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Microscope and camera


Company: Olympus
Catalog#: CKX41
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A Robust Mammary Organoid System to Model Lactation and Involution-like Processes

The mammary gland is a highly dynamic tissue that changes throughout reproductive life, including growth during puberty and repetitive cycles of pregnancy and involution. Mammary gland tumors represent the most common cancer diagnosed in women worldwide. Studying the regulatory mechanisms of mammary gland development is essential for understanding how dysregulation can lead to breast cancer initiation and progression. Three-dimensional (3D) mammary organoids offer many exciting possibilities for the study of tissue development and breast cancer. In the present protocol derived from Sumbal et al., we describe a straightforward 3D organoid system for the study of lactation and involution ex vivo. We use primary and passaged mouse mammary organoids stimulated with fibroblast growth factor 2

[摘要]乳腺是一种高度动态的组织,在整个生殖生活中都会发生变化,包括青春期的生长以及怀孕和进化的重复周期。乳腺肿瘤诊断代表在世界女性最常见的癌症宽。研究的监管机制乳腺的发育是至关重要的理解荷兰国际集团d如何YS调节可导致乳腺癌的发生和发展。三维(3D)乳腺组织体提供了许多令人激动的可能性的研究的组织发育和乳腺癌。在第E存在衍生自协议Sumbal等人,我们描述一个简单的3D类器官系统的研究的泌乳和复古体外。我们使用成纤维细胞生长因子2 (FGF2)和催乳素刺激的原代和传代小鼠乳腺类器官来模拟小鼠乳腺泌乳和内卷过程的三个周期。这种3D模型类器官代表一个有价值的工具来研究后期产后乳腺的发育和乳腺癌,尤其是产后-相关性乳腺癌。



[背景技术]的Th e是乳腺的主要功能是提供营养吨经由牛奶产量Ò新生儿。牛逼乳腺他的发展是主要发生在出生后,由几个因素,包括激素和生长因子调控的一个高度动态的过程(Brisken和拉贾拉姆,2006;斯特恩利希特,2006年)。在青春期,激素和生长因子调节基本的胚胎导管树的导管形态发生(Brisken and ...

Production and Bioassay of a Diffusible Factor that Induces Gametophyte-to-Sporophyte Developmental Reprogramming in the Brown Alga Ectocarpus
[Abstract]  The brown alga Ectocarpus has a haploid-diploid life cycle that involves alternation between two multicellular generations, the sporophyte and the gametophyte. Life cycle generation is not determined by ploidy but by a genetic system that includes two different three amino acid loop extension homeodomain transcription factors called OUROBOROS and SAMSARA. In addition, sporophytes have been shown to secrete a diffusible factor into the medium that can induce gametophyte initial cells to switch from the gametophyte to the sporophyte developmental program. The protocol presented here describes how to produce sporophyte-conditioned medium containing the diffusible sporophyte-inducing factor and how to assay for activity of the factor using a meio-spore-based bioassay. The protocol, ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 褐藻赤藓皮果的单倍体-二倍体生命周期涉及孢子体和配子体两个多细胞世代之间的交替。生命周期的产生不是由倍性决定的,而是由一个遗传系统决定的,该遗传系统包括两个不同的三个氨基酸环延伸同源域转录因子,称为OUROBOROS和SAMSARA。另外,已经显示孢子体将可扩散因子分泌到培养基中,该因子可诱导配子体初始细胞从配子体转换为孢子体发育程序。该协议呈现这里描述了如何以产生含有扩散孢子体诱导因子孢子体条件培养基,以及如何测定用于使用该因子的活性杜梅尤-spore基于生物测定。该协议描述了如何优化这些程序的几个步骤,将为将来的工作提供有用的工具,旨在表征可扩散因素并研究其作用方式。

[背景 ] 水云是已被采纳为这个组的海藻遗传模型生物体一个小的,丝状褐藻(彼得斯等人,2004; Coelho的等人,2012A) 。褐藻显示出广泛的不同生命周期(Cock 等,201 4 )。腕果具有单倍体-二倍体的生命周期(图1),涉及两个多细胞世代,配子体和孢子体之间的交替(Müller,1967; Bothwell ...

Generating Loss-of-function iPSC Lines with Combined CRISPR Indel Formation and Reprogramming from Human Fibroblasts
[Abstract]  For both disease and basic science research, loss-of-function (LOF) mutations are vitally important. Herein, we provide a simple stream-lined protocol for generating LOF iPSC lines that circumvents the technical challenges of traditional gene-editing and cloning of established iPSC lines by combining the introduction of the CRISPR vector concurrently with episomal reprogramming plasmids into fibroblasts. Our experiments have produced nearly even numbers of all 3 genotypes in autosomal genes. In addition, we provide a detailed approach for maintaining and genotyping 96-well plates of iPSC clones. [摘要]  对于疾病和基础科学研究而言,功能丧失(LOF)突变是非常重要的。 在这里,我们提供了一个简单的流线化协议来产生LOF iPSC系列,通过将CRISPR载体与附加型重编程质粒同时引入成纤维细胞,规避了传统基因编辑和已建立的iPSC系的克隆的技术挑战。 我们的实验已经产生了常染色体基因中所有3种基因型的几乎偶数。 此外,我们提供了一个详细的方法来维护和iPSC克隆的96孔板的基因分型。

【背景】CRISPR / Cas9技术允许简单且特异地针对特定基因组位置进行基因编辑。将该技术与诱导性多能干细胞(iPSC)的疾病建模和再生医学潜力相结合将继续对生物医学研究产生前所未有的影响。然而,使CRISPR / Cas9系统适应iPSC已经提出了几个挑战。在细胞系中进行基因编辑的传统方法是用表达Cas9蛋白质的质粒和指导RNA(gRNA)转染细胞,然后产生单克隆并筛选所需的遗传改变。不幸的是,iPSC不适用于单细胞克隆。已经开发了几种补充媒介和克隆方法来克服这一困难,但仍然充满昂贵的设备(低氧培养箱),困难的技术步骤(FACS分选的单个iPSC的存活)或劳动密集型方案(亚克隆)(Forsyth ,2006; Miyaoka ...
