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Curve Dumont #7 Fine Forceps

曲线Dumont#7 Fine Forceps

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 1127420
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Analysis of Enteric Neural Crest Cell Migration Using Heterotopic Grafts of Embryonic Guts
[Abstract]  Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), also named aganglionic megacolon, is a severe congenital malformation characterized by a lack of enteric nervous system (ENS) in the terminal regions of the bowel (Bergeron et al., 2013). As the ENS notably regulates motility in the whole gastrointestinal track, the segment without neurons remains tonically contracted, resulting in functional intestinal obstruction and accumulation of fecal material (megacolon). HSCR occurs when enteric neural progenitors of vagal neural crest origin fail to fully colonize the developing intestines. These “enteric” neural crest cells (ENCCs) have to migrate in a rostro-caudal direction during a fixed temporal window, which is between embryonic day (e) 9.5 and e14.5 in the mouse (Obermayr et al., 2013). ... [摘要]  Hirschsprung病(HSCR),也称为神经节巨结肠,是严重的先天性畸形,其特征在于在肠的末端区域缺乏肠神经系统(ENS)(Bergeron等人,2013)。由于ENS特别调节整个胃肠道的运动性,没有神经元的节段保持紧张收缩,导致功能性肠梗阻和粪便材料(巨结肠)的积累。 HSCR发生在迷走神经嵴来源的肠神经祖细胞不能完全殖民发育的肠道。这些"肠"神经嵴细胞(ENCC)必须在固定的时间窗口内沿着尾 - 尾方向迁移,其在小鼠的胚胎天(e)9.5和e14.5之间(Obermayr等, ,2013)。最近,我们的小组产生了称为荷斯坦的新的HSCR小鼠模型,其中ENCC的迁移受损,因为它们的微环境中胶原VI水平增加(Soret等人,2015)。在这里,我们描述了允许我们演示这种迁移缺陷的细胞自主性的方法。在从先前描述的异位移植方法改造的该系统中(Breau等人,2006),供体组织是e12.5中肠的完全定殖的区段,而宿主组织是e12的非耳部分.5后肠。在宿主组织中ENCC迁移的程度在培养24小时后评估,并且当供体组织具有转基因背景例如允许内源标记的Gata4-RFP(Pilon等人,2008)时极大地促进ENCC在宿主组织中的迁移的程度的ENCCs。根据供体和宿主组织的遗传背景,这种方法可以允许评估细胞自主和非细胞自主缺陷的ENCC迁移。

Mouse Retinal Whole Mounts and Quantification of Vasculature Protocol
[Abstract]  Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from a pre-existing vascular bed. It is a multi-step process beginning with enzymatic degradation of the capillary basement membrane, followed by endothelial cell (EC) proliferation, migration, tube formation, assembly of a new basement membrane, and pericyte stabilization. Aberrant angiogenesis plays a major role in the pathogenesis of many diseases. The regulation of this complex process is an important therapeutic target. Success in this pursuit, however, requires the development of in vivo angiogenesis models that provide a reliable and facile platform for mechanistic studies of angiogenic regulation as well as drug development and testing (Carmeliet and Jain, 2011).

Postnatal development of mouse retinal ...
[摘要]  血管生成是从预先存在的血管床形成新的血管。它是一个多步骤的过程,从毛细血管基底膜的酶降解开始,然后是内皮细胞(EC)增殖,迁移,管形成,新基底膜的装配和周细胞稳定。异常血管生成在许多疾病的发病机理中起重要作用。这种复杂过程的调节是重要的治疗靶标。然而,这种追求的成功需要开发在体内血管生成模型,其为血管生成调节以及药物开发和测试的机械研究提供可靠和容易的平台(Carmeliet和Jain,2011)。
小鼠视网膜血管系统的产后发育提供了一种独特且强大的体内血管生成模型,因为与其他物种不同,小鼠在出生后经历其视网膜血管的广泛的血管生成依赖性成熟。因此,该模型对于胚胎血管形成的机械研究也是非常有用的(Stahl等人,2010; Adini等人,2003)。
