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Murashige & Skoog Basal Medium with Vitamins


Company: PhytoTechnology Laboratories
Catalog#: M519
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Rice Lamina Joint Inclination Assay
[Abstract]  Brassinosteroids (BRs) promote rice lamina inclination. Recently, we showed that OsBUL1 knockout mutant rice (osbul1) is defective in brassinosteroid signaling (Jang et al., 2017). To show that lamina joint inclination of osbul1 is less-sensitive than WT to exogenous brassinolide (BL) treatment in the lamina joint inclination bioassays, we applied the protocol presented below. The protocol focuses on: (1) how to prepare rice samples for the assay, and (2) how to treat BL exogenously. Finally, we have added a result showing lamina inclination between WT and osbul1 in BL solutions of various concentrations. [摘要]  油菜素类固醇(BR)促进水稻倾角。 最近,我们显示,OsBUL1敲除突变体水稻(osbul1 )在油菜素内酯信号传导中有缺陷(Jang等人,2017)。 为了显示在层板关节倾斜生物测定中,osbul1 的椎板关节倾斜对外源油菜素内酯(BL)处理的敏感性低于WT,我们应用了下面提出的方案。 方案重点是:(1)如何准备水稻样品进行测定,以及(2)如何外源性处理BL。 最后,我们在不同浓度的BL溶液中添加了显示WT和osbul1 之间的椎板倾斜度的结果。
【背景】稻叶关节连接叶片和鞘,对叶角特征有显着贡献,BR是性状的主要调节因子,而其他植物激素(包括乙烯,赤霉素和生长素)也影响叶角(Gan et al。,2015)。更直立的叶片有助于阳光的渗透,提高光合作用效率,占据较少的密集种植空间(Sakamoto等人,2006)。因此,稻米倾角是影响水稻植物结构的主要农艺性状之一。实际上,Wada主要开发的稻米倾斜测定法,他的同事们是BR的高度特异性和敏感的生物测定(Wada等人,1981年和1984年)。在这种生物测定中,BR的处理相对于接合区域中的背轴细胞诱导更大的细胞扩增,导致层状倾斜(Takeno和Pharis,1982; ...

Single Molecule RNA FISH in Arabidopsis Root Cells
[Abstract]  Methods that allow the study of gene expression regulation are continually advancing. Here, we present an in situ hybridization protocol capable of detecting individual mRNA molecules in plant root cells, thus permitting the accurate quantification and localization of mRNA within fixed samples (Duncan et al., 2016; Rosa et al., 2016). This single molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) uses multiple single-labelled oligonucleotide probes to bind target RNAs and generate diffraction-limited signals that can be detected using a wide-field fluorescence microscope. We adapted a recent version of this method that uses 48 fluorescently labeled DNA oligonucleotides (20 mers) to hybridize to different portions of each transcript (Raj et al ... [摘要]  允许研究基因表达调控的方法不断前进。在这里,我们提出了一种能够检测植物根细胞中单个mRNA分子的原位杂交方案,从而允许mRNA在固定样品内的准确定量和定位(Duncan等人, ,2016; Rosa等人,2016)。这种单分子RNA荧光原位杂交(smFISH)使用多个单标记寡核苷酸探针结合靶RNA并产生可以使用宽场荧光显微镜检测的衍射限制信号。我们调整了该方法的最新版本,该方法使用48个荧光标记的DNA寡核苷酸(20个)与每个转录物的不同部分杂交(Raj等人,2008)。这种方法简单易行,具有很好的应用于任何遗传背景的优点。


Two-photon Photoactivation to Measure Histone Exchange Dynamics in Plant Root Cells
[Abstract]  Chromatin-binding proteins play a crucial role in chromatin structure and gene expression. Direct binding of chromatin proteins both maintains and regulates transcriptional states. It is therefore important to study the binding properties of these proteins in vivo within the natural environment of the nucleus. Photobleaching, photoactivation and photoconversion (photoswitching) can provide a non-invasive experimental approach to study dynamic properties of living cells and organisms. We used photoactivation to determine exchange dynamics of histone H2B in plant stem cells of the root (Rosa et al., 2014). The stem cells of the root are located in the middle of the tissue, which made it impossible to carry out photoactivation of sufficiently small and well-defined ... [摘要]  染色质结合蛋白在染色质结构和基因表达中起着至关重要的作用。染色质蛋白的直接结合维持和调节转录状态。因此,重要的是在细胞核的自然环境内研究这些蛋白质在体内的结合特性。光漂白,光活化和光转化(光电转换)可以提供非侵入性实验方法来研究活细胞和生物体的动态性质。我们使用光活化来确定根的植物干细胞中组蛋白H2B的交换动力学(Rosa等人,2014)。根的干细胞位于组织的中间,这使得不可能在共聚焦显微镜中用常规激光照射进行足够小和明确的亚细胞区域的光活化,主要是因为散射和折射效应在根组织分散焦斑并导致太大的区域的光活化。因此,我们使用双光子激活,其具有更好的固有分辨率的照明区域。这是因为激活依赖于两个或更多个光子的同时吸收,这又依赖于强度的平方(或更高的功率) - 更尖锐的峰。在本协议中,我们将描述进行双光子光活化实验和相应的图像分析的实验程序。该协议可以用于标记有在根组织中表达的可光活化GFP(PA-GFP)的核蛋白。
