Organotypic Slice Culture System that Allows for Tracing and Pharmacological Manipulation of ex vivo Neurogenesis

The function of the hippocampus depends on the process of adult hippocampal neurogenesis which underpins the exceptional neural plasticity of this structure, and is also frequently affected in CNS pathologies. Thus, manipulation of this process represents an important therapeutic goal. To identify potential strategies, organotypic adult brain slices are emerging as a valuable tool. Over the recent years, this methodology has been refined and here we present a combined protocol that brings together these refinements to enable long-term culture of adult hippocampal slices. We employ a sectioning technique that retains essential afferent inputs onto the hippocampus as well as serum-free culture conditions, so allowing an extended culture period. To sustain the neurogenic potential in the

[摘要]  [摘要]海马的功能取决于成年海马神经发生的过程,该过程是这种结构异常的神经发育的基础,并且在中枢神经系统病理中也经常受到影响。因此,对该过程的操纵代表了重要的治疗目标。为了确定潜在的策略,器官型成人大脑切片正在成为一种有价值的工具。近年来,此方法已得到完善,在此我们提出一种组合协议, 汇集了这些改进,以实现成人海马切片的长期培养。我们采用了一种切片技术,可将必要的传入输入保留在海马上以及无血清培养条件下,因此可以延长培养时间。为了维持切片中的神经源性潜力,我们利用神经胶质生成抑制剂吲哚美辛。使用EdU保留分析使我们能够评估药理干预对神经发生的影响。通过这些改进,我们建立了一种简单可靠的方法来研究小分子/药物对离体增殖和神经元形成的影响,这将有助于未来发现驱动的药物筛选。

[背景技术]海马是具有高度的可塑性作为整个生命齿状回中正在进行的神经发生的结果,脑的独特区域。成年海马神经发生的这一过程始于在亚颗粒区(SGZ)中神经干细胞(NSC)的不对称分裂,该过程保留了干细胞池并生成了准备用于神经元分化的祖细胞(Kempermann等人,2004;Anacker和Hen ,2017; ...

Generation of Functional Mouse Hippocampal Neurons
[Abstract]  Primary culture of mouse hippocampal neurons is a very useful in vitro model for studying neuronal development, axonal and dendritic morphology, synaptic functions, and many other neuronal features. Here we describe a step-by-step process of generating primary neurons from mouse embryonic hippocampi (E17.5/E18.5). Hippocampal neurons generated with this protocol can be plated in different tissue culture dishes according to different experimental aims and can produce a reliable source of pure and differentiated neurons in less than one week. This protocol covers all the steps necessary for the preparation, culture and characterization of the neuronal culture, including the illustration of dissection instruments, surgical procedure for embryos’ isolation, culturing conditions and ... [摘要]  [摘要] 原代培养小鼠海马神经元是一种非常有用的体外模型用于研究神经元的发育,轴突和树突的形态,突触功能,以及许多其他神经元的特征。这里我们描述了从小鼠胚胎海马(E17.5/E18.5)产生初级神经元的一步一步的过程。根据不同的实验目的,用该方法产生的海马神经元可以在不同的组织培养皿中进行培养,并能在不到一周的时间内产生一个可靠的来源。该方案涵盖了神经元培养物的制备、培养和鉴定的所有必要步骤,包括解剖器械的说明、胚胎分离的手术程序、培养条件以及培养物纯度和分化的评估。通过分析培养6天时的钙显像动力学来评估神经元的活性。

[背景] 海马体是一个非常典型的大脑结构,对重要的大脑功能如记忆、空间导航、情绪记忆和学习至关重要。从解剖学上讲,小鼠海马体有一个清晰的C形结构,很容易定位和分离。在细胞水平上,它主要由锥体细胞组成,与其他脑区相比,中间神经元和胶质细胞较少(Kaech和Banker,2006)。因此,海马体是从野生型或基因工程小鼠模型中产生高纯度原代神经元培养物的理想区域,可用于疾病建模或研究神经元功能的多个方面,如突触传递和电生理特性、对神经毒性的敏感性,分化与衰老(;;;;)。Busche,2018Koyama和Ikegaya,2018Molnar,2011Wu等人,2019Rush等人,2020年

已经制定了许多协议,通过与神经胶质喂食器共同培养神经元来产生皮层和海马神经元(Kaech和Banker,2006),描述了用水凝胶微纤维封装的星形胶质细胞的三维神经元培养系统(Kim等人,2020年),长期向培养基中补充生长因子神经元培养(Ray ...

Mouse Satellite Cell Isolation and Transplantation
[Abstract]  Satellite cell (SC) transplantation represents a powerful strategy to investigate SC biology during muscle regeneration. We described here a protocol for SC isolation from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing mice and their transplantation into murine muscles. This procedure was originally used to assess the effects of the hormone unacylated ghrelin on muscle regeneration, in particular evaluating how the increase of unacylated ghrelin in the recipient muscle affected the engraftment of donor SCs (Reano et al., 2017). [摘要]  卫星细胞(SC)移植代表了肌肉再生期间SC生物学研究的强大策略。 我们在这里描述了从绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)表达的小鼠和他们的小鼠肌肉移植SC分离的协议。 该程序最初用于评估激素非酰化生长素释放肽对肌肉再生的影响,特别是评估受体肌肉中未酰化的生长素释放肽的增加如何影响供体SC的植入(Reano等人,2017年)。


由于移植的成肌细胞可以与宿主成肌细胞融合,因此SC的移植被认为是杜氏肌营养不良症(DMD)的潜在疗法多年的时间,这提示了在缺陷纤维中功能性修复的可能性(Partridge ...
