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TRIzol® Reagent

TRIzol ®试剂

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 15596026
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Immunoprecipitation of Tri-methylated Capped RNA
[Abstract]  Cellular quiescence (also known as G0 arrest) is characterized by reduced DNA replication, increased autophagy, and increased expression of cyclin-dependent kinase p27Kip1. Quiescence is essential for wound healing, organ regeneration, and preventing neoplasia. Previous findings indicate that microRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in regulating cellular quiescence. Our recent publication demonstrated the existence of an alternative miRNA biogenesis pathway in primary human foreskin fibroblast (HFF) cells during quiescence. Indeed, we have identified a group of pri-miRNAs (whose mature miRNAs were found induced during quiescence) modified with a 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG)-cap by the trimethylguanosine synthase 1 (TGS1) protein and transported to the cytoplasm ... [摘要]  蜂窝静止(因此已知为G <子> 0 骤停)是由降低的DNA复制,增加自噬表征,并且增加的细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶p27蛋白上标kip1 表达。静止对伤口愈合,器官再生和瘤形成是必不可少的。先前的发现表明微小RNA(miRNA)在调节细胞静止过程中起重要作用。我们最近的出版物静止期间以实例阐述在原代人替代miRNA生物途径包皮成纤维(HFF)细胞的存在。实际上,我们已经发现了一组与由trimethylguanosine合酶1(TGS1)蛋白的2,2,7- trimethylguanosine(TMG)带肩改性PRI-的miRNA(其成熟miRNA发现静止期期间诱导的)的并运输到细胞质通过Exportin-1(XPO1)蛋白质。我们用来抗体针对(TMG)兴趣盖(不与第(m交叉反应 7 G)兴趣帽了大部分PRI-的miRNA或mRNA的含有[鲁曼等人的,1982]),以从增殖或静态HFFS的总RNA提取RNA进行免疫沉淀。该测定的新颖性是PRI-miRNA的以及含有一个TMG-帽修改以外的非编码RNA的特异性分离。

【背景】蜂窝静止,类型可逆生长停滞的,是在伤口愈合,器官再生,和预防瘤形成涉及一种重要的细胞状态(科勒,2011;瓦尔古等人 2012)。已发现小的非编码RNA如miRNA参与细胞静止的调节。 ...

Isolation and Analysis of Stromal Vascular Cells from Visceral Adipose Tissue
[Abstract]  The obesity epidemic is the underlying driver of the type 2 diabetes mellitus epidemic. A remarkable accumulation of various pro-inflammatory immune cells in adipose tissues is a hallmark of obesity and leads to pathogenesis of tissue inflammation and insulin resistance. Here, we describe a detailed protocol to isolate adipose tissue stromal vascular cells (SVCs), which enrich various immune cells of adipose tissues. These SVCs can be used to examine the population and activation status of immune cells by tracking their cell surface antigens, gene expression, and activation of specific signaling pathways. [摘要]  肥胖流行是2型糖尿病流行病的根本驱动因素。 脂肪组织中各种促炎免疫细胞的显着积累是肥胖的标志,并导致组织炎症和胰岛素抵抗的发病机制。 在这里,我们描述了分离脂肪组织基质血管细胞(SVCs)的详细方案,其丰富了脂肪组织的各种免疫细胞。 这些SVC可用于通过跟踪其细胞表面抗原,基因表达和特异性信号通路的激活来检查免疫细胞的群体和激活状态。
【背景】过去几十年来,肥胖现在已成为一种流行病,已成为胰岛素抵抗最常见的原因之一。胰岛素抵抗是代谢综合征发病机理的关键病因。代谢综合征的延长状态推动了2型糖尿病(T2DM)的发展(Romeo et al。,2012; Johnson and Olefsky,2013; Saltiel and Olefsky,2017)。
   慢性低度组织炎症伴随着增强的免疫细胞浸润,是啮齿动物和人类肥胖症的标志,并且是通过促进炎症状态和中断胰岛素信号传导来促进胰岛素抵抗的发病机制的主要因素(Romeo等2012年; Johnson和Olefsky,2013; Saltiel和Olefsky,2017)。浸润的免疫细胞如促炎性巨噬细胞和B细胞在调节肥胖相关脂肪组织炎症和胰岛素抵抗中起关键作用(Weisberg等,2003; ...

Overrepresentation Analyses of Differentially Expressed Genes in the Smut Fungus Ustilago bromivora during Saprophytic and in planta Growth
[Abstract]  We have established the Ustilago bromivoraBrachypodium spp. interaction as a new model pathosystem for biotrophic fungal plant infections of the head smut type (Rabe et al., 2016). In this protocol, the methodology used for comparing gene expression between saprophytic and in planta growth of the fungus is described. The experimental and analytical pipeline, how next generation RNA sequencing (Illumina RNA-Seq) analysis can be used to obtain lists of genes significantly up or down regulated in planta in comparison to axenic culture is given. Furthermore, different methods to identify functional categories that are over- or under-represented among specific classes of genes are presented. [摘要]  我们已经建立了Ustilago bromivora - Brachypodium spp。 作为一种用于生物营养真菌植物感染头虱类型的新模型病理学的相互作用(Rabe等人,2016)。 在该方案中,描述了用于比较真菌的植物生长中的腐生菌和萌发之间的基因表达的方法。 给出了实验和分析流程,如何使用下一代RNA测序(Illumina RNA-Seq)分析来获得与无性培养相比在植物中显着上调或下调的基因的列表。 此外,提出了识别在特定类型的基因中过度或低于代表的功能类别的不同方法。
【背景】RNA深度测序(RNA-Seq)是一种功能强大和通用的工具,可以了解细胞和生物体对环境变化的反应及其对新发育阶段的适应性。生活状况的显着变化是从酵母样生长转向非特异性病原体的丝状,致病性相关生长模式。我们研究了生物营养型真菌植物病原体(Ustilago ...
