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D - (+) - 葡萄糖一水合物

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 49159
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Protocol for the Isolation and Super-resolution dSTORM Imaging of RyR2 in Cardiac Myocytes
[Abstract]  Since its inception, super-resolution microscopy has played an increasingly important role in the discovery and characterization of nanoscale biological structure. dSTORM, which is one of the most commonly applied methods, relies on stochastic photoswitching of fluorophores to recreate a super-resolution image. The cardiac field has particularly benefitted from the application of this technique, as it has enabled sub-diffraction-limit visualization of calcium release units (CRUs) and the fundamental structures that trigger contraction. Acquisition of such images requires careful, reproducible sample preparation, and consistent imaging conditions maintained for the duration of the experiment. Here we present standardized methods for the production of dSTORM images of the Ca2+ ... [摘要]  自成立以来,超分辨率显微镜在纳米级生物结构的发现和表征中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 dSTORM是最常用的方法之一,它依赖于荧光团的随机光切换来重建超分辨率图像。心脏场特别受益于该技术的应用,因为它已经实现了钙释放单元(CRU)的子衍射极限可视化和触发收缩的基本结构。获取这些图像需要仔细,可重复的样品制备,并且在实验期间保持一致的成像条件。在这里,我们提出了生产心肌细胞中Ca 2 + 释放通道Ryanodine Receptor type-2(RyR2)的dSTORM图像的标准化方法。所提出的方案特别关注涉及原发性心肌细胞分离,样品制备和成像的步骤,其中提供了针对实验溶液和显微镜设置的细节。本讨论之后是各种分析技术的概述,以识别集群和CRU中的RyR2组织

【背景】近年来,超分辨率显微镜的普及率迅速提高。已经描述了各种超分辨率技术,其使光学分辨率远低于光的衍射极限,在某些情况下接近可通过电子显微镜获得的光学分辨率。总之,这些技术的出现导致了纳米级生物结构,结构域和蛋白质相互作用的新研究的爆炸式增长。一种流行的超分辨率技术是直接随机光学显微镜(dSTORM),与标准共聚焦显微镜相比,它将相对简单的样品处理的优势与分辨率提高了约10倍(van de Linde ...

Construction and Cloning of Minigenes for in vivo Analysis of Potential Splice Mutations
[Abstract]  Disease-associated mutations influencing mRNA splicing are referred to as splice mutations. The majority of splice mutations are found on exon-intron boundaries defining canonical donor and acceptor splice sites. However, mutations in the coding region (exonic mutations) can also affect mRNA splicing. Exact knowledge of the disease mechanism of splice mutations is essential for developing optimal treatment strategies. Given the large number of disease-associated mutations thus far identified, there is an unmet need for methods to systematically analyze the effects of pathogenic mutations on mRNA splicing. As splicing can vary between cell types, splice mutations need to be tested under native conditions if possible. A commonly used tool for the analysis of mRNA splicing is the ... [摘要]  影响mRNA剪接的疾病相关突变称为剪接突变。大多数剪接突变位于确定典型供体和受体剪接位点的外显子 - 内含子边界上。然而,编码区中的突变(外显子突变)也可影响mRNA剪接。准确了解剪接突变的疾病机制对于开发最佳治疗策略至关重要。鉴于迄今为止鉴定的大量疾病相关突变,尚未满足对系统分析致病突变对mRNA剪接的影响的方法的需求。由于不同细胞类型之间的拼接可能不同,如果可能的话,拼接突变需要在天然条件下进行测试。一种常用的分析mRNA剪接的工具是携带外显子和内含子序列的小基因的构建。在这里,我们描述了设计和克隆到重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)载体中用于基因递送和在本地环境中调查mRNA剪接的方案。该协议是为了基于小基因的视网膜细胞中mRNA剪接分析而开发的,但是原则上它适用于任何可以用rAAV载体转导的细胞类型。

【背景】预计大部分疾病相关突变(至少15%)会导致异常的mRNA剪接(Cartegni等,2002; Singh和Cooper,2012; Sterne-Weiler和Sanford,2014年)。 '经典'剪接突变是影响定义5'和3'剪接位点(分别为供体和受体剪接位点)的规范序列的突变。然而,剪接突变也可能发生在其他非编码区和编码区(Wang和Cooper,2007; ...

Targeted Genome Editing of Virulent Phages Using CRISPR-Cas9
[Abstract]  This protocol describes a straightforward method to generate specific mutations in the genome of strictly lytic phages. Briefly, a targeting CRISPR-Cas9 system and a repair template suited for homologous recombination are provided inside a bacterial host, here the Gram-positive model Lactococcus lactis MG1363. The CRISPR-Cas9 system is programmed to cleave a specific region present on the genome of the invading phage, but absent from the recombination template. The system either triggers the recombination event or exerts the selective pressure required to isolate recombinant phages. With this methodology, we generated multiple gene knockouts, a point mutation and an insertion in the genome of the virulent lactococcal phage p2. Considering the broad host range of the plasmids used ... [摘要]  该协议描述了一个直接的方法来产生严格裂解噬菌体的基因组中的特定突变。 简而言之,在细菌宿主(此处为革兰氏阳性模型乳酸乳球菌MG1363)内提供靶向CRISPR-Cas9系统和适合于同源重组的修复模板。 CRISPR-Cas9系统被编程为切割入侵噬菌体的基因组上存在的特定区域,但是缺少重组模板。 该系统触发重组事件或施加分离重组噬菌体所需的选择性压力。 利用这种方法,我们在毒性乳酸球菌噬菌体p2的基因组中产生了多个基因敲除,点突变和插入。 考虑到本协议中使用的质粒的广泛宿主范围,后者可以外推到其他噬菌体 - 宿主对。

【背景】噬菌体是在每个生态系统中发现丰富的细菌病毒(Suttle,2005; Breitbart and Rohwer,2005),毫不奇怪,它们是牛奶的天然居民。噬菌体p2是乳品工业中发现的强毒乳球菌噬菌体的最普遍组( Sk1virus )的模型(Deveau等人,2006; Mahony等人。,2012),它感染革兰氏阳性细菌乳酸乳球菌MG1363,也是基础研究的模式菌株。尽管p2作为参照噬菌体的地位,但几乎一半的基因编码未表征的蛋白质。同样,由宏基因组学确定的绝大多数噬菌体基因在公共数据库中没有功能分配和同系物(Hurwitz等人,2016; Paez-Espino等人, 2016)。

研究基因的方法之一是通过修饰和随后观察所得到的表型。噬菌体基因组只能在宿主内以其生物活性形式进行修饰。强毒噬菌体严格裂解;因此,它们的基因组从未整合到细菌染色体中。这为DNA的体内修饰增加了一个时间限制,只能在短的感染周期内对其进行操作。 ...
