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0.10 mm Austerlitz insect pins, stainless steel


Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 26002-10
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FM1-43 Photoconversion and Electron Microscopy Analysis at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
[Abstract]  We developed a protocol for photoconversion of endocytic marker FM1-43 followed by electron microscopy analysis of synaptic boutons at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. This protocol allows detection of stained synaptic vesicle even when release rates are very low, such as during the spontaneous release mode. The preparations are loaded with the FM1-43 dye, pre-fixed, treated and illuminated to photoconvert the dye, and then processed for conventional electron microscopy. This procedure enables clear identification of stained synaptic vesicles at electron micrographs. [摘要]  我们开发了内吞标记FM1-43的光转换方案,然后在果蝇神经肌肉接头处进行突触引物的电子显微镜分析。 即使在释放速率非常低时,例如在自发释放模式期间,该方案允许检测染色的突触小泡。 该制剂装载有FM1-43染料,经预先固定,处理和照射,以使染料转变为染料,然后进行常规电子显微镜处理。 该方法能够在电子显微照片下清楚鉴定染色的突触小泡。
【背景】神经元发射体通过突触小泡与神经元质膜的融合而释放。囊泡可以自发融合或响应动作电位。随后,囊泡通过内吞作用获得回收。通过分子生物学,电生理学和显微镜的工具广泛研究了突触小泡回收的分子机制(Slepnev和De Camilli,2000; Sudhof,2004; Rizzoli和Betz,2005; Kavalali,2006)。加载内参标记FM1-43与染料光转换耦合,然后进行电子显微镜分析是一种强大的技术,允许调查和测量回收囊泡池(Harata et al。,2001; Schikorski and Stevens,2001; Rizzoli和Betz, 2004)。果蝇神经肌肉接头(NMJ)是具有明确定义的突触引物的有利制剂,其能够快速产生具有突变突触蛋白的细胞系和严格评估囊泡回收池(Akbergenova和Bykhovskaia,2009; ...

Ciberial Muscle 9 (CM9) Electrophysiological Recordings in Adult Drosophila melanogaster
[Abstract]  The complexity surrounding presynaptic recordings in mammals is a significant barrier to the study of presynaptic mechanisms during neurotransmission in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). Here we describe an adult fly neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the ciberial muscle 9 (CM9) NMJ, which allows for the recording of both evoked (EPSPs) and spontaneous postsynaptic excitatory potentials (mEPSPs) at a mature glutamatergic synapse. Combined with CM9-specific genetic technologies, the CM9 NMJ provides a powerful experimental system to better understand the regulation of neurotransmitter release at a mature synapse. [摘要]  围绕哺乳动物突触前记录的复杂性是哺乳动物中枢神经系统(CNS)神经传递过程中突触前机制研究的重要障碍。 在这里,我们描述成人飞行神经肌肉接头(NMJ),西伯利亚肌肉9(CM9)NMJ,其允许记录诱发(EPSP)和自发性突触后兴奋性潜力(mEPSPs)在成熟的谷氨酸能突触。 结合CM9特异性遗传技术,CM9 NMJ提供了一个强大的实验系统,以更好地了解成熟突触神经递质释放的调节。
【背景】在老化过程中定义突触前功能变化的重要障碍是由于缺乏一个简单的模型系统,用于执行必要的电生理记录,以彻底地表征神经递质从突触前神经末梢的释放。现有的啮齿动物模型遭受与衰老研究相关的显着成本问题和在具有一致释放参数的单个定义的神经末梢上使用电生理记录的技术难度。为了克服这些障碍,我们在成年果蝇中开创了一种模型突触系统,用于分析年龄对神经传递过程中突触前功能的影响,CM9 NMJ位于飞翔的长鼻(Rawson等) ,2012; Mahoney等人,2014; Mahoney等人,2016)(图4A)。简而言之,CM9运动神经元(MN)的突触前心轴收敛于CM9肌肉的15个肌肉纤维,以形成35个独立的神经支配(Rawson等人,2012)。已显示CM9 MN对于CM9肌肉的收缩是必需的,并且是CM9肌肉的谷氨酸能输入的唯一来源(Kimura等人,1986; ...

Live Imaging of Myogenesis in Indirect Flight Muscles in Drosophila
[Abstract]  The indirect flight muscles (IFMs) are the largest muscles in the fly, making up the bulk of the adult thorax. IFMs in Drosophila are generated during pupariation by fusion of hundreds of muscle precursor cells (myoblasts) with larval muscle templates (myotubes). Prominent features, including the large number of fusion events, the structural similarity to vertebrate muscles, and the amenability to the powerful genetic techniques of the Drosophila system make the IFMs an attractive system to study muscle cell fusion. Here we describe methods for live imaging of IFMs, both in intact pupae, and in isolated IFMs ex-vivo. The protocols elaborated upon here were used in the manuscript by (Segal et al., 2016). [摘要]  间接飞行肌肉(IFM)是飞行中最大的肌肉,构成成年胸部的大部分。 通过将数百种肌肉前体细胞(成肌细胞)与幼虫肌肉模板(肌管)融合,在果蝇中产生IFMs 。 突出的特征,包括大量的融合事件,与脊椎动物肌肉的结构相似性,以及对果蝇系统强大的遗传技术的适应性使得IFM成为研究肌肉细胞融合的有吸引力的系统。 在这里,我们描述了在完整的蛹中和在离体的独立的IFM中实时成像IFM的方法。 (Segal等人,2016年)在手稿中使用了这里阐述的方案。
【背景】胚胎肌肉长期以来一直是肌肉发育研究的建立模型系统(Volk,1999; Chen和Olson,2004; Abmayr等人,2008; Richardson pup biological(Dutta,2006; Oas等人,2014; Weitkunat等人,2014; Shwartz等人,2016) ...
