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Ammonium persulfate

Company: AMRESCO
Catalog#: 0486-100G
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In vitro Glutamylation Inhibition of Ubiquitin Modification and Phosphoribosyl-Ubiquitin Ligation Mediated by Legionella pneumophila Effectors

Glutamylation is a posttranslational modification where the amino group of a free glutamate amino acid is conjugated to the carboxyl group of a glutamate side chain within a target protein. SidJ is a Legionella kinase-like protein that has recently been identified to perform protein polyglutamylation of the Legionella SdeA Phosphoribosyl-Ubiquitin (PR-Ub) ligase to inhibit SdeA’s activity. The attachment of multiple glutamate amino acids to the catalytic glutamate residue of SdeA by SidJ inhibits SdeA’s modification of ubiquitin (Ub) and ligation activity. In this protocol, we will discuss a SidJ non-radioactive, in vitro glutamylation assay using its substrate SdeA. This will also include a second reaction to assay the inhibition of SdeA by using both modification of free Ub and ligation

[摘要]  [摘要]谷氨酰化是翻译后修饰,其中游离谷氨酸氨基酸的氨基与目标蛋白内谷氨酸侧链的羧基缀合。SidJ是一种军团菌激酶样蛋白,最近被发现可对军团菌SdeA磷酸核糖泛素(PR- Ub )连接酶进行蛋白多谷氨酰化,从而抑制SdeA的活性。SidJ将多个谷氨酸氨基酸附着到SdeA的催化谷氨酸残基上,从而抑制了SdeA对泛素的修饰(Ub )和结扎活动。在此协议中,我们将讨论使用其底物SdeA的SidJ非放射性,体外谷氨酰化测定。这也将包括一个第二反应以测定抑制SdeA通过使用免费的两个修改泛素和结扎ADP-核糖基化的泛素(ADPR-泛素),以SdeA的基板Rab33b。在鉴定和公布SidJ的活性之前,尚无SdeA抑制试验。我们的小组和其他小组演示了各种方法来抑制SdeA的活性。备选方案包括使用放射性NAD测量Ub的ADP核糖基化,NAD水解以及SdeA对HA- Ub连接的蛋白质印迹分析。该方案将描述使用廉价的标准凝胶和考马斯染色对SdeA的泛素修饰和PR- Ub连接的抑制。

[背景]嗜肺军团菌是感染性细菌,其机会性感染肺泡巨噬细胞。这是通过吸入被污染的水气溶胶而发生的,引起潜在的致命性肺炎,称为军团菌病(McDade et ...

Radioactive Assay of in vitro Glutamylation Activity of the Legionella pneumophila Effector Protein SidJ
[Abstract]  The Legionella effector protein SidJ has recently been identified to perform polyglutamylation on another Legionella effector, SdeA, ablating SdeA’s activity. SidJ is a kinase-like protein that requires the small eukaryotic protein calmodulin to perform glutamylation. Glutamylation is a relatively uncommon type of post-translational modification, where the amino group of a free glutamate amino acid is covalently linked to the γ-carboxyl group of a glutamate sidechain in a substrate protein. This protocol describes the SidJ glutamylation reaction using radioactive [U-14C] glutamate and its substrate SdeA, the separation of proteins by gel electrophoresis, preparation of gels for radioactive exposure, and relative quantification of glutamylation activity. This ... [摘要]  [摘要]在军团菌效应蛋白SidJ最近被确定为另一个执行polyglutamylation军团效应,SdeA,烧蚀SdeA的活动。SidJ是一种激酶样蛋白,需要小的真核蛋白钙调蛋白才能进行谷氨酰化。谷氨酰化是翻译后修饰的相对不常见的类型,其中游离谷氨酸氨基酸的氨基与底物蛋白质中谷氨酸侧链的γ-羧基共价连接。该协议描述了使用放射性[U- 14]的SidJ谷氨酰化反应 C]谷氨酸及其底物SdeA,通过凝胶电泳分离蛋白质,制备用于放射暴露的凝胶,以及相对定量的谷氨酰化活性。该方法可用于鉴定底物进行谷氨酰化,表征底物和由突变引起的谷氨酰胺酶活性,以及​​鉴定具有谷氨酰化活性的蛋白质。一些研究已经使用[ 3 H]谷氨酸(Regnard等,1998)和使用GT335抗体(Wolff等,1992)来分析谷氨酰化。但是,使用[U- 14 C] g谷氨酸盐需要更短的放射性暴露时间,而不依赖于抗体特异性。

[背景]嗜肺军团菌是感染细菌,造成军团病(麦克达德等人,1977) ,肺炎的一个潜在的致命的形式。在感染期间,Legionell ...

SDS-PAGE for Silk Fibroin Protein
[Abstract]  The method and detailed procedure of SDS-PAGE for silk proteins are exactly the same as for other proteins, but the electrophoresis profile of silk protein is often unsatisfactory. The main reason is that their molecular masses are too large, and the regenerated liquid silk is easily coagulated and denatured, resulting in a significant adverse effect on normal electrophoresis. A satisfactory SDS-PAGE profile for silk protein can be obtained by rapidly loading samples, reducing time and temperature when mixing the sample with the loading dye. [摘要]  丝蛋白的SDS-PAGE方法和详细步骤与其他蛋白质完全相同,但丝蛋白的电泳图谱往往不能令人满意。 主要原因是它们的分子量太大,再生的液体丝很容易凝固和变性,导致对正常电泳的显着不利影响。 通过快速加载样品,在将样品与上样染料混合时减少时间和温度,可以获得令人满意的丝蛋白SDS-PAGE图谱。



丝蛋白是丝素蛋白和丝胶蛋白的总称。由成熟的家蚕幼虫纺成的两条平行单丝由65%-75%的丝心蛋白,20%-30%的丝胶蛋白和5%的蜡,色素,糖和其他杂质组成。丝素蛋白是一种结晶聚合物基纤维,被几层胶质蛋白包围。丝胶蛋白的最外层易溶于热水或沸水中。最接近丝心蛋白纤维的最内层丝胶蛋白几乎不溶于沸水(Wang和Zhang,2011)。所有分层的丝胶蛋白都易于溶解在碱性热水或沸水中。因此,在实验室中最常使用0.1%-0.5%Na ...
