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Trypan Blue

Company: Gibco
Catalog#: 15250-061
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Metabolomic and Lipidomic Analysis of Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages
[Abstract]  Macrophages are highly plastic immune cells that are capable of adopting a wide array of functional phenotypes in response to environmental stimuli. The changes in macrophage function are often supported and regulated by changes in cellular metabolism. Capturing a comprehensive picture of metabolism is vital for understanding the role of metabolic rewiring in the immune response. Here we present a method for systematically quantifying the abundance of metabolites and lipids in primary murine bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs). This method simultaneously extracts polar metabolites and lipids from BMDMs using a rapid two-phase extraction procedure. The polar metabolite fraction and lipid fraction are subsequently analyzed by separate liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) ... [摘要]  [摘要] 巨噬细胞是高度可塑性的免疫细胞,能够对环境刺激产生广泛的功能表型。巨噬细胞功能的改变通常受到细胞代谢的支持和调节。获取新陈代谢的全面图像对于理解代谢重组在免疫反应中的作用至关重要。本文提出了一种系统定量测定小鼠骨髓源性巨噬细胞(BMDMs)中代谢物和脂质丰度的方法。该方法采用快速两相萃取法同时从BMDMs中提取极性代谢物和脂质。极性代谢物部分和脂质部分随后通过单独的液相色谱-质谱(LC-MS)方法进行分析,以优化覆盖率和定量。这使得对细胞代谢的全面表征可以用来理解各种环境刺激对巨噬细胞代谢和功能的影响。

[背景] 巨噬细胞是先天性免疫系统的细胞,在局部微环境中对信号作出反应时,可采用多种功能表型。巨噬细胞的激活与细胞代谢的特定重编程相结合并高度依赖(Tannahill et al.,2013;Galván-Peña and O'Neill,2014;Jha et al.,2015;Kelly and O'Neill,2015;Cordes et al.,2016;Mills and O'Neill 2016;等人;Mills et al.,2016;Liu et al.,2013;Lampropoulou et al.,2016;Van den ...

Single-cell qPCR Assay with Massively Parallel Microfluidic System
[Abstract]  The single-cell transcriptome is the set of messenger RNA molecules expressed in one cell. It is extremely variable and changes according to external, physical and biochemical conditions. Due to sensitivity shortages, most of genetic studies use bulk samples, providing only the average gene expression. Single-cell technologies have provided a powerful approach to a more detailed understanding of the heterogenic populations and minority cells. However, since it is still a quite novel technique, standardized protocol has to be established. Single-cell qPCR, although partly limited by the number of genes, is relatively simple to analyze. Therefore, its use is accessible without the necessity to recourse to complex bioinformatics analyses. The main steps for single-cell qPCR, as illustrated ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 单细胞转录组是在一个细胞中表达的信使RNA分子的集合。它变化很大,并会根据外部,物理和生化条件而变化。由于敏感性不足,大多数基因研究使用大量样品,仅提供平均基因表达。单细胞技术提供了一种强大的方法,可以更详细地了解异质群体和少数细胞。然而,因为它仍然是一个相当新的技术,标准化协议具有至b e建立。尽管单细胞qPCR受基因数量的限制,但分析起来相对简单。因此,无需使用复杂的生物信息学分析就可以使用它。如本协议所述,单细胞qPCR的主要步骤包括单细胞分离,细胞裂解液,cDNA逆转录合成,cDNA库生成的扩增以及最终的定量聚合酶链反应。

[背景 ] 的单细胞转录是一套完整的在一个细胞中表达的信使RNA(mRNA)分子。它变化很大,并会根据外部,物理和生化条件而变化。因此,这是生物异质性的来源,其中来自相同环境的细胞与其他细胞相似但不相同。

由于灵敏度不足,大多数遗传研究使用大量样本,其中有数百至数千个细胞,仅提供平均基因表达。这极大地限制了少数细胞群体的研究,这可能会带来特定的特性,例如在癌症情况下的耐药性或转移能力。单细胞技术能够在单细胞水平上分析转录组,从而揭示了异源群体的复杂性。这些技术不仅应用于癌症,而且还应用于许多细胞生物学研究中,包括成年组织,干细胞,免疫细胞等。以及微生物学和病毒学等其他领域(Wen and ...
