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Company: Duchefa Biochemie
Catalog#: S0809
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Ensifer-mediated Arabidopsis thaliana Root Transformation (E-ART): A Protocol to Analyse the Factors that Support Ensifer-mediated Transformation (EMT) of Plant Cells
[Abstract]  Ensifer adhaerens OV14, a soil borne alpha-proteobacteria of the Rhizobiaceae family, fortifies the novel plant transformation technology platform termed ‘Ensifer-mediated transformation’ (EMT). EMT can stably transform both monocot and dicot species, and the host range of EMT is continuously expanding across a diverse range of crop species. In this protocol, we adapted a previously published account that describes the use of Arabidopsis thaliana roots to investigate the interaction of A. thaliana and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. In our laboratory, we routinely use A. thaliana root explants to examine the factors that enhance the utility of EMT. In addition, the E-ART protocol can be used to study the transcriptional response of E. ... [摘要]  OV14;土壤传播的根瘤菌科的α-变形细菌强化了新型植物转化技术平台,称为“插入式”介导的转化(EMT)。 EMT可以稳定地转化单子叶植物和双子叶植物,并且EMT的宿主范围在不同范围的作物种类上不断扩大。在这个协议中,我们调整了一个以前发布的帐户,描述了使用拟南芥根系来研究 A的相互作用。 thaliana 和根癌土壤杆菌。在我们的实验室,我们通常使用 A。 thaliana 根外植体,以检查增强EMT效用的因素。此外,E-ART协议可用于研究E的转录反应。接种外植体组织后的寄主植物,宿主植物,不同的引物菌株/突变体的可变性以及测试A的易感性。作为破译支持EMT的机制的手段。【背景】推进“Ensifer”介导的转化(EMT)技术以成功地转化双子叶菊,即拟南芥,马铃薯Solanum tuberosum ,Nicotiana tabacum ,Manihot esculenta ,欧洲油菜和单子叶植物;之前曾报道过(Wendt等人,2012; Zuniga-Soto等人),2015; Chavarriaga-Aguirre et al。,2016; Rathore等人,2016)。另外,E的基因组分析。 (2014)发现,该细菌具有7.7Mb的基因组,其包含两条环状染色体(3.96Mb和2.01Mb)和两条质粒(1.61Mb和125Kb) )。 ...

Isolation of Outer Membrane Vesicles from Phytopathogenic Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
[Abstract]  Gram-negative bacteria naturally release outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) to the surrounding environment. OMVs contribute to multiple processes, such as cell-cell communication, delivery of enzymes and toxins, resistance to environmental stresses and pathogenesis. Little is known about OMVs produced by plant-pathogenic bacteria, and their interactions with host plants. The protocol described below discusses the isolation process of OMVs from Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris strain 33913, a bacterial pathogen of Crucifiers. Nevertheless, this protocol can be used and/or adapted for isolation of OMVs from other phytopathogenic bacteria to promote the study of OMVs in the context of plant-microbe interactions. [摘要]  革兰氏阴性细菌自然释放外膜囊泡(OMVs)到周围环境。 OMV有助于多个过程,如细胞通讯,酶和毒素的传递,对环境的压力和发病机制的抵抗。对植物病原菌产生的OMV及其与宿主植物的相互作用知之甚少。下面描述的协议讨论了野生黄单胞菌(Manthomonas campestris)的OMV的隔离过程。菌种33913(一种Crucizer的细菌病原体)。然而,该方案可以用于和/或适于将OMV与其他植物病原细菌分离,以促进在植物 - 微生物相互作用的背景下对OMV的研究。

背景 细胞外泡(EV)释放是许多生物从生命各个领域共享的过程。在革兰氏阴性细菌中,大多数EV是外膜起泡的结果,最终夹住细菌细胞壁,因此被称为外膜囊泡(OMV)。 OMV的研究重点是OMV生物发生,货物,功能和与宿主生物的相互作用。迄今为止,大多数关于OMV的研究集中在人类和环境细菌的细菌病原体上,然而对植物病原菌的OMV研究很少。这里描述的协议是由Chutkan等人描述的方案改编的。 (2013)稍作修改,并在此介绍植物病原体X。 campestris pv。 campestris 。为了我们的理解,这是第一个完全详细的OMV与植物生长细菌分离的方案,我们希望它可以作为对这一主题感兴趣的其他研究组的指​​导性协议。

Development and Implementation of an in vitro Culture System for Intact Detached Grape Berries
[Abstract]  Grape composition depends on the metabolites accumulated and synthesized during grape development. It is of paramount importance for grape growers because of its major role in shaping wine quality. Therefore, understanding the regulation mechanisms that control the accumulation of quality-related metabolites in grape is of both scientific and agronomical interests. The composition of grape berry at harvest is under complex regulation and can be affected by many factors (Conde et al., 2007). The study of the effects of these factors on berries still attached to intact plants can be highly challenging because of the large size of the plants, interplant, intercluster and interberry variability; and because it is complicated to precisely control the nutrients and hormones imported by ... [摘要]  葡萄组成取决于葡萄发育过程中积累和合成的代谢物。这对于葡萄种植者是至关重要的,因为它在塑造葡萄酒品质方面起着重要作用。因此,理解控制质量相关代谢物在葡萄中的积累的调节机制具有科学和农业利益。收获时葡萄浆的组成受到复杂调节,并且可能受到许多因素的影响(Conde等人,2007)。这些因素对仍然附着于完整植物的浆果的影响的研究可能是高度挑战性的,因为植物的大尺寸,植物间,群集间和互花间变异性;并且因为精确地控制由浆果和环境进入的营养物和激素是复杂的。因此,体外培养的葡萄浆果是一种良好的模型系统,其比葡萄细胞悬浮液更好地代表浆果解剖结构(皮肤和肉),并且与整株植物相比大大降低了系统复杂性(Bravdo et al。,1990;Pérezet al。,2000; Gambetta et al。,2010)。为此,通过将温室果枝切割生产和体外器官培养技术相结合,开发了完整脱离的葡萄浆果的体外培养系统(Dai等人al。,2014)。培养的浆果能够积极地吸收和利用来自培养基的碳和氮,并且表现出果实成熟特征,例如变色和软化。这种体外系统可用于研究浆果组合物对环境和营养因素的响应。
