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Scalpel Blades - #15

手术刀 - #15

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 10015-00
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Spinal Cord Preparation from Adult Red-eared Turtles for Electrophysiological Recordings during Motor Activity
[Abstract]  Although it is known that the generation of movements is performed to a large extent in neuronal circuits located in the spinal cord, the involved mechanisms are still unclear. The turtle as a model system for investigating spinal motor activity has advantages, which far exceeds those of model systems using other animals. The high resistance to anoxia allows for investigation of the fully developed and adult spinal circuitry, as opposed to mammals, which are sensitive to anoxia and where using neonates are often required to remedy the problems. The turtle is mechanically stable and natural sensory inputs can induce multiple complex motor behaviors, without the need for application of neurochemicals. Here, we provide a detailed protocol of how to make the adult turtle preparation, also ... [摘要]  虽然已知在位于脊髓的神经元回路中很大程度地进行运动的产生,但是所涉及的机制仍不清楚。乌龟作为调查脊柱运动活动的示范系统具有优势,远远超过使用其他动物的模型系统。对缺氧的高抗性允许对完全发育和成年脊髓电路进行调查,而不是对缺氧敏感的哺乳动物,并且通常需要使用新生儿来补救问题。乌龟是机械稳定的,天然感觉输入可以诱导多种复杂的运动行为,而不需要神经化学物质的应用。在这里,我们提供了如何使成年龟准备的详细方案,也称为电生理调查的综合准备。在这里,通过机械感觉激活,通过细胞内,细胞外和电图记录来记录单细胞和网络活性,可以诱导后肢刮擦反射。该准备工作是由Petersen等人(2014)和Petersen和Berg(2016)以及其他正在进行的研究开发的。
【背景】脊髓电生理学的研究传统上与机械并发症有关,因为许多运动部件和脊柱的灵活性。为了规避这个问题,脊髓经常从柱中解剖出来并移动到可以进行稳定的电生理记录的室。然而,该过程具有缺点,例如,如果要研究多个电动机行为,则适当激活电动机电路是复杂的。此外,缺乏供血和缺乏氧气对电路的健康和完整性有严重影响。一个可以规避所有这些问题的实验模型是龟制剂(Keifer and ...

Mouse Subependymal Zone Explants Cultured on Primary Astrocytes
[Abstract]  Neuroblast migration is a major component in the process of neuronal circuit assembly. In the rodent postnatal brain, the subependymal zone (SEZ) is the largest neurogenic niche where new neurons are born throughout life. These cells migrate several millimeters following a specific pathway called the rostral migratory stream (RMS) towards the olfactory bulb. Once they reach their final destination, they differentiate mainly as interneurons and integrate into already established neuronal circuits. Along the RMS, neuroblasts use a particular mode of migration known as chain migration. They stay attached to each other while migrating and are intimately associated with adjacent astrocytic processes. To dissect the molecular and cellular signals involved in neuroblast migration, we developed ... [摘要]  神经母细胞迁移是神经元电路组装过程中的主要组成部分。 在啮齿动物出生后的大脑中,子宫颈区(SEZ)是新生神经元生命中最大的神经源性生态位。 这些细胞沿着称为传播流(RMS)的特定途径朝向嗅球迁移几毫米。 一旦达到其最终目的地,它们主要区分为中间神经元并整合到已建立的神经元回路中。 沿着RMS,神经母细胞使用称为链转移的特定迁移模式。 它们在迁移时保持相互依赖,并与相邻的星形细胞过程密切相关。 为了解剖神经母细胞迁移中涉及的分子和细胞信号,我们开发了一种体外系统,其由在星形胶质细胞单层顶部共培养的经SEZ衍生的外植体组成。

Dissection of Different Areas from Mouse Hippocampus
[Abstract]  The hippocampus modulates a number of modules including memory consolidation, spatial navigation, temporal processing and emotion. A banana-shaped structure, the hippocampus is constituted of morphologically distinct subregions including the dentate gyrus, CA3 and CA1 (here, we do not distinguish the “hippocampus proper” which consists only of CA1, CA3 and smaller CA2 and CA4 areas, from the “hippocampal formation,” composed of these in addition to the dentate gyrus and subiculum). Distinct cell types give rise to unique axonal fiber pathways in the dentate gyrus, CA3 and CA1 subregions; accordingly, these areas may exhibit differential molecular profiles in response to a number of behavioral paradigms and pharmacological and genetic treatments. It is therefore in the interest of the ... [摘要]  海马调节了许多模块,包括记忆整合,空间导航,时间处理和情感。 香蕉形结构,海马由形态上不同的子区域组成,包括齿状回,CA3和CA1(这里,我们不区分仅由CA1,CA3和较小的CA2和CA4区域组成的“海马属”, “海马形成”,除了齿状回和子宫外还包括这些)。 不同的细胞类型在齿状回,CA3和CA1亚区域产生独特的轴突纤维途径; 因此,这些区域可以响应于许多行为范例和药理学和遗传处理而呈现差异分子谱。 因此,调查人员有兴趣从整个海马剖析一个特定的次区域。 在这里,我们概述了一个关于成年小鼠子区域特异性解剖的方案。
