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Potassium Nitrate


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: P263-500
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Paper Roll Culture and Assessment of Maize Root Parameters
[Abstract]  Selection for genotypes with a vigorous root system could enhance the adaptation of maize under water and nutrient deficit soils. Although extensive genetic variation for root architecture has been reported (Kumar et al., 2012; Abdel-Ghani et al., 2014; Kumar et al., 2014; Pace et al., 2015), root traits have been seldom considered as selection criteria to improve yield in maize, mainly because characterization of root morphology in the field is laborious, inaccurate and time consuming (Tuberosa and Salvi, 2007). Characterization of root traits under hydroponic conditions in this case has the advantage of screening a high number of genotypes in a small space (in a growth chamber) within a short period of time (2-3 weeks). Thus, it saves the time and ... [摘要]  对象上下文(OIC)任务是广泛使用的对象识别(OR)任务的变体(Dix和Aggleton,1999)。 OIC任务利用啮齿动物具有探索新环境和物体的自然倾向的事实。海马似乎在OIC任务中发挥重要作用(比原始OR任务更重要),其中动物应该能够区分两个熟悉的对象,其中一个在与训练试验不同的背景下(Ennaceur和Aggleton,1997; Bermudez-Rattoni等人,2005; Albasser等人,2009; Roozendaal等人, 2010; Banks等人,2014; Bermudez-Rattoni,2014)。识别存储器包括多个附加组件,诸如项目与其上下文,地点等的关联。 (Bussey ,1999,2000)。在这里,我们基于早期的报告(Dix和Aggleton,1999; Eacott和Norman,2004; Balderas等人,2008; Barsegyan等人)描述了小鼠中OIC任务的一个版本。,2014; Kanatsou 等人,2015a; Kanatsou 等人,2015b)。...

Quantitative Evaluation of Competitive Nodulation among Different Sinorhizobium Strains
[Abstract]  Legumes play a vital role in global food supply because they are uniquely capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen (N) through symbioses with root and stem nodule bacteria, collectively called the rhizobia. These commonly include bacteria in the genera Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Sinorhizobium (Ensifer), and Bradyrhizobium, although other genera of bacteria have now been shown to form root nodule symbioses with several legume species (Weir, 2012). The symbiotic interaction is important for agricultural productivity, especially in less developed countries where nitrogen fertilizer is expensive. However, nodulation ability and competitiveness have practical importance in agricultural production, because the inoculation of efficient rhizobia is often ... [摘要]  豆类在全球食物供应中起着至关重要的作用,因为它们独特地能够通过与根和茎结节细菌的共生固定大气氮(N),统称为根瘤菌。这些通常包括根瘤菌属,中生根瘤菌属,中华根瘤菌属( Ensifer )和 Bradyrhizobium 属中的细菌,的细菌现已显示与几种豆科物种形成根瘤共生(Weir,2012)。共生相互作用对于农业生产力是重要的,特别是在其中氮肥昂贵的欠发达国家中。然而,结瘤能力和竞争力在农业生产中具有实际重要性,因为高效根瘤菌的接种通常不成功,这主要是由于土壤中存在无效的土着根瘤菌的竞争性群体(Toro,1996; Triplett和Sadowsky, 。该协议允许我们定量评价中华根瘤菌菌株的相对结瘤竞争性。
