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(LE116) FREEZING AND STARTLE box with sensors, stimuli including Sound Attenuating Box

Company: Harvard Apparatus
Catalog#: 76-0280
Other protocol()

Trace Fear Conditioning: Procedure for Assessing Complex Hippocampal Function in Mice
[Abstract]  The trace fear conditioning protocol is designed to measure hippocampal function in mice. The protocol includes a neutral conditioned stimulus (tone) and an aversive unconditioned stimulus (shock), separated in time by a trace interval. The trace interval between the tone and the shock critically involves the hippocampus and could be used to evaluate hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. In this protocol, we presented mice with five pairings of tone and shock separated by a 20 sec trace interval. Freezing was measured 24 h after conditioning to evaluate contextual memory by placing mice in the conditioned chamber. In addition, 48 h after conditioning, freezing was measured in a dark chamber, which served as a different context. This method enables precise detection of ... [摘要]  痕量恐惧条件反射方案旨在测量小鼠的海马功能。 该方案包括中性条件刺激(音调)和厌恶的无条件刺激(休克),在时间上以跟踪间隔分开。 音调和休克之间的痕迹间隔关键地涉及海马体并且可以用于评估海马依赖性学习和记忆。 在这个协议中,我们给小鼠提供了五对音调和震动,以20秒的跟踪间隔分开。 在调节后24小时测量冷冻以通过将小鼠置于经调节的室中来评估情境记忆。 另外,在调理后48小时,在暗室中测量冷冻,其作为不同的背景。 该方法能够在损害或增强海马功能的药理学和遗传操作之后精确检测海马依赖性学习和记忆。

【背景】 跟踪恐惧条件(TFC)范例不同于标准的恐惧条件范式(Heise et al。,2017; Segev et al。,2013和2015),简单插入条件刺激(CS,例如,音调)和无条件刺激(US,例如,电击足)之间的痕迹间隔,并在固定时重复应用它们的组合间隔。 TFC范式涉及在自然和病理条件下形成时间上不连续的关联,并且被认为是复杂的,海马依赖的范例,与简单的皮质依赖性学习范例(例如味觉学习)相反(Stern et al 。,2013; Ounallah-Saad et al。,2014; Rappaport et al。,2015; Levitan et al。, 2016; Sharma et ...
