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Centrifuge 5810 R

离心机5810/5810 R

Company: Eppendorf
Catalog#: 5810/5810 R
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High Dimensional Functionomic Analysis of Human Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells at a Single Cell Level
[Abstract]  The ability to conduct investigation of cellular transcription, signaling, and function at the single-cell level has opened opportunities to examine heterogeneous populations at unprecedented resolutions. Although methods have been developed to evaluate high-dimensional transcriptomic and proteomic data (relating to cellular mRNA and protein), there has not been a method to evaluate corresponding high-dimensional functionomic data (relating to cellular functions) from single cells. Here, we present a protocol to quantitatively measure the differentiation potentials of single human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, and then cluster the cells according to these measurements. High dimensional functionomic analysis of cell potential allows cell function to be linked to molecular ... [摘要]  在单细胞水平进行细胞转录,信号传导和功能调查的能力为以前所未有的决议研究异质人群开启了机会。 尽管已经开发了评估高维转录组学和蛋白质组学数据(与细胞mRNA和蛋白质有关)的方法,但尚未有方法从单个细胞评估相应的高维功能组学数据(与细胞功能有关)。 在这里,我们提出了一种方案来定量测量单个人造血干细胞和祖细胞的分化潜能,然后根据这些测量结果聚集细胞。 细胞电位的高维功能组分析允许细胞功能与相同祖细胞群体内的分子机制相关联。

【背景】单细胞水平的细胞转录,信号传导和功能单细胞测量技术的发展,以及流式细胞仪等先前存在的技术的发展,使得新镜头能够检测复杂的异质群体。这些方法产生大量数据,这可以借助于降维算法来解释,如使用Mpath,Monocole,PCA,Wishbone或扩散图算法在单细胞RNA-Seq上所示的(Paul等, 2016年;参见 et al。,2017),以及使用tSNE或PhenoGraph的CyTOF(Amir et al。,2013; Levine et al 。,2015)。

我们开发了这个协议,以允许在单细胞环境中对造血祖细胞的大规模培养物进行功能分析和随后的降维。在这个协议中,我们描述了在细胞因子的基质细胞培养物中培养人CD34 ...

Conditional Knockdown of Proteins Using Auxin-inducible Degron (AID) Fusions in Toxoplasma gondii
[Abstract]  Toxoplasma gondii is a member of the deadly phylum of protozoan parasites called Apicomplexa. As a model apicomplexan, there is a great wealth of information regarding T. gondii’s 8,000+ protein coding genes including sequence variation, expression, and relative contribution to parasite fitness. However, new tools are needed to functionally investigate hundreds of putative essential protein coding genes. Accordingly, we recently implemented the auxin-inducible degron (AID) system for studying essential proteins in T. gondii. Here we provide a step-by-step protocol for examining protein function in T. gondii using the AID system in a tissue culture setting. [摘要]  弓形虫是原生动物寄生虫称为Apicomplexa致命门的一员。 作为一个复杂的模型,关于T的信息有很多。 gondii的8,000多种蛋白质编码基因,包括序列变异,表达和对寄生虫适应的相对贡献。 然而,需要新的工具来功能性地调查数百个推定的必需蛋白质编码基因。 因此,我们最近实施了生长素诱导降解(AID)系统来研究T中的基本蛋白质。弓形虫。 在这里,我们提供了一个检查蛋白质功能的一步一步的协议。 在组织培养环境中使用AID系统。

【背景】生长素是一类通过靶向某些蛋白质在植物中进行蛋白酶体降解而发出信号的植物激素(Teale等人,2006)。 Kohei Nishimura等人具有将该植物特异性信号传导系统的组分转移到其他真核生物中用于有兴趣的蛋白质(POI)的条件调节,创建生长素诱导降解(AID)系统的聪明想法(Nishimura等人,2009)。这个系统已经被成功地用于几种真核生物,包括疟原虫疟原虫(Kreidenweiss et al。,2013; Philip和Waters,2015)。只需要两个转基因成分来实现这个系统,称为转运抑制剂反应1(TIR1)的植物生长素受体和用AID标记的POI。用生长素(例如,3-吲哚乙酸/ IAA)处理活化SCF ...

Isolation and Establishment of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Wharton’s Jelly of Human Umbilical Cord
[Abstract]  Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are currently considered as ‘medicinal signaling cells’ and a promising resource in regard to cell-based regenerative therapy. Umbilical cord is a human term perinatal tissue which is easily attainable, and a promising source of stem cells with no associated ethical concerns. MSCs have been isolated from different regions of the umbilical cord and Wharton’s jelly (WJ) is the gelatinous matrix that surrounds and provides protection to the umbilical cord blood vessels. Being more primitive, MSCs from human umbilical cord exhibit greater proliferative capacity and immunosuppressive ability as compared to adult stem cells which gives them a therapeutic advantage. To meet the requirements for cell therapy, it is important to generate MSCs at a clinical scale by ... [摘要]  间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)目前被认为是“医药信号传导细胞”,在基于细胞的再生治疗方面是一种很有前景的资源。脐带是人类的围产期组织,很容易实现,是一种有前途的干细胞来源,没有相关的伦理问题。 MSC已经从脐带的不同区域分离出来,而Wharton's果冻(WJ)是包围并提供对脐带血管的保护的凝胶状基质。更原始的是,与成人干细胞相比,来自人脐带的MSC表现出更大的增殖能力和免疫抑制能力,这使其具有治疗优势。为了满足细胞疗法的要求,通过遵循不耗时或劳动强度的步骤来产生临床规模的MSC是重要的。在此我们提出了一种简单,高效的方法,通过外植体培养方法从人脐带WJ中分离出MSC,这种方法具有重现性和成本效益。

【背景】间充质干细胞(MSC)具有显着的临床潜力来治疗各种衰弱性疾病,主要是由于其独特的免疫调节作用和再生能力(Caplan and Sorrell,2015)。它们存在于许多组织中(Hass et al。,2011),并被观察到是血管周围的体内(Caplan和Correa,2011)。来源或来源本身的小生境可能导致各种MSC类型之间的重要功能差异(Kwon等人,2016年)。虽然骨髓是研究得最充分和最好的MSCs来源,但也有一定的局限性(Liu et al。,2016)。 ...
