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Fetal Bovine Serum, qualified, USDA-approved regions


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 10437
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Isolation of Primary Human Skeletal Muscle Cells
[Abstract]  Primary myoblast culture is a valuable tool in research of muscle disease, pathophysiology, and pharmacology. This protocol describes techniques for dissociation of cells from human skeletal muscle biopsies and enrichment for a highly myogenic population by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). We also describe methods for assessing myogenicity and population expansion for subsequent in vitro study. [摘要]  原代成肌细胞培养是研究肌肉疾病,病理生理学和药理学的有用工具。 该协议描述了通过荧光激活细胞分选(FACS)从人类骨骼肌活检中分离细胞并富集高度肌原细胞的技术。 我们还描述了用于评估随后的体外研究中肌原性和群体扩张的方法。
【背景】来自肌肉活组织检查的原代人成肌细胞是模拟体外人体肌肉疾病的有价值的资源。成肌细胞增殖,分化和融合的改变是许多神经肌肉疾病所共有的特征,并且可以用于测定基于细胞的和药理学的治疗。人类骨骼肌活组织检查,尤其是那些受疾病影响的人,通常含有大量的非肌原细胞,如脂肪细胞和成纤维细胞。因此,纯化肌原细胞进行骨骼肌发育和疾病的体外研究是非常重要的。肌肉疾病的早期研究涉及使用组织外植体或未纯化的分离细胞(Geiger和Garvin,1957; Herrmann等人,1960; Goyle等人,1967; Bishop 1971年),后来,Blau和Webster引入了一种预先电镀技术去除成纤维细胞(Blau and ...

Time-lapse Observation of Chromosomes, Cytoskeletons and Cell Organelles during Male Meiotic Divisions in Drosophila
[Abstract]  In this protocol, we provide an experimental procedure that perform time-lapse observation of intra-cellular structures such as chromosomes, cytoskeletons and cell organelles during meiotic cell divisions in Drosophila males. As primary spermatocyte is the largest dividing diploid cell in Drosophila, which is equivalent in size to mammalian cultured cells, one can observe dynamics of cellular components during division of the model cells more precisely. Using this protocol, we have showed that a microtubule-associated protein plays an essential role in microtubule dynamics and initiation of cleavage furrowing through interaction between microtubules and actomyosin filaments. We have also reported that nuclear membrane components are required for a formation and/or ... [摘要]  在这个协议中,我们提供了一个实验程序,在果蝇男性的减数分裂细胞分裂期间,进行细胞内结构如染色体,细胞骨架和细胞器的延时观察。由于主要精母细胞是果蝇中最大的分裂二倍体细胞,其大小与哺乳动物培养细胞相当,可以更准确地观察模型细胞分裂期间细胞组分的动力学。使用该方案,我们已经表明,微管相关蛋白在微管动力学中起重要作用,并通过微管和肌动球蛋白丝之间的相互作用开始裂解沟槽。我们还报道说,需要核膜组分来形成和/或维持在果蝇细胞中细胞分裂所必需的主轴包络。

在果蝇中,也可以在标准培养条件下良好培养的良好培养细胞系。然而,它们的单元尺寸,特别是细胞质体积,比哺乳动物细胞的小得多。这在细胞分裂过程中损害了细胞成分的检查。精母细胞,在另一方面,实现第一次减数分裂开始之前不同的细胞生长。主要精母细胞是出现在果蝇发育中的增殖细胞中最大的二倍体细胞。因此,可以使用光学显微镜容易地细分观察分裂细胞中的细胞结构。在果蝇黑腹果蝇中,提供了先进和复杂的遗传技术(Ashburner等人,2004)。染色体分离和细胞分裂中的减数分裂缺陷出现在完成2< 减数分裂后精子细胞的细胞组织中。通过观察这种早期精子细胞,人们可以很容易地发现甚至微小的减数分裂异常(2012); 2012年; ...

Measuring Genetic Robustness in Vesicular Stomatitis Virus
[Abstract]  Genetic robustness is the ability of a genome to incorporate mutations with the result of no fitness changes. Thus, more robust viruses have an increased neutral mutation rate. This property is particularly important in RNA viruses due to their high mutation rates. The most direct way of measuring robustness in vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is to carry out clonal analysis of populations: randomly isolating individual VSV strains (plaques), measuring the fitness of each one and generating fitness distributions (Novella et al., 2010). A second possibility is to carry out multiple replicates of repeated plaque-to-plaque passages, determining fitness in progeny populations and generating fitness distributions (Novella et al., 2010). Depending on the expected differences, ... [摘要]  遗传稳健性是基因组掺入突变的能力,没有适应度变化的结果。因此,更强壮的病毒具有增加的中性突变率。由于它们的高突变率,这种性质在RNA病毒中特别重要。测量水泡性口炎病毒(VSV)的稳健性的最直接的方法是进行群体的克隆分析:随机分离个体VSV株(噬斑),测量每个VSV株的适合度并产生适应度分布(Novella等人, ,2010)。第二种可能性是进行重复的斑块到斑块通道的多次重复,确定后代群体中的适合度并产生健身分布(Novella等人,2010)。根据预期的差异,前者可能需要数百个测定,而后者可能需要数十次测定。第三种方法包括增加分析中的群体的突变率以扩大可能存在的任何差异,并且代替测量适合度,测量存活率(Novella等人,2013)。该方法的一个警告是生存的变化也可以通过聚合酶保真度的变化来解释。因此,重要的是进行互补实验,在这种情况下量化突变频率。
