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Sodium Chloride


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 10428420
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Identification of Methylated Deoxyadenosines in Genomic DNA by dA6m DNA Immunoprecipitation
[Abstract]  dA6m DNA immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing (DIP-Seq) is a key tool in identifying and studying the genome-wide distribution of N6-methyldeoxyadenosine (dA6m). The precise function of this novel DNA modification remains to be fully elucidated, but it is known to be absent from transcriptional start sites and excluded from exons, suggesting a role in transcriptional regulation (Koziol et al., 2015). Importantly, its existence suggests that DNA might be more diverse than previously believed, as further DNA modifications might exist in eukaryotic DNA (Koziol et al., 2015). This protocol describes the method to perform dA6m DNA immunoprecipitation (DIP), as was applied to characterize the first dA6m ... [摘要]  原代小胶质细胞,在单一培养或与神经元或星形胶质细胞共培养,是研究在中枢神经系统(CNS)中小胶质炎症反应和细胞类型特异性相互作用的机制的强大工具。这个协议提供了如何从新生小鼠幼崽制备高纯度原代小胶质细胞的细节。总的步骤包括脑细胞解离,混合胶质细胞培养和小胶质细胞分离。

[背景] 近年来,神经炎症已成为神经科学研究的热点领域。在患有各种神经疾病的患者的脑中观察到炎症反应,例如神经胶质激活和细胞因子上调(Fan等人,2015; Koshimori等人,2015;花园和坎贝尔,2016)。神经炎症不仅被认为是脑中病理变化的结果,而且也是疾病进展的原因(Schwartz等人,2013)。此外,炎症通路的生理功能,其重要性以前被低估,正被揭示为惊人的多才多艺。例如,补体信号通路的激活通常在神经疾病的中枢神经系统(CNS)中观察到,并且被怀疑参与疾病病理生理学(Michailidou等人,2015; Loeffler ...

Murine Liver Myeloid Cell Isolation Protocol
[Abstract]  In homeostasis, the liver is critical for the metabolism of nutrients including sugars, lipids, proteins and iron, for the clearance of toxins, and to induce immune tolerance to gut-derived antigens. These functions predispose the liver to infection by blood-borne pathogens, and to a variety of diseases ranging from toxin and medication-induced disorders (CCl4, acetaminophen) to metabolic disorders (steatohepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, biliary obstruction, cholestasis) or autoimmunity. Chronic liver injury often progresses to life threatening fibrosis and can end in liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (Pellicoro et al., 2014).

The liver contains parenchymal cells or hepatocytes that make up the majority of hepatic cells. It also contains ...
[摘要]  在内环境稳定中,肝脏对于营养物质(包括糖,脂质,蛋白质和铁)的代谢是关键的,用于清除毒素,并诱导对肠衍生的抗原的免疫耐受。这些功能使肝脏感染由血源性病原体引起的感染,并且导致各种疾病,从毒素和药物诱导的疾病(CC​​l 4,对乙酰氨基酚)到代谢性疾病(脂肪性肝炎,酒精性肝病,胆汁阻塞,胆汁淤积)或自身免疫。慢性肝损伤常常进展为威胁生命的纤维化,并且可以在肝硬化和肝细胞癌中结束(Pellicoro等人,2014)。
肝脏含有构成肝细胞大部分的实质细胞或肝细胞。它还含有非实质结构细胞,例如窦状内皮细胞和大量非实质的先天免疫细胞,主要是单核细胞,嗜中性粒细胞,巨噬细胞,DC,NK和NKT细胞,其在感染的情况下可触发适应性免疫应答或其他致病性侮辱(Jenne和Kubes,2013)。如何调节这种免疫应答决定了急性和慢性肝损伤的程度(Stijlemans等人,2014)。在这种情况下,肝巨噬细胞已经被证明在肝损伤中发挥中心但发散(从启动到分解)功能。(Sica等人,2014)。在过去几年中已经变得清楚的是,肝巨噬细胞由两类,组织驻留巨噬细胞,源自卵黄囊/胎儿肝祖细胞的库普弗细胞(KC)和来源于骨髓衍生的Ly6C的组织浸润巨噬细胞Hi 单核细胞(Jinhoux和Jung,2014; ...
