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Company: BD
Catalog#: 302100
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Trimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (TriFC) Assay for Direct Visualization of RNA-Protein Interaction in planta
[Abstract]  RNA-Protein interactions play important roles in various eukaryotic biological processes. Molecular imaging of subcellular localization of RNA/protein complexes in plants is critical for understanding these interactions. However, methods to image RNA-Protein interactions in living plants have not yet been developed until now. Recently, we have developed a trimolecular fluorescence complementation (TriFC) system for in vivo visualization of RNA-Protein interaction by transient expression in tobacco leaves. In this method, we combined conventional bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) system with MS2 system (phage MS2 coat protein [MCP] and its binding RNA sequence [MS2 sequence]) (Schonberger et al., 2012). Target RNA is tagged with 6xMS2 and MCP and RNA binding ... [摘要]  RNA-蛋白质相互作用在各种真核生物过程中起重要作用。 RNA /蛋白质复合物在植物中亚细胞定位的分子成像对于理解这些相互作用至关重要。然而,到目前为止,尚未开发在活植物中形成RNA-蛋白质相互作用的方法。最近,我们开发了一种三分子荧光互补(TriFC)系统,用于在烟草叶中瞬时表达的RNA-蛋白质相互作用的体内可视化。在这种方法中,我们将传统的双分子荧光互补(BiFC)系统与MS2系统(噬菌体MS2外壳蛋白[MCP]及其结合RNA序列[MS2序列])(Schonberger等人,2012)相结合, 。目标RNA用6xMS2标记,MCP和RNA结合蛋白与YFP片段融合。编码这种融合RNA和蛋白质的DNA构建体用土壤杆菌悬浮液渗入烟草叶中。通过共焦显微镜观察体内的RNA-蛋白质相互作用
【背景】近来,多种类型的长非编码RNA(lncRNA)已经被鉴定并显示出在转录调节和染色质修饰中起重要作用(St Laurent等人,2015)。到目前为止,lncRNA介导的功能的大多数分子机制与RNA-蛋白质相互作用密切相关(St ...

Isolation, Culture, and Staining of Single Myofibers
[Abstract]  Adult skeletal muscle regeneration is orchestrated by a specialized population of adult stem cells called satellite cells, which are localized between the basal lamina and the plasma membrane of myofibers. The process of satellite cell-activation, proliferation, and subsequent differentiation that occurs during muscle regeneration can be recapitulated ex vivo by isolation of single myofibers from skeletal muscles and culturing them under suspension conditions. Here, we describe an improved protocol to evaluate ex vivo satellite cells activation through isolation of single myofibers from extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of mice and culturing and staining of myofiber-associated satellite cells with the markers of self-renewal, proliferation, and differentiation. [摘要]  成年骨骼肌再生由被称为卫星细胞的成人干细胞的专门群体协调,其被定位在基底层和肌纤维的质膜之间。在肌肉再生期间发生的卫星细胞激活,增殖和随后分化的过程可以通过从骨骼肌中分离单个肌纤维并在悬浮条件下培养它们而在体外重现。在这里,我们描述了一种改进的协议,通过从小鼠的伸肌腱长肌(EDL)肌肉中分离单个肌纤维来评价离体细胞的活化,并培养和染色肌纤维相关的卫星细胞的标记物自我更新,增殖和分化。

[背景] 虽然骨骼肌是一种完全分化的有丝分裂后组织,但是它保持了内在的能力,以对遗传和获得性肌肉纤维损伤的形式Grand和Rudnicki,2007)。成年人的肌肉再生由称为卫星细胞的干细胞群体介导,所述细胞位于有丝分裂静止状态的肌纤维的基底层和肌纤维膜之间(Le Grand和Rudnicki,2007)。响应于肌肉创伤,卫星细胞变得活化和增殖以产生与预先存在的纤维融合的成肌细胞,并彼此相互修复或产生新的肌纤维。一小部分卫星细胞不分化,而是重新进入静止以维持干细胞库。所有哺乳动物物种的卫星细胞表达配对盒(Pax)转录因子Pax7,其也用作确定与其他生肌因子如MyoD相关的卫星细胞命运的关键标记(Le Grand和Rudnicki,2007; et al。,2006; Kuang and Rudnicki,2008)。
  可以通过肌纤维外植体的悬浮培养部分地重现关于卫星细胞活化,增殖和分化的肌肉再生的体内过程(Rosenblatt等人,1995; ...

PNGase Sensitivity Assay to Study the Folding Status of Proteins
[Abstract]  This protocol aims to evaluate folding status of proteins, utilizing peptide:N-glycanase (PNGase) sensitivity. In the cytosol, PNGase works as a deglycosylation-enzyme. N-glycans on unfolded/misfolded proteins are more susceptible to PNGase than N-glycans on folded proteins because of the preference of PNGase to non-native proteins. PNGase is endogenously expressed in various cell types, including HCT116 cells, DT40 cells and mouse embryonic fibroblast cells. Partial deglycosylation by PNGase can be detected by faster migration of band in SDS-PAGE. You can compare tightness of the folding among wild-type and mutant proteins of interest. This method can be used with regular molecular and cell biology equipment, but applied only to glycoproteins. [摘要]  该协议旨在评估蛋白质的折叠状态,利用肽:N-聚糖酶(PNGase)灵敏度。 在细胞质中,PNGase作为去糖基化酶。 由于PNG酶对非天然蛋白的偏好,解折叠/错折叠蛋白上的N-聚糖比折叠蛋白上的N-聚糖更易受PNG酶的影响。 PNGase在多种细胞类型中内源表达,包括HCT116细胞,DT40细胞和小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞。 通过PNGase的部分去糖基化可以通过在SDS-PAGE中更快的条带迁移来检测。 您可以比较感兴趣的野生型和突变蛋白之间折叠的紧密度。 该方法可以与常规的分子和细胞生物学设备一起使用,但仅应用于糖蛋白。
