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Epson Perfection V850 Pro Photo Scanner

爱普生Perfection V850 Pro照片扫描仪

Company: Epson America
Catalog#: B11B224201
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Measurement of 33P-PO4 Absorption Capacity and Root-to-leaf Transfer in Arabidopsis
[Abstract]  This method allows quantification of phosphate absorption capacity by Arabidopsis roots using very simple equipment, and can be scaled up or down. [摘要]  该方法允许使用非常简单的设备通过拟南芥根定量磷酸盐吸收能力,并且其可以按比例放大或缩小。

Measurement of 33P-PO4 Absorption Kinetic Constants in Arabidopsis
[Abstract]  Based on the Michaelis-Menten kinetics model (Hofstee, 1952), this method allows calculation of the kinetic parameters (Vmax, Km) of phosphate uptake by Arabidopsis roots. This method is based on the quantification of phosphate uptake by Arabidopsis roots as described in Thibaud and Marin (2016), except that a range of phosphate concentration is applied in the incubation medium.

Plants are grown in high or low Pi giving access to kinetic parameters corresponding to low and high affinity respectively. In high Pi, the high-affinity transporters are not induced giving access to the low-affinity transport only. When plants are grown in low Pi, high affinity transporters are active, and the corresponding kinetic parameters can be measured. ...
[摘要]  基于Michaelis-Menten动力学模型(Hofstee,1952),该方法允许计算磷酸盐吸收的动力学参数(V max,K m) 拟南芥根。 该方法基于如Thibaud和Marin(2016)所述的拟南芥根的磷酸盐摄取的定量,除了在培养基中应用一定范围的磷酸盐浓度。
植物在高或低Pi中生长,提供分别对应于低亲和力和高亲和力的动力学参数。 在高Pi中,高亲和力转运蛋白不被诱导仅获得低亲和力转运。 当植物在低Pi中生长时,高亲和力转运蛋白是活性的,并且可以测量相应的动力学参数。 K m和V max值的计算基于Michaelis-Menten动力学模型。
