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Company: Dojindo Molecular Technologies
Catalog#: GB10
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Structural Analysis of Target Protein by Substituted Cysteine Accessibility Method
[Abstract]  Substituted Cysteine Accessibility Method (SCAM) is a biochemical approach to investigate the water accessibility or the spatial distance of particular cysteine residues substituted in the target protein. Protein topology and structure can be annotated by labeling with methanethiosulfonate reagents that specifically react with the cysteine residues facing the hydrophilic environment, even within the transmembrane domain. Cysteine crosslinking experiments provide us with information about the distance between two cysteine residues. The combination of these methods enables us to obtain information about the structural changes of the target protein. Here, we describe the detailed protocol for structural analysis using SCAM. [摘要]  取代半胱氨酸可及性方法(SCAM)是一种生物化学方法,用于研究目标蛋白中取代的特定半胱氨酸残基的水可及性或空间距离。蛋白质拓扑和结构可以通过用甲硫代磺酸盐试剂标记来注释,所述甲硫基磺酸盐试剂特异性地与面向亲水环境的半胱氨酸残基反应,甚至在跨膜结构域内。半胱氨酸交联实验为我们提供了关于两个半胱氨酸残基之间距离的信息。这些方法的组合使我们能够获得有关靶蛋白结构变化的信息。在这里,我们描述了使用SCAM进行结构分析的详细协议。

【背景】结构分析提供了关于靶蛋白功能的关键信息。 X射线晶体学和核磁共振已被用作生物学领域中的高分辨率蛋白质结构分析方法。然而,这些方法需要以非常高的浓度从膜中提取的纯化蛋白质用于膜蛋白的结构分析。取代半胱氨酸可及性方法(SCAM)是一种生化方法,用于分析目标蛋白中取代的特定半胱氨酸残基的水可及性和空间距离。使用特异性地与面向亲水环境的半胱氨酸残基反应的甲硫代磺酸盐(MTS)试剂,我们可以注释目标蛋白的拓扑结构和结构。由于标记试剂 N - 生物素氨基乙基甲硫基磺酸盐(MTSEA-生物素)对质膜是不可渗透的(Seal et ...

Quantitation of Cytochromes b559, b6, and f, and the Core Component of Photosystem I P700 in Cyanobacterial Cells
[Abstract]  Cytochrome (Cyt) b559, an important and essential core component of photosystem II in the photosynthetic electron transport system, is a heme-bridged heterodimer protein composed of an alpha subunit (PsbE) and a beta subunit (PsbE), and its reduced form has an absorption maximum in the α-band at 559 nm. The amounts of Cyt b559 can be determined by spectrophotometrical measurement of reduced minus oxidized difference spectra that are normalized with absorbance of isosbestic point at 580 nm. The authors use differential extinction coefficients of Cyt b559 [Δε(559-580 nm) = 15.5 mM-1·cm-1], which have been reported by Garewal and Wasserman (1974). In addition to the Cyt b559, this ... [摘要]  dA 6m DNA免疫沉淀随后深度测序(DIP-Seq)是鉴定和研究N 6 - 甲基脱氧腺苷(dA 6)的全基因组分布的关键工具, 6m )。这种新的DNA修饰的精确功能仍然需要完全阐明,但是已知转录起始位点不存在并且从外显子中排除,表明在转录调节中的作用(Koziol等人,2015 )。重要的是,其存在表明DNA可能比先前认为的更多样化,因为进一步的DNA修饰可能存在于真核DNA中(Koziol等人,2015)。该方案描述了进行dA 6m DNA免疫沉淀(DIP)的方法,其用于表征高等真核生物中的第一dA 6m甲基化酶分析(Koziol等人。,2015)。在该协议中,我们描述了如何基因组DNA被分离,片段化,然后用识别基因组DNA中的dA 6m 的抗体拉下含有dA 6m 的DNA。在随后的洗涤之后,消除不含dA 6m的DNA片段,并且从抗体洗脱含有dA 6m的片段,以便进一步处理用于随后的分析。

[背景] 此协议是为了识别基因组中包含dA 6m 的区域而开发的。它可以用于检测不同基因组中的dA 6m 。作为指导,本方案从用于检测RNA中腺苷甲基化的现有方法建立(Dominissini等人,2013)。我们开发这个协议,并适应它的dA 6 m 在DNA中的检测,而不是检测腺苷甲基化RNA。这是必需的,因为当时没有方案可用于允许在真核DNA中dA ...

Purification of the GfsA-3x FLAG Protein Expressed in Aspergillus nidulans
[Abstract]  GfsA is a fungal β-galactofuranosyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of O-glycan. To investigate the enzymatic functions of GfsA, we attempted to obtain a recombinant protein of this enzyme from two heterologous host organisms. However, GfsA could not be expressed as a recombinant protein in either Escherichia coli (E. coli) or Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae). Therefore, we decided to employ Aspergillus nidulans (A. nidulans) as the host organism, and produced a strain that expressed 3x FLAG-tagged GfsA using chromosomal tagging. To confirm its expression, a solubilized protein was prepared from the tagged strain and analyzed with an anti-FLAG antibody. The strain that expressed 3x FLAG-tagged GfsA produced a ... [摘要]  GfsA是涉及O - 聚糖的生物合成的真菌β-半乳糖呋喃糖基转移酶。 为了研究GfsA的酶功能,我们尝试从两种异源宿主生物体获得该酶的重组蛋白。 然而,GfsA不能在大肠杆菌(大肠杆菌)或酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)中表达为重组蛋白质( cerevisiae )。 因此,我们决定使用构巢曲霉( A。nidulans )作为宿主生物体,并产生使用染色体标签表达3×FLAG标记的GfsA的菌株。 为了证实其表达,从标记的菌株制备溶解的蛋白并用抗FLAG抗体分析。 表达3×FLAG标记的GfsA的菌株产生质量为约67kDa的功能性蛋白质。 该手稿中描述的方法允许纯化在A中表达的GfsA-3xFLAG蛋白。 构巢细胞。
