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Company: Bio-Rad Laboratories
Catalog#: 1645052
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Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Exosomes from Fibroblast Cultures of Skeletal Muscle
[Abstract]  Exosomes are dynamic nanovesicles secreted by virtually all cells and are present in all biological fluids. Given their highly heterogeneous content exosomes have been implicated in many physiological and pathological processes that they exert by influencing cell-cell and cell-ECM communication. In recent years an increasing number of methods have been established for the purification and characterization of exosomes. These include ultracentrifugation, ultrafiltration, size exclusion chromatography, immune capture and precipitation using a proprietary polymer. Here, we provide a protocol based on differential ultracentrifugation and sucrose density gradients tailored for the isolation of crude and ultra-pure exosomes from primary fibroblast cultures derived from adult mouse skeletal ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 外来体是几乎所有细胞分泌的动态纳米囊泡,并存在于所有生物体液中。鉴于它们的异质含量很高,外泌体已牵涉到它们通过影响细胞-细胞和细胞-ECM通讯而发挥的许多生理和病理过程。近年来,已经建立了越来越多的方法外泌体的纯化和表征。其中包括超速离心,超滤,尺寸排阻色谱,免疫捕获和使用专有聚合物的沉淀。在这里,我们提供了基于差分超速离心和蔗糖密度梯度的协议,该协议专门用于从成年小鼠骨骼肌衍生的原代成纤维细胞培养物中分离粗制和超纯外泌体。可以对该协议进行修改和修改,以从各种组织和体液中分离和表征外泌体。

背景 ] ë xosomes是单膜,异质纳米囊泡直径范围从30至150nm,secre 由所有细胞和存在于几乎所有的体液泰德。外泌体中存在的可溶性和膜大分子,mRNA,microRNA的光谱取决于代谢状态以及分泌这些纳米囊泡的细胞的发育起源。由于它们的货物组成,外泌体可以启动接收细胞中的信号传导途径,并参与了发育,免疫和正常组织生理的维持。在神经退行性疾病,纤维化和癌症等疾病条件下,它们被证明可以触发和传播病理刺激(Rackov 等,2018; Gurunathan 等,2019; van de Vlekkert 等,2019)。在这里,我们描述了从成年小鼠腓肠肌(GA)肌肉建立的成纤维细胞培养物中纯化外泌体的方案(van de Vlekkert ...

Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Activity Assay in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
[Abstract]  Superoxide dismutases (SODs) act as a primary defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS) by converting superoxide anion radicals (O2-) into molecular oxygen (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Members of this enzyme family include CuZnSODs, MnSODs, FeSODs, and NiSODs, depending on the nature of the cofactor that is required for proper activity. Most eukaryotes, including yeast, possess CuZnSOD and MnSOD. This protocol aims at assessing the activity of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae MnSOD Sod2p from cellular extracts using nitroblue tetrazolium staining. This method can be used to estimate the cellular bioavailability of Mn2+ as well as to evaluate the redox state of the cell. [摘要]  [摘要 ] 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD能)充当主防御针对反应性氧物质(ROS)通过转换的超氧阴离子自由基(O 2 - )为分子氧(O 2 )和过氧化氢(H 2 ? 2 )。这种酶的家庭成员包括CuZnSODs ,MnSODs ,FeSODs 和NiSODs ,这取决于是需要适当的活动辅助因子的性质。大多数真核生物,包括酵母,都具有CuZnSOD 和MnSOD 。该协议旨在评估酵母的活性 使用硝基蓝四唑染色法从细胞提取物中提取酿酒酵母MnSOD Sod2p 。该方法可用于估计Mn 2+ 的细胞生物利用度以及评估细胞的氧化还原状态。

[背景 ] 的SODs被定义为减少正常有氧代谢为氧气和过氧化氢期间形成的氧的有害自由基含金属的抗氧化剂酶。:这些酶是基于需要作为辅因子进行适当的酶活性的金属分类CuZnSODs ,MnSODs ,FeSODs ,和NiSODs 。在酿酒酵母中,有两个S OD :CuZn-Sod1p和Mn-Sod2p(Abreu和Cabelli ...

Assay to Measure Interactions between Purified Drp1 and Synthetic Liposomes
[Abstract]  A mitochondrion is a dynamic intracellular organelle that actively divides and fuses to control its size, number and shape in cells. A regulated balance between mitochondrial division and fusion is fundamental to the function, distribution and turnover of mitochondria (Roy et al., 2015). Mitochondrial division is mediated by dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1), a mechano-chemical GTPase that constricts mitochondrial membranes (Tamura et al., 2011). Mitochondrial membrane lipids such as phosphatidic acid and cardiolipin bind Drp1, and Drp1-phospholipid interactions provide key regulatory mechanisms for mitochondrial division (Montessuit et al., 2010; Bustillo-Zabalbeitia et al., 2014; Macdonald et al., 2014; Stepanyants et al., 2015; ... [摘要]  线粒体是一种动态的细胞内细胞器,主动分裂和融合以控制细胞的大小,数量和形状。线粒体分裂和融合之间的调节平衡是线粒体功能,分布和周转的基础(Roy等,2015)。线粒体分化是由动力蛋白相关蛋白1(Drp1)介导的,其是限制线粒体膜的机械化学GTP酶(Tamura等人,2011)。线粒体膜脂质如磷脂酸和心磷脂结合Drp1,并且Drp1磷脂相互作用提供线粒体分裂的关键调控机制(Montessuit等人,2010; Bustillo-Zabalbeitia等人2014年; Macdonald等人,2014年; Stepanyants等人,2015; Adachi等人,2016)。在这里,我们描述了使用纯化的重组Drp1和具有定义的一组磷脂的合成脂质体定量测量Drp1与脂质的相互作用的生物化学实验。该测定使得可以定义蛋白质 - 脂质相互作用的特异性以及头基和酰基链的作用。

背景 蛋白质和膜脂质的相互作用对于细胞如细胞器分裂中生物膜的重塑至关重要。在线粒体分裂中,Drp1限制线粒体膜并驱动该膜重塑过程。我们最近显示,信号磷脂,磷脂酸与Drp1相互作用,并通过限制线粒体上的组装分裂机制(Adachi等人,2016)产生启动步骤。 Drp1识别磷脂酸的头基和酰基链。为了分析Drp1-磷脂酸结合,我们建立了几种蛋白质 - ...
