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Sodium hydroxide


Company: EMD Millipore
Catalog#: 106469
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Analysis of Xyloglucan Composition in Arabidopsis Leaves
[Abstract]  Xyloglucan is one of the main components of the primary cell wall in most species of plants. This protocol describes a method to analyze the composition of the enzyme-accessible and enzyme-inaccessible fractions of xyloglucan in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. It is based on digestion with an endoglucanase that attacks unsubstituted glucose residues in the backbone. The identities and relative amounts of released xyloglucan fragments are then determined using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. [摘要]  木葡聚糖是大多数植物种类中主要细胞壁的主要成分之一。 该方案描述了一种分析拟南芥拟南芥中木葡聚糖的可酶酶和不可酶酶级分的组成的方法。 它是基于内切葡聚糖酶的消化,其攻击骨架中的未取代的葡萄糖残基。 然后使用MALDI-TOF质谱法测定释放的木葡聚糖片段的身份和相对量。
【背景】在许多开花植物中,木葡聚糖是主要细胞壁的主要成分,其在生长调节中起重要作用。顺序提取方案提供了分离不同木葡聚糖结构域的方法(Pauly et al。,1999)。一些木葡聚糖似乎被捕获在纤维素微原纤维内,而另一部分通过氢键结合到它们的表面。木葡聚糖的其余部分(可能大多数)占据了微原纤维之间的距离(Park和Cosgrove,2015)。可以通过细胞壁材料的直接内切葡聚糖酶消化来提取部分后来的木葡聚糖。然后可以通过碱处理释放大部分剩余的木葡聚糖。缺乏木葡聚糖外切糖苷酶的突变体的研究表明,这些酶与葡聚糖内切葡糖基酶/水解酶一起主要作用于酶易接近部分(Sampedro等人,2010;Günl和Pauly,2011;Günl ,2011; Sampedro等人,2012; Sampedro等人,2017)。消化拟南芥木葡聚糖与内切葡聚糖酶攻击未经取代的葡萄糖残基导致三个和四个葡萄糖亚基的混合物,可以通过MALDI-TOF质谱快速和容易地分析(Lerouxel等人, ...

Aniline Blue and Calcofluor White Staining of Callose and Cellulose in the Streptophyte Green Algae Zygnema and Klebsormidium
[Abstract]  Plant including green algal cells are surrounded by a cell wall, which is a diverse composite of complex polysaccharides and crucial for their function and survival. Here we describe two simple protocols to visualize callose (1→3-β-D-glucose) and cellulose (1→4-β-D-glucose) and related polysaccharides in the cell walls of streptophyte green algae. Untreated or algal cells heated in NaOH are incubated in Calcofluor white (binding to β-glucans including cellulose) or Aniline blue (binding to callose), respectively. Both dyes can be visualized by epifluorescence microscopy. [摘要]  包括绿藻细胞的植物被细胞壁包围,所述细胞壁是复合多糖的多样复合物,并且对于它们的功能和存活是至关重要的。在这里我们描述两个简单的协议,可视化胼lose质(1→3-β-D-葡萄糖)和纤维素(1→4-β-D-葡萄糖)和相关的多糖在链霉素绿藻的细胞壁。将在NaOH中加热的未处理或藻类细胞分别在Calcofluor白(结合β-葡聚糖包括纤维素)或苯胺蓝(结合胼cal质)中孵育。两种染料都可以通过落射荧光显微镜观察。

[背景] 由于其容易和快速的适用性,使用苯胺蓝显现各种株Klebsormidium sp中的胼。质。和在更艰苦的固定和免疫定位方案(Herburger和Holzinger,2015)之前使用Zygnema。应用苯胺蓝染色和单克隆抗体对胼lose质产生类似的结果(Herburger和Holzinger,2015)。 Calcofluor白色染色是观察包括细胞壁的纤维素的1→4-β-葡聚糖部分的最快方式,因为不需要预处理。

Extraction of Total Proteins from Rice Plant
[Abstract]  This protocol provides an efficient method for preparation of high-quality proteins from rice leaves and grains. The method involves phenol extraction to separate proteins from the non-protein components such as polysaccharides, lipids and phenolic compounds that are commonly enriched in plant tissues. Following isolation, proteins are precipitated with ammonium acetate/methanol and then solubilized for proteomic analysis. As the protocol is simple, universal, and most importantly compatible with silver staining, it has been applied to our routine protein extraction from rice and many other plant tissues and it even works fine in animal tissues for the requirement of electrophoretic separation. [摘要]  这个协议提供了一种从稻叶和谷物制备高质量蛋白质的有效方法。 该方法包括酚提取以从通常富含植物组织的非蛋白质组分如多糖,脂质和酚类化合物中分离蛋白质。 分离后,用乙酸铵/甲醇沉淀蛋白质,然后溶解用于蛋白质组分析。 由于协议简单,通用,最重要的是与银染色兼容,它已经应用于我们从水稻和许多其他植物组织的常规蛋白质提取,甚至在动物组织中对于电泳分离的要求很好。
