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Company: Addgene
Catalog#: 8454
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Evaluation of the Efficiency of Genome Editing Tools by a Frameshift Fluorescence Protein Reporter
[Abstract]  In the last decade, genome editing has been the center of attention as a novel tool for mechanistic investigations and for potential clinical applications. Various genome editing tools like meganucleases, zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector-based nucleases (TALEN), and the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated genes (Cas), have been developed in recent years. For the optimal use as well as continued developments of these genome editing tools, the evaluation of their efficiencies and accuracies is vital. Here, we present a protocol for a reporter based on frameshift fluorescence protein which we recently developed to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of genome editing tools. In this method, a ~20 bp target sequence ... [摘要]  [摘要] 在过去的十年中,基因组编辑作为一种机制研究和潜在临床应用的新工具已成为关注的焦点。近年来,已开发出各种基因组编辑工具,例如大范围核酸酶,锌指核酸酶(ZFN),转录激活子样基于效应子的核酸酶(TALEN)以及成簇的规则间隔的短回文重复序列(CRISPR)相关基因(Cas)。 。对于这些基因组编辑工具的最佳使用和持续发展,评估其效率和准确性至关重要。在这里,我们介绍了一种基于移码荧光蛋白的报告子方案,我们最近开发了该方案以评估效率和 基因组编辑工具的实用性。在这种方法中,在天蓝色荧光蛋白(CFP)的起始密码子后插入一个约20 bp的包含移码的靶序列,以使其荧光失活,并且只有新的插入/缺失事件会重新激活CFP 荧光。 。为了增加可追溯性,将内部核糖体进入位点和红色荧光蛋白mCherryFP 放置在报告子的下游。由in / del介导的荧光恢复产生的CFP阳性细胞的百分比可以通过荧光测量装置定量,作为基因组编辑频率的读数。作为演示,我们在这里介绍CRISPR-Cas9技术的使用以及流式细胞仪作为荧光变化的读数。

[背景] 基因组编辑工具对于生物学机制的研究以及遗传疾病的预防和/或治疗非常重要(Maeder和Gersbach,2016)。在最近的几十年中,引入了几种基因组编辑工具,包括大范围核酸酶(Epinat 等,2003),锌指核酸酶(ZFN)(Kim ...

Generation of Luciferase-expressing Tumor Cell Lines
[Abstract]  Murine tumor models have been critical to advances in our knowledge of tumor physiology and for the development of effective tumor therapies. Essential to these studies is the ability to both track tumor development and quantify tumor burden in vivo. For this purpose, the introduction of genes that confer tumors with bioluminescent properties has been a critical advance for oncologic studies in rodents. Methods of introducing bioluminescent genes, such as firefly luciferase, by viral transduction has allowed for the production of tumor cell lines that can be followed in vivo longitudinally over long periods of time. Here we describe methods for the production of stable luciferase expressing tumor cell lines by lentiviral transduction. [摘要]  鼠肿瘤模型对于我们对肿瘤生理学知识和有效肿瘤治疗方法发展的进展至关重要。 这些研究的关键是能够跟踪肿瘤发展并量化体内肿瘤负荷。 为此,引入赋予肿瘤生物发光特性的基因已经成为啮齿动物肿瘤研究的重要进展。 通过病毒转导引入生物发光基因(例如萤火虫萤光素酶)的方法已经允许产生可以在体内纵向长时间地进行的肿瘤细胞系。 在这里我们描述了通过慢病毒转导产生稳定表达荧光素酶的肿瘤细胞系的方法。

【背景】体内跟踪细胞最重要的是能够通过微创方法从外部检测它们。使用来自萤火虫的荧光素酶(Photinus pyralis )的酶促生物发光是用于体内基于图像的细胞追踪的广泛使用的方法。生物发光已被用于各种体内应用,包括报告基因表达的无创成像(Herschman,2004),研究昼夜节律(Southern and Millar,2005),成像脑卒中(Vandeputte

萤火虫荧光素酶氧化物萤光素在分子氧,镁和三磷酸腺苷存在下在560nm产生黄绿色光(Wilson和Hastings,1998; ...

Generation of a Cellular Reporter for Functional BRD4 Inhibition
[Abstract]  The ubiquitously expressed bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) is an epigenetic reader, which recruits transcriptional regulatory complexes to acetylated chromatin. Because of its role in enhancing proliferation, BRD4 has become a therapeutic target in oncology, as the inhibition of this protein leads to the reduction of the growth of many tumours. Even though BRD4 is more and more studied, its mechanism of action has not been fully described yet. Therefore, we aimed at generating a cellular reporter system to monitor BRD4 inhibition. Such reporter can be potentially used in high throughput chemical and genetic screenings, in order to uncover new possible BRD4 functional pathways. The deeper understanding of the mechanism of action of BRD4 activity will certainly help in developing ... [摘要]  普遍表达的含溴结构域的蛋白质4(BRD4)是表观遗传学读者,其将转录调节复合物募集到乙酰化染色质。 由于其在增强增殖中的作用,BRD4已经成为肿瘤学的治疗靶点,因为抑制这种蛋白质导致许多肿瘤的生长减少。 即使BRD4越来越多的研究,其行动机制尚未得到充分的描述。 因此,我们旨在产生细胞报告系统来监测BRD4抑制。 这种记录可以潜在地用于高通量化学和遗传筛选,以揭示新的可能的BRD4功能途径。 对BRD4活动作用机制的深入了解肯定有助于为所谓的BRD4依赖型癌症开发新的治疗策略。
【背景】表观遗传学领域的研究最近突出了BRD4在癌症进展中的中心作用。 BRD4是BET(溴结构域和终末外结构域)家族(Dey等人,2003; Filippakopoulos等人,2012; Wang)的乙酰赖氨酸阅读器, et al。,2012)能够结合启动子和增强子区域上的乙酰化组蛋白(Dey等人,2003; Filippakopoulos等人,2012; Nagarajan等人,,2014)。这种表观遗传学读者的作用机制在于通过招募几种转录因子,辅因子和RNA聚合酶II(RNApol II)来激活基因启动子和增强子,其导致调节,大部分增强某些靶基因的转录。已经描述了BRD4组蛋白模块发挥调控细胞周期进程的关键作用(Dey等人,2003; Wu和Chiang,2007; Yang等人, ...
