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Company: Addgene
Catalog#: 12259
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Multiplex T-cell Stimulation Assay Utilizing a T-cell Activation Reporter-based Detection System

Immune tolerance and response are both largely driven by the interactions between the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expressed by antigen presenting cells (APCs), T-cell receptors (TCRs) on T-cells, and their cognate antigens. Disordered interactions cause the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes. Therefore, the identification of antigenic epitopes of autoreactive T-cells leads to important advances in therapeutics and biomarkers. Next-generation sequencing methods allow for the rapid identification of thousands of TCR clonotypes from single T-cells, and thus there is a need to determine cognate antigens for identified TCRs. This protocol describes a reporter system of T-cell activation where the fluorescent reporter protein ZsGreen-1 is driven by nuclear

[摘要]  [摘要] 免疫耐受和应答都很大程度上由抗原呈递细胞(APC)表达的主要组织相容性复合物(MHC),T细胞上的T细胞受体(TCR)及其同源抗原之间的相互作用驱动。相互作用障碍导致自身免疫性疾病(例如1型糖尿病)的发病机理。因此,鉴定自身反应性T细胞的抗原表位导致治疗和生物标志物的重要进展。下一代测序方法可从单个T细胞快速鉴定数千种TCR克隆型,因此需要确定已鉴定TCR的同源抗原。该协议描述了T细胞活化的报告系统,其中荧光报告蛋白ZsGreen-1由活化T细胞的核因子(NFAT)信号驱动并通过流式细胞仪读取。记者T细胞也组成性表达额外的一对荧光素tein作为识别物,允许同时多路复用多达8种不同的报告T细胞系,每种表达不同的目标TCR,可通过流式细胞仪区分。一旦制成TCR表达细胞系,仅需一个转导步骤即可将其无限期用于制备新的T细胞系。这种多路复用系统允许筛选TCR-抗原相互作用的数量,否则这些相互作用将是不切实际的,可在多种情况下使用(即,筛选单个抗原或抗原库),并可用于研究任何T细胞-MHC-抗原三分子相互作用。

[背景] T细胞,抗原呈递细胞(APC)及其同源抗原之间的相互作用是自身免疫性疾病(例如1型糖尿病)的主要事件(Michels等,2017; ...

Direct Reprogramming of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts to Conventional Type 1 Dendritic Cells by Enforced Expression of Transcription Factors
[Abstract]  Ectopic expression of transcription factor combinations has been recently demonstrated to reprogram differentiated somatic cells towards the dendritic cell (DC) lineage without reversion to a multipotent state. DCs have the ability to induce potent and long-lasting adaptive immune responses. In particular, conventional type 1 DCs (cDC1s) excel on antigen cross-presentation, a critical step for inducing CD8+ T cell cytotoxic responses. The rarity of naturally occurring cDC1s and lack of in vitro methodologies for the generation of pure cDC1 populations strongly hinders the study of cDC1 lineage specification and function. Here, we describe a protocol for the generation of induced DCs (iDCs) by lentiviral-mediated expression of the transcription factors PU.1, IRF8 and ... [摘要]  [摘要] 转录因子组合的异位表达最近被证明可以将分化的体细胞重编程为树突状细胞(DC)谱系,而不会回复到多能状态。DC具有诱导有效和持久的适应性免疫应答的能力。在特定的常规类型1的DC(cDC1s)练成抗原交叉呈递,用于诱导CD8的关键步骤+ T细胞的细胞毒性应答。天然存在的cDC1的稀有性和缺乏用于生成纯cDC1群体的体外方法论,严重阻碍了对cDC1谱系规格和功能的研究。在这里,我们描述了用于生成感应DC(iDC)的协议 慢病毒介导的转录因子PU.1,IRF8和BATF3在小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞中的表达。iDC 在9天内获得DC形态,cDC1表型和转录特征。使用此协议生成的iDC 具有对炎症刺激,吞噬死细胞,将抗原加工并交叉呈递给CD8 + T细胞的功能。DC重新编程提供了一个简单易处理的系统,可以生成大量的cDC1类细胞用于高内涵筛选,从而开辟了新途径,可以更好地了解cDC1的规格和功能。将来,在成纤维细胞中忠实诱导cDC1命运可能会导致产生患者特定的疫苗接种DC。

[背景技术树突状细胞(DC)是专业的抗原呈递细胞,专门用于识别,加工和呈递T细胞抗原,在诱导适应性免疫应答和免疫记忆中起关键作用(Me rad 等,2013)。DC可以分为4个主要子集:浆细胞样DC(pDC ),大量1型干扰素的产生者,循环单核细胞衍生的单核细胞衍生DC 和常规DC(cDC ...

HIV-CRISPR: A CRISPR/Cas9 Screening Method to Identify Genes Affecting HIV Replication
[Abstract]  Screening with CRISPR/Cas9 technology has already led to significant discoveries in the fields of cancer biology, cell biology and virology. Because of the relatively low false discovery rates and the ability to perform high-throughput, pooled approaches, it has rapidly become the assay of choice for screening studies, including whole-genome screens. Here, we describe a CRISPR screening protocol that allows for efficient screening of the entire life cycle of HIV-1 through packaging of the HIV-CRISPR lentiviral genomes by infecting HIV-1 virus in trans. [摘要]  [摘要 ] CRISPR / Cas9技术的筛选已经在癌症生物学,细胞生物学和病毒学领域引起了重大发现。由于相对较低的错误发现率和执行高通量,合并方法的能力,它发展迅速。成为筛选研究(包括全基因组筛选)的首选检测方法。在此,我们描述了一种CRISPR筛选方案,该方案可通过感染HIV-CRISPR慢病毒基因组来包装,从而有效筛选HIV-1的整个生命周期。病毒1 在 跨。

[背景] 遗传筛选是鉴定影响包括人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)在内的病毒复制的新基因的有力工具。鉴定对HIV感染重要的宿主基因有助于增强对HIV复制,进化,传播和发病机制的认识,这是关键利益所在。特别是在过去十年中,通常是干扰素(IFN)刺激基因(ISG)的HIV限制因子的发现已成为逆转录病毒学领域的关键发展。限制因子已集中在过度表达筛选上,以鉴定作用广泛的抗病毒ISG (Schoggins 等,2011)或专门针对HIV的因子(Kane 等,2016)。通过转染对HIV限制因子进行了全基因组筛选siRNA的池池在靶细胞(刘等人,2011年)。然而,这些方法缺乏稳健性,Versa的钛Lity,和高通量方面 因此,我们使用CRISPR / Cas9技术开发了一种创新的ap 方法,并依靠HIV交叉包装通过CRISPR / Cas9文库转导的细胞中表达的慢病毒基因组的能力(OhAinle ...
