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Dumont #5 Straight Forceps

Company: FST
Catalog#: 11251-10
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Establishing an Adult Mouse Brain Hippocampal Organotypic Slice Culture System that Allows for Tracing and Pharmacological Manipulation of ex vivo Neurogenesis

The function of the hippocampus depends on the process of adult hippocampal neurogenesis which underpins the exceptional neural plasticity of this structure, and is also frequently affected in CNS pathologies. Thus, manipulation of this process represents an important therapeutic goal. To identify potential strategies, organotypic adult brain slices are emerging as a valuable tool. Over the recent years, this methodology has been refined and here we present a combined protocol that brings together these refinements to enable long-term culture of adult hippocampal slices. We employ a sectioning technique that retains essential afferent inputs onto the hippocampus as well as serum-free culture conditions, so allowing an extended culture period. To sustain the neurogenic potential in the

[摘要]  [摘要]海马的功能取决于成年海马神经发生的过程,该过程是这种结构异常的神经发育的基础,并且在中枢神经系统病理中也经常受到影响。因此,对该过程的操纵代表了重要的治疗目标。为了确定潜在的策略,器官型成人大脑切片正在成为一种有价值的工具。近年来,此方法已得到完善,在此我们提出一种组合协议, 汇集了这些改进,以实现成人海马切片的长期培养。我们采用了一种切片技术,可将必要的传入输入保留在海马上以及无血清培养条件下,因此可以延长培养时间。为了维持切片中的神经源性潜力,我们利用神经胶质生成抑制剂吲哚美辛。使用EdU保留分析使我们能够评估药理干预对神经发生的影响。通过这些改进,我们建立了一种简单可靠的方法来研究小分子/药物对离体增殖和神经元形成的影响,这将有助于未来发现驱动的药物筛选。

[背景技术]海马是具有高度的可塑性作为整个生命齿状回中正在进行的神经发生的结果,脑的独特区域。成年海马神经发生的这一过程始于在亚颗粒区(SGZ)中神经干细胞(NSC)的不对称分裂,该过程保留了干细胞池并生成了准备用于神经元分化的祖细胞(Kempermann等人,2004;Anacker和Hen ,2017; ...

Minimally Invasive Oral Surgery Induction of the FRICT-ION Chronic Neuropathic Pain Model
[Abstract]  An easily induced preclinical trigeminal neuropathic nerve injury model is described here for the study of chronic pain, the model acronym FRICT-ION (Foramen Rotundum Inflammatory Constriction Trigeminal InfraOrbital Nerve). In patients, neuropathic pain is thought to be related to vascular alignment or multiple sclerosis along this small trigeminal nerve branch (V2) innervating the maxillary teeth and middle third of the face. With no detectable outward physical signs, the FRICT-ION model is ideal for blinded studies. The acronym FRICT-ION applied relates to the persistence of the trigeminal neuropathic pain model likely due to sliding irritation with normal chewing in the mice. A step-by-step method to induce the mild ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 一种容易诱发临床前三叉神经性神经损伤模型中描述了在此对于研究的慢性疼痛,Ť 他模型缩写FRICT-ION (˚F Oramen ř Otundum 我Nflammatory Ç Onstriction Ť Rigeminal 我NFRA ö Rbital Ñ ERVE),在患者,神经性疼痛被认为与支配上颌牙齿和中三分之一o的小三叉神经分支(V2)上的血管排列或多发性硬化有关 F中的人脸。没有检测到对外体征,该FRICT-ION模式非常适合盲法研究。缩写FRICT-ION应用RELA 维护设备到持久性的三叉神经性疼痛模型可能是由于滑有刺激性,一般正常的咀嚼中的小鼠,一种步骤一步的方法诱导的慢性轻度的啮齿动物神经疼痛模型描述了这里。在手术进行口服通过一个很小的手术狭缝处的脸颊折痕对齐铬肠线缝合刺激沿神经,因为它穿入该模型允许使用von Frey细丝测试至少10-14周(100天)的非诱发性主观措施和诱发性定量机械性超敏反应(异常性疼痛),在与焦虑相关的3-6周内会出现焦虑和抑郁行为尽管根据在可用的急性动物模型中进行的测试,许多止痛药均以失败告终,但更稳定,更容易复制的三叉神经炎。压缩模式保守党是是更好的适合了解这两种机理而Affec 略去组件的神经伤病引致诱发的慢性神经性疼痛状态以及在更理想的临床前试验的新型非阿片类止痛疗法。

[背景 ] ...

Optic Nerve Crush in Mice to Study Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and Regeneration
[Abstract]  In diseases such as glaucoma, the failure of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) neurons to survive or regenerate their optic nerve axons underlies partial and, in some cases, complete vision loss. Optic nerve crush (ONC) serves as a useful model not only of traumatic optic neuropathy but also of glaucomatous injury, as it similarly induces RGC cell death and degeneration. Intravitreal injection of adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) has been shown to specifically and efficiently transduce RGCs in vivo and has thus been proposed as an effective means of gene delivery for the treatment of glaucoma. Indeed, we and others routinely use AAV2 to study the mechanisms that promote neuroprotection and axon regeneration in RGCs following ONC. Herein, we describe a step-by-step protocol to ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 在青光眼等疾病中,视网膜神经节细胞(RGC)神经元无法存活或无法再生视神经轴突,这是部分视力丧失的原因,在某些情况下,甚至是完全的视力丧失。视神经挤压术(ONC)不仅可以作为创伤性视神经病变的一种有用模型,而且还可以作为青光眼损伤的有用模型,因为它类似地诱导RGC细胞死亡和变性。腺相关病毒血清型2(AAV2)的玻璃体内注射已被证明特别地和有效地转导视网膜神经节细胞在体内和已因而被提出作为基因递送用于治疗青光眼的治疗的有效手段。确实,我们和其他人常规使用AAV2来研究促进ONC 后RGC中神经保护和轴突再生的机制。本文中,我们描述了分步操作的方案,以测定AAV2介导的转导和ONC损伤后小鼠中RGC的存活和再生,包括1)玻璃体内注射AAV2病毒载体,2)视神经挤压,3)霍乱毒素B (CTB)标记再生轴突,4)视神经清除,5)视网膜平面免疫染色和6)定量RGC存活和再生。除了提供执行此协议所需的所有材料和程序详细信息之外,我们还强调了它比其他相似的已发表方法的优势,并提供了有用的技巧以确保其在任何现代实验室中都能如实复制。

[背景 ] 青光眼是世界范围内不可逆失​​明的主要原因,其特征是视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)逐渐退化和丧失,这是构成连接视网膜与大脑的视神经的中央投射神经元(Quigley ,2011 ; Tham ...
