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7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, desktop


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 4351107
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Real-time PCR Analysis of PAMP-induced Marker Gene Expression in Nicotiana benthamiana
[Abstract]  Perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) often triggers various innate immune responses in plants. The transcriptional changes of defense-related genes are often used as a marker to assay PAMP-triggered plant immune response. Here we described a protocol to monitor the relative expression level of marker genes in Nicotiana benthamiana upon treatment with PAMPs. The procedure includes leaf treatment using PAMPs, total RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, quantitative real-time PCR and data analysis. This protocol is applicable to monitor marker gene expression triggered by different PAMPs in N. benthamiana. [摘要]  对病原体相关分子模式(PAMP)的感知经常引发植物中的各种先天免疫应答。 防御相关基因的转录变化通常用作测定PAMP触发的植物免疫应答的标记。 在这里,我们描述了一种方案,用于监测用PAMP处理的本塞姆氏烟草中的标记基因的相对表达水平。 该方法包括使用PAMP进行叶处理,总RNA分离,cDNA合成,定量实时PCR和数据分析。 该协议适用于监测 N中不同PAMP触发的标记基因表达。本塞姆氏。
【背景】病原体相关的分子模式,即PAMP,是一类源自病原体的分子,在微生物中相对保守。多个PAMP,如flg22和XEG1(Felix et al。,1999; Ma et al。,2015),已被表征,可通过植物细胞表面定位模式检测 - 识别受体(PRR),从而诱导PAMP引发的免疫(Couto和Zipfel,2016)。 PAMP触发的主要反应之一是与防御相关的制造者基因的激活(Navarro et al。,2004; Zipfel et al。,2006)。 Nicotiana benthamiana 已被广泛用作模型植物,并且对多种PAMP敏感。在 N.宾夕法尼亚,先前发现了标记基因,如 NbCYP71D20 , NbACRE31 和 NbWRKY22 ,它们在PAMP处理后迅速活化( Heese et al。,2007; Segonzac et ...

Characterizing the Transcriptional Effects of Endolysin Treatment on Established Biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus
[Abstract]  Biofilms are the most common lifestyle of bacteria in both natural and human environments. The organized structure of these multicellular communities generally protects bacterial cells from external challenges, thereby enhancing their ability to survive treatment with antibiotics or disinfectants. For this reason, the search for new antibiofilm strategies is an active field of study. In this context, bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) and their derived proteins have been proposed as promising alternatives for eliminating biofilms. For instance, endolysins can degrade peptidoglycan and, ultimately, lyse the target bacterial cells. However, it is important to characterize the responses of bacterial cells exposed to these compounds in order to improve the design of phage-based ... [摘要]  生物膜是自然和人类环境中最常见的细菌生活方式。这些多细胞社区的有组织结构通常保护细菌细胞免受外部挑战,从而增强其抗生素或消毒剂治疗的生存能力。为此,寻找新的抗菌膜策略是一个积极的研究领域。在这种情况下,已提出噬菌体(感染细菌的病毒)及其衍生蛋白作为消除生物膜的有希望的替代物。例如,内溶素可降解肽聚糖,并最终裂解靶细菌细胞。然而,表征暴露于这些化合物的细菌细胞的反应以改进基于噬菌体的抗微生物策略的设计是重要的。


【背景】越来越清楚的是,亚抑制剂量的抗菌剂可能对目标微生物的不同表型具有调节作用,包括生物膜形成,代谢或毒力。因此,研究新化合物对低浓度靶细胞的潜在影响应该是发展过程的一部分。事实上,引发毒力因子或抗生素耐药决定簇产生的非常有效的抗菌剂可能不是治疗应用的良好候选者。另一方面,考虑到生物膜和浮游细胞之间的生理差异,应该对生物膜形成细胞分析新抗生物膜剂的作用似乎是合乎逻辑的。在这里,我们描述了一种协议,用于分析生物膜细胞在亚抑制浓度的内抑素浓度下的转录反应,噬菌体来源的蛋白质作为生物膜去除剂展现出巨大的前景。因此,通过RNA-seq将内溶素处理的细胞的转录组与对照细胞进行比较,并且后来通过RT-qPCR证实了所选基因的差异表达。 ...

Infectious Virus Yield Assay for Hepatitis E Virus
[Abstract]  Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is one of the main causes of acute hepatitis worldwide. Infections are particularly severe in pregnant women and chronic hepatitis E is known to occur in immunocompromised patients. Current therapy (ribavirin or pegylated alpha interferon) has severe side effects and cannot be employed in all patients. In order to evaluate potential new inhibitors of HEV replication, a virus yield assay can be employed in which the amount of viral RNA progeny released into the culture medium is quantified by reverse-transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) (Debing et al., 2014).
[摘要]  戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)是全世界急性肝炎的主要原因之一。 感染在孕妇中特别严重,已知慢性戊型肝炎发生在免疫受损的患者中。 目前的治疗(利巴韦林或聚乙二醇化α干扰素)具有严重的副作用,不能用于所有患者。 为了评估潜在的新的HEV复制抑制剂,可以使用病毒产量测定法,其中释放到培养基中的病毒RNA子代的量通过逆转录定量PCR(RT-qPCR)(Debing等人, al 。,2014)。
