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Plastic sheets (PVC wall panel)

Company: Dacheng
Catalog#: DCb-008
Other protocol()

Classic Labyrinth Test for Neurobehavioral Evaluation in Wistar Rats
[Abstract]  The Classic Labyrinth Test (CLT) is a simple way to evaluate behaviors in rodents such as learning ability, memory, and anxiety. The protocol presented here describes the procedure for use with rats, but the protocol can also be adapted for use in mice if a smaller device is used. In short, the CLT uses a square-shaped maze with a starting point and a stopping point. After the animal is trained, the animal is allowed to view and explore the labyrinth freely for 10 min. During this time, all of the animal's vertical and horizontal movements within the labyrinth are recorded. This is a very challenging task because it requires the animal to remember the quickest path between the starting points and the end. In cases where the labyrinth is designed so that the animal only needs to walk ... [摘要]  经典迷宫测试(CLT)是一种评估啮齿动物行为的简单方法,如学习能力,记忆力和焦虑。此处介绍的方案描述了与大鼠一起使用的程序,但如果使用较小的装置,该方案也可适用于小鼠。简而言之,CLT使用具有起点和停止点的方形迷宫。在训练动物后,允许动物自由观察和探索迷宫10分钟。在此期间,记录迷宫内所有动物的垂直和水平运动。这是一项非常具有挑战性的任务,因为它需要动物记住起点和终点之间的最快路径。如果迷宫的设计使得动物只需要向前走,那么健康的老鼠就很容易,但是对于暴露于神经 - 异生素(药物,杀虫剂)的大鼠来说,它们的路径会受到干扰。研究人员使用此测试的许多不同版本,每个版本的过程可能会有很大差异。在这里,我们提出了一个工作方案,能够检测某些有毒物质的痕迹,这些物质可能在很长一段时间内暴露给个人,并且在特定条件下,如药物,药物和杀虫剂,可能会非常少量。

【背景】我们着手阐明动物在利用经典迷宫测试受到压力挑战时如何记忆和学习。 CLT在方形塑料外壳(125 x 125 x 40 cm)中进行,带有几个相同宽度和高度(25 x 35 ...
