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Company: Millipore Sigma
Catalog#: 86473
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Shared Pheromonal Communication of Specific Fear Between Adult Sprague Dawley Rats
[Abstract]  Rats are highly social animals, and mainly communicate with one another in two ways: through ultrasonic vocalizations and pheromones. Most research on pheromones has been dedicated those regarding sexual behavior, but more recently pheromones which signal danger to conspecifics have been identified in rodents. In fact, rats are capable of communicating information regarding a specific fear to a companion with which they share a cage. If a rat is trained to associate a previously neutral odor with a foot shock and then pair housed with another rat, the companion will also display a fear response specific to the trained odor, despite never being shocked itself. This communication relies on pheromones; presenting soiled bedding from a shocked rat to an individually housed naïve rat produces ... [摘要]  
[摘要 ] 大鼠是高度社交的动物,主要通过两种方式相互交流:通过超声波发声和信息素。关于信息素的大多数研究都是针对性行为的研究,但最近在啮齿动物中发现了表明对种特异性危险的信息素。实际上,大鼠能够将与特定恐惧有关的信息传达给与它们共享笼子的同伴。如果训练了一只老鼠将先前中性的气味与脚部电击相关联,然后与另一只老鼠放在一起,则同伴也将表现出针对所训练的气味的恐惧反应,尽管它本身从未被电击过。这种通信依赖于信息素。从受电击的老鼠到单独饲养的幼稚老鼠的被褥呈现出相同的恐惧反应。当前方案描述了如何在成年Sprague Dawley大鼠中产生这种现象。它简单且易于复制,需要最少的设备,并且可能在一星期内完成。

[背景 ] 与人类一样,老鼠被认为是一个社会的物种; 他们倾向于凭借特定的事物而不是孤立地发展。一般来说,老鼠可以通过超声波vocali传递信息ž ations和信息素。鉴于其高度发达的嗅觉系统,可能会通过嗅觉传达各种信息。释放和接收信息素在啮齿动物行为的神经生物学和伦理学方面都起着重要作用。这些包括但不限于选择交配伙伴(Kumar 等,2014),传播警报信号(Kiyokawa 等,2013),获取新食物(Posadas-Andrews和Roper,1983),区域标记(大脑)等人,2009年),展示了社会地位(Krames ...
