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D - (+) - 葡萄糖

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: G7528
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Preparation of Cerebellum Granule Neurons from Mouse or Rat Pups and Evaluation of Clostridial Neurotoxin Activity and Their Inhibitors by Western Blot and Immunohistochemistry
[Abstract]  Cerebellar Granule Neurons (CGN) from post-natal rodents have been widely used as a model to study neuronal development, physiology and pathology. CGN cultured in vitro maintain the same features displayed in vivo by mature cerebellar granule cells, including the development of a dense neuritic network, neuronal activity, neurotransmitter release and the expression of neuronal protein markers. Moreover, CGN represent a convenient model for the study of Clostridial Neurotoxins (CNT), most notably known as Tetanus and Botulinum neurotoxins, as they abundantly express both CNT receptors and intraneuronal substrates, i.e., Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor activating protein receptors (SNARE proteins). Here, we describe a protocol for obtaining a highly pure ... [摘要]  来自产后啮齿动物的小脑颗粒神经元(CGN)已被广泛用作研究神经元发育,生理学和病理学的模型。 CGN体外培养维持成熟小脑颗粒细胞在体内显示的相同特征,包括发育致密的神经炎网络,神经元活动,神经递质释放和神经元的表达 蛋白质标记。 此外,CGN代表了梭菌神经毒素(CNT)研究的便利模型,最着名的是破伤风和肉毒杆菌神经毒素,因为它们大量表达CNT受体和神经元内基质, ie ,可溶性N-乙基马来酰亚胺 - 敏感因子激活蛋白受体(SNARE蛋白)。 在这里,我们描述了从出生后大鼠/小鼠获得高纯度CGN培养物的方案和用CNT中毒的简便方法。 我们还说明了评估CNT活性及其抑制的方便方法。

【背景】梭菌神经毒素(CNT)的大家族由破伤风神经毒素(TeNT)和肉毒杆菌神经毒素(BoNT)的多种变体形成,它们分别是破伤风和肉毒中毒的神经麻痹毒素(Schiavo et al。,2000; Johnson和Montecucco,2008; Rossetto et al。,2014)。 TeNT,七种BoNT血清型(BoNT / A至/ G)及其许多亚型是金属蛋白酶,通过切割SNARE蛋白(可溶性N-乙基马来酰亚胺敏感因子激活蛋白受体),三种必需蛋白质来阻断神经递质的释放而引起神经麻痹。控制突触小泡与突触前质膜的融合(Rossetto et al。,2014; ...

Mouse Phrenic Nerve Hemidiaphragm Assay (MPN)
[Abstract]  The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is the specialized synapse by which peripheral motor neurons innervate muscle fibers and control skeletal muscle contraction. The NMJ is the target of several xenobiotics, including chemicals, plant, animal and bacterial toxins, as well as of autoantibodies raised against NMJ antigens. Depending on their biochemical nature, the site they target (either the nerve or the muscle) and their mechanism of action, substances affecting NMJ produce very specific alterations of neuromuscular functionality.

Here we provide a detailed protocol to isolate the diaphragmatic muscle from mice and to set up two autonomously innervated hemidiaphragms. This preparation can be used to study bioactive substances like toxins, venoms and neuroactive molecules of ...
[摘要]  神经肌肉接头(NMJ)是外周运动神经元支配肌纤维和控制骨骼肌收缩的特化突触。 NMJ是几种异生素的靶标,包括化学品,植物,动物和细菌毒素,以及针对NMJ抗原产生的自身抗体。根据它们的生物化学性质,它们靶向的部位(神经或肌肉)及其作用机制,影响NMJ的物质产生神经肌肉功能的非常特定的改变。



【背景】神经肌肉接头(NMJ)是使运动神经元和骨骼肌纤维之间能够交流的化学突触。这是最好的特征性突触,关于突触的成熟,结构和功能的大部分知识来源于其研究(Li等人,2017)。在NMJ,沿着运动轴突运动的动作电位侵入神经末梢(突触前布顿)并诱导突触小泡与突触前膜融合。这触发乙酰胆碱(ACh)的释放,该乙酰胆碱是结合突触后肌肉纤维上的烟碱离子型ACh受体(nAChR)的神经递质。 ACh与nAChRs结合后,突触后动作电位沿着肌纤维向外扩散,从肌浆网释放Ca2 ...

Organotypic Brain Cultures: A Framework for Studying CNS Infection by Neurotropic Viruses and Screening Antiviral Drugs
[Abstract]  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 50% of emerging viruses endowed with pathogenicity in humans can infect the Central Nervous System (CNS) with induction of encephalitis and other neurologic diseases (Taylor et al., 2001; Olival and Daszak, 2005). While neurological diseases are progressively documented, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in virus infection and dissemination within the CNS are still poorly understood (Swanson and McGavern, 2015; Ludlow et al., 2016). For example, measles virus (MeV) can infect neural cells, and cause a persistent brain infections leading to lethal encephalitis from several months to years after primary infection with no available treatment (Reuter and Schneider-Schaulies, 2010; Laksono et ... [摘要]  根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的统计,至少有50%的新发病毒具有致病性,可感染中枢神经系统(CNS),并诱发脑炎和其他神经系统疾病(Taylor et al。 >,2001; Olival和Daszak,2005)。虽然神经系统疾病逐渐被记录下来,但涉及病毒感染和在CNS内传播的潜在细胞和分子机制仍然知之甚少(Swanson and McGavern,2015; Ludlow等人,2016)。例如,麻疹病毒(MeV)可以感染神经细胞,并在原发感染后几个月至数年导致持续的脑感染,导致致死性脑炎,而没有可用的治疗(Reuter和Schneider-Schaulies,2010; Laksono等人。,2016)。器官型脑文化(OBC)是病毒学领域的一个合适的模型,以更好地理解中枢神经系统感染。实际上,它不仅可以研究中枢神经系统内嗜神经病毒的感染和传播,而且还可以作为创新性抗病毒策略或分子的筛选模型,如我们最近发表的有关融合抑制肽和HSP90伴侣蛋白活性抑制剂的研究, 17-DMAG(Welsch等人,2013; ...
