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Tris buffer pH 6.8 (1 M)

Tris缓冲液pH 6.8(1M)

Company: AppliChem
Catalog#: A4987
Other protocol()

Identification of Proteins Interacting with Genomic Regions of Interest in vivo Using Engineered DNA-binding Molecule-mediated Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (enChIP)
[Abstract]  Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of genome functions requires identification of molecules interacting with genomic regions of interest in vivo. To this end, it is useful to isolate the target regions retaining molecular interactions. We established locus-specific chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) technologies consisting of insertional ChIP (iChIP) and engineered DNA-binding molecule-mediated ChIP (enChIP) for isolation of target genomic regions (Hoshino and Fujii, 2009; Fujita and Fujii, 2011; Fujita and Fujii, 2012; Fujita and Fujii, 2013a; Fujita and Fujii, 2013b; Fujita et al., 2013). Identification and characterization of molecules interacting with the isolated genomic regions facilitates understanding of molecular mechanisms of functions of the target genome ... [摘要]  阐明基因组功能的分子机制需要在体内鉴定与感兴趣的基因组区域相互作用的分子。为此,分离保持分子相互作用的靶区是有用的。我们建立由插入ChIP(iChIP)和工程化的DNA结合分子介导的ChIP(enChIP)组成的基因组特异性染色质免疫沉淀(ChIP)技术用于靶基因组区域的分离(Hoshino和Fujii,2009; Fujita和Fujii,和Fujii,2012; Fujita和Fujii,2013a; Fujita和Fujii,2013b; Fujita等人,2013)。与分离的基因组区域相互作用的分子的鉴定和表征有助于理解靶基因组区域的功能的分子机制。在这里,我们描述enChIP,其中工程化的DNA结合分子,如锌指蛋白,转录激活样(TAL)蛋白和催化失活的Cas9(dCas9)加上小指南RNA(gRNA),被用于亲和纯化靶基因组区。 enChIP的方案如下所示:
2。工程化的DNA结合分子与标签和核定位信号(NLS)融合,并在待分析的细胞中表达。如果需要,所得细胞被交联,并裂解,DNA被片段化。将包括工程化DNA结合分子的复合物进行亲和纯化,例如免疫沉淀。分离的复合物保留分子与感兴趣的基因组区域相互作用。 ...
