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MF-Millipore Membrane Filter, mixed cellulose esters


Company: EMD Millipore
Catalog#: HAWP04700
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Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Cyanobacteria Using the Oxidant-sensing Probe 2’,7’-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein Diacetate (DCFH-DA)
[Abstract]  Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are cell signaling molecules synthesized inside the cells as a response to routine metabolic processes. In stress conditions such as ultraviolet radiation (UVR), ROS concentration increases several folds in the cells that become toxic for the cell survival. Here we present the method for in vivo detection of ROS by using an oxidant-sensing probe 2’,7’-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) in cyanobacteria. This method provides reliable, simple, rapid and cost effective means for detection of ROS in cyanobacteria. [摘要]  活性氧(ROS)是细胞内合成的细胞信号分子,作为对常规代谢过程的反应。 在紫外线照射(UVR)等应激条件下,ROS浓度在细胞中增加数倍,对细胞存活有毒性。 在这里,我们介绍了通过使用蓝细菌中的氧化剂感测探针2',7'-二氯二氢荧光素二乙酸酯(DCFH-DA)来体内检测ROS的方法。 该方法提供可靠,简单,快速和成本有效的检测蓝细菌中的ROS的方法。
【背景】蓝藻是最古老的含氧光合自养体;它们在水生和陆地生态系统的生物量生产中发挥重要作用,并作为各种增值产品的来源(Vaishampayan等,2001;Häderet al。,2007; Fischer,2008)。近年来,臭氧层的消耗导致太阳紫外线辐射(UVR)涌入增加,这对所有存在于地球上的生物(包括蓝细菌)都是有害的(Holzinger和Lutz,2006)。 UVR通过作用于DNA /蛋白质或间接通过活性氧(ROS)的氧化损伤直接伤害蓝细菌(He和Häder,2002)。在植物,藻类和哺乳动物细胞中,已经使用各种荧光和化学发光方法检测ROS(Crow,1997; He和Häder,2002; Soh,2006; Wu et al。,2007; Palomero et al。,2008)。
  2',7'-二氯二氟荧光素二乙酸酯(DCFH-DA)是一种非荧光,细胞可渗透的染料,其在细胞酯酶的作用下在细胞内水解成其极性但非荧光形式的DCFH,因此保留在细胞中。通过细胞内ROS和其他过氧化物的作用氧化DCFH使分子变成其可通过各种荧光方法检测的2',7'-二氯荧光素(DCF)的高度荧光形式(He和Häder,2002; ...

Separation and Purification of Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) from Caenorhabditis elegans
[Abstract]  The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a popular model organism for studies of developmental biology, neurology, ageing and other fields of basic research. Because many developmental processes are regulated by glycosaminoglyans (GAGs) on cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix, methods to isolate and analyze C. elegans GAGs are needed. Such methods have previously been optimized for other species such as mice and zebrafish. After modifying existing purification protocols, we could recently show that the nematodes also produce chondroitin sulfate, in addition to heparan sulfate, thus challenging the view that only non-sulfated chondroitin was synthesized by C. elegans. We here present our protocol adapted for C. elegans. Since the purification ... [摘要]  线虫秀丽隐杆线虫是研究发育生物学,神经学,衰老等基础研究领域的流行模型生物。 因为许多发育过程由细胞表面和细胞外基质中的糖胺聚糖(GAG)调节,分离和分析C的方法。 线虫需要GAG。 此类方法先前已针对其他物种如小鼠和斑马鱼进行了优化。 在修改现有的纯化方案后,我们最近可以显示除了硫酸乙酰肝素外,线虫也产生硫酸软骨素,因此挑战了仅通过C合成非硫酸软骨素的观点。线虫。 我们在这里介绍我们适用于C的协议。线虫。 由于净化策略涉及非硫酸化和硫酸化GAG的分离,所以对于其他可能有利的方法也是有用的。
【背景】糖胺聚糖(GAG)是重复二糖单元的直链多糖链,其通常被硫酸根取代。除了透明质酸,其是在质膜上合成而不被锚定到任何蛋白质的非硫酸化GAG,所有其他GAG都与核心蛋白共价连接,从而形成蛋白聚糖(PG)。在PG上发现的最常见的GAG是硫酸乙酰肝素(HS)和硫酸软骨素(CS)/硫酸皮肤素,含有N-乙酰基 - 葡糖胺和N,N-乙酰基 - 半乳糖胺,分别(张,2010)。在高尔基隔室的生物合成过程中,它们是非模板驱动的过程,它们经过多种修饰,包括将葡萄糖醛酸差向异构化成艾杜糖醛酸,并在不同位置硫酸化(Bulow和Hobert,2006; ...

Purification of Bacterial RNA from Infected Macrophages
[Abstract]  Studying the transcriptome of bacterial pathogens during infection is a very informative and effective tool for discovering genes that contribute to successful infection. However, isolating bacterial RNA from infected cells or tissues is a challenging process due to the much higher amounts of host RNA in the lysates of infected cells. We have optimized a method for isolating RNA of Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) bacteria infecting bone marrow derived macrophage cells (BMDM). After infection, we lyse the cells and filter the lysates through 0.45 µm filters to discard most of the host proteins and RNA. Next, we resuspend the bacteria and extract RNA following DNase treatment. The extracted RNA is suitable for gene expression analysis by real-time PCR or ... [摘要]  在感染期间研究细菌病原体的转录组是一个非常有益的和有效的工具,用于发现有助于成功感染的基因。然而,从感染的细胞或组织中分离细菌RNA是一个挑战性的过程,因为感染细胞裂解物中宿主RNA的量高得多。我们已经优化了用于分离感染骨髓来源的巨噬细胞(BMDM)的单核细胞增生性李斯特菌((单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌)细菌)的RNA的方法。感染后,我们裂解细胞并通过0.45μm过滤器过滤裂解物以丢弃大多数宿主蛋白和RNA。接下来,我们重新悬浮细菌,并在DNase处理后提取RNA。提取的RNA适合于通过实时PCR或微阵列的基因表达分析。我们已经在我们对感染期间的单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌基因调节的体外研究中成功地采用了该方案(Lobel等人,2015; Lobel >,2012; Kaplan Zeevi等人,2013; Rabinovich等人,2012)。
