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5-ml FalconTM polypropylene round-bottomed tubes

Falcon ® 5mL圆底高清PP试管,带卡口盖

Company: Corning
Catalog#: 352063
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In vitro Co-culture of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Endothelial Colony Forming Cells
[Abstract]  The discovery of endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) with robust self-renewal and de novo vessel formation potentials suggests that ECFCs can be an excellent cell source for cardiovascular diseases treatment through improving neovascularization in the ischemic tissues. However, their engraftment after transplantation resulted to be low. Previous studies showed mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) could improve the survival and capillary formation capacity of ECFCs in co-culture systems. In this article, we describe a protocol for in vitro co-culture of MSCs and ECFCs to prime ECFCs for better engraftment. [摘要]  发现具有强大自我更新和从头血管形成潜力的内皮细胞集落形成细胞(ECFCs)表明,ECFC可以通过改善缺血组织的新生血管形成,成为心血管疾病治疗的优良细胞来源。 然而,移植后的移植导致了低位移植。 以前的研究显示间充质干/基质细胞(MSC)可以改善共培养系统中ECFCs的存活和毛细管形成能力。 在这篇文章中,我们描述了体外协调MSCs和ECFCs共同培养ECFC以实现更好的移植。
【背景】内皮祖细胞(EPC)被定义为能够通过血管发生过程形成新血管的细胞群。 2004年,Ingram等人鉴定了来自人脐带血的称为“内皮细胞集落形成细胞(ECFC)”的离体培养物中的特异性高度增殖的EPC群体Ingram等人,2004),并且这些细胞最近被宣布代表EPCs(Medina等人,2017)。类似的群体也可以从具有等效血管化潜力和临床相关数量的人类胎盘组织中分离(Patel等人,2013; Shafiee等人,2015) )。因此,ECFC移植已被提出作为缺血性疾病如心肌梗塞或关键性腿部缺血的治疗方法。然而,移植后的ECFCs植入物和血管生成潜力被证明是低的(Shafiee等人,2017; ...

Isolation of Mononuclear Cell Populations from Ovarian Carcinoma Ascites
[Abstract]  Ovarian cancer is one of the most fatal tumors in women. Due to a lack of symptoms and adequate screening methods, patients are diagnosed at advanced stages with extensive tumor burden (Jelovac and Armstrong, 2011). Interestingly, ovarian cancer metastasis is generally found within the peritoneal cavity rather than other tissues (Lengyel, 2010; Tan et al., 2006). The reason behind this tissue tropism of the peritoneal cavity remains elusive. A prominent feature of this selectivity is ascites, the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity, containing, amongst others, immune cells, tumor cells and various soluble factors that can be involved in the progression of ovarian cancer (Kipps et al., 2013). The protocol described here is used to isolate mononuclear cells ... [摘要]  卵巢癌是女性最致命的肿瘤之一。由于缺乏症状和适当的筛查方法,患者被诊断为具有广泛肿瘤负担的晚期阶段(Jelovac和Armstrong,2011)。有趣的是,卵巢癌转移通常发生在腹腔内,而不是其他组织(Lengyel,2010; Tan等人,2006)。腹膜腔组织向性背后的原因仍然难以捉摸。这种选择性的一个突出特征是腹水,腹膜内的液体积累,其中包含免疫细胞,肿瘤细胞和可参与卵巢癌进展的各种可溶性因子(Kipps等,。,2013)。这里描述的方案用于从腹水中分离单核细胞以研究腹膜腔内免疫系统的功能。

使用Lymphoprep 的梯度离心是分离外周血单核细胞(PBMC)的标准方案。我们稍微调整了方案,关于样品制备和洗涤步骤的数量,以便从腹水中分离单核细胞。

MHC Class II Tetramer Labeling of Human Primary CD4+ T Cells from HIV Infected Patients
[Abstract]  Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) tetramers have been used for two decades to detect, isolate and characterize T cells specific for various pathogens and tumor antigens. In the context of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, antigen-specific CD8+ T cells have been extensively studied ex vivo, as they can be readily detected by HIV peptide-loaded MHC class I tetramers. In contrast, the detection of HIV-specific CD4+ T cells has proven more challenging, due to the intrinsically lower clonal expansion rates of CD4+ T cells, and to the preferential depletion of HIV-specific CD4+ T cells in the course of HIV infection.

In the following protocol, we describe a simple method that facilitates the identification of CD4+ ...
[摘要]  主要组织相容性复合物(MHC)四聚体已经使用二十年来检测,分离和表征各种病原体和肿瘤抗原特异性的T细胞。在人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染的背景下,抗原特异性CD8 +细胞已经在体外广泛研究,因为它们可以容易地被HIV肽 - 加载MHC I类四聚体。相比之下,HIV特异性CD4 + sup + T细胞的检测已被证明更具挑战性,因为CD4 + sup + T细胞的本质上较低的克隆扩增率以及优先艾滋病毒感染过程中艾滋病毒特异性CD4 + T细胞的消耗。 在以下协议中,我们描述了一种简单的方法,该方法有助于使用肽负载的MHC II类四聚体来鉴定HIV-1衣壳表位特异性的CD4 + / T细胞。可以分析四聚体标记的CD4 T细胞的细胞表面表型和/或FACS分选用于进一步的下游应用。成功检测特异性CD4 + / / T细胞离体的关键是选择导致高亲和力T细胞受体(TCR)的肽/ MHC II组合, (Benati等人,2016)。 MHC II四聚体阳性细胞的可靠检测的第二个关键点是系统地使用负载无关肽的对照四聚体,样品和对照管在相同的条件下进行处理。背景 在用抗PE微珠对四聚体-PE标记的细胞进行磁力富集后,在纯化的CD4 + T细胞中检测到罕见的HIV特异性MHC II四聚体阳性细胞(Seth等人, em>。,2005)。我们发现使用经验证的肽/ MHC ...
