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Parafilm M® All-Purpose Laboratory Film


Company: Pechiney Plastic Packaging
Catalog#: PM996
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Measurement of RNA-induced PKR Activation in vitro
[Abstract]  Protein kinase R (PKR) is one of the key RNA-activated sensors for innate immunity. PKR is activated by pathogenic or aberrant RNAs such as short double-stranded RNAs or those with imperfect secondary structures, as well as a reduction in the amount and number of RNA modifications. Activation of PKR may be an underlying mechanism for the pathogenesis of human diseases. In this protocol, I describe a method for studying levels of RNA-induced PKR activation in vitro. [摘要]  蛋白激酶R(PKR)是先天免疫的核心RNA激活传感器之一。 PKR由致病性或异常RNA如短双链RNA或具有不完全二级结构的RNA激活,以及RNA修饰的量和数量的减少。 PKR的激活可能是人类疾病发病机制的潜在机制。在本协议中,我描述了一种在体外研究RNA诱导的PKR激活水平的方法。

背景 PKR是四种哺乳动物激酶之一,其响应于应激信号磷酸化真核起始因子2-α亚基(eIF2α)。 PKR主要是响应于病毒感染而激活(Holcik和Sonenberg,2005)。 PKR是识别和结合病原RNA的先天免疫的关键组成部分。 RNA与PKR的相互作用促进并稳定其二聚化。然后PKR经历自身磷酸化,随后磷酸化eIF2α以切断一般翻译,同时激活下游信号级联,包括增加的ATF4应激反应转录因子的翻译(Hinnebusch,2005)。
 已知PKR被短双链RNA激活(Manche等人,1992; Zheng和Bevilacqua,2004)以及具有一些不完全二级结构的RNA,例如发夹环(Bevilacqua 等人,1998)。此外,RNA生物发生缺陷,包括较低水平的m ...

Direct Visualization and Quantification of the Actin Nucleation and Elongation Events in vitro by TIRF Microscopy
[Abstract]  Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy is a powerful tool for visualizing the dynamics of actin filaments at single-filament resolution in vitro. Thanks to the development of various fluorescent probes, we can easily monitor all kinds of events associated with actin dynamics, including nucleation, elongation, bundling, fragmentation and monomer dissociation. Here we present a detailed protocol regarding the visualization and quantification of actin nucleation and filament elongation events by TIRF microscopy in vitro, which is based on the methods previously reported (Liu et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2011). [摘要]  全内反射荧光(TIRF)显微镜是用于在体外单丝分辨率下可视化肌动蛋白丝的动力学的强大工具。由于各种荧光探针的发展,我们可以轻松监测与肌动蛋白动力学相关的各种事件,包括成核,伸长,捆扎,碎裂和单体解离。在这里,我们提供了一个关于通过TIRF显微镜在体外可视化和定量肌动蛋白成核和细丝伸长事件的详细方案,其基于先前报道的方法(Liu等人, ,2015; Yang等人,2011)。

背景 ...

Isolation of Outer Membrane Vesicles from Phytopathogenic Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
[Abstract]  Gram-negative bacteria naturally release outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) to the surrounding environment. OMVs contribute to multiple processes, such as cell-cell communication, delivery of enzymes and toxins, resistance to environmental stresses and pathogenesis. Little is known about OMVs produced by plant-pathogenic bacteria, and their interactions with host plants. The protocol described below discusses the isolation process of OMVs from Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris strain 33913, a bacterial pathogen of Crucifiers. Nevertheless, this protocol can be used and/or adapted for isolation of OMVs from other phytopathogenic bacteria to promote the study of OMVs in the context of plant-microbe interactions. [摘要]  革兰氏阴性细菌自然释放外膜囊泡(OMVs)到周围环境。 OMV有助于多个过程,如细胞通讯,酶和毒素的传递,对环境的压力和发病机制的抵抗。对植物病原菌产生的OMV及其与宿主植物的相互作用知之甚少。下面描述的协议讨论了野生黄单胞菌(Manthomonas campestris)的OMV的隔离过程。菌种33913(一种Crucizer的细菌病原体)。然而,该方案可以用于和/或适于将OMV与其他植物病原细菌分离,以促进在植物 - 微生物相互作用的背景下对OMV的研究。

背景 细胞外泡(EV)释放是许多生物从生命各个领域共享的过程。在革兰氏阴性细菌中,大多数EV是外膜起泡的结果,最终夹住细菌细胞壁,因此被称为外膜囊泡(OMV)。 OMV的研究重点是OMV生物发生,货物,功能和与宿主生物的相互作用。迄今为止,大多数关于OMV的研究集中在人类和环境细菌的细菌病原体上,然而对植物病原菌的OMV研究很少。这里描述的协议是由Chutkan等人描述的方案改编的。 (2013)稍作修改,并在此介绍植物病原体X。 campestris pv。 campestris 。为了我们的理解,这是第一个完全详细的OMV与植物生长细菌分离的方案,我们希望它可以作为对这一主题感兴趣的其他研究组的指​​导性协议。
