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Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: C11965500CP
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HCV Reporter System (Viral Infection-Activated Split-Intein-Mediated Reporter System) for Testing Virus Cell-to-cell Transmission ex-vivo
[Abstract]  Hepatitis C virus (HCV) spread involves two distinct entry pathways: cell-free transmission and cell-to-cell transmission. Cell-to-cell transmission is not only an efficient way for viruses to spread but also an effective method for escaping neutralizing antibodies. We adapted the viral infection-activated split-intein-mediated reporter system (VISI) and developed a straightforward model for Live-cell monitoring of HCV cell-to-cell transmission ex-vivo: co-culture of HCV infected donor cells (red signal) with uninfected recipient cells (green signal) and elimination of the cell-free transmission by adding potent neutralizing antibody AR3A in the supernatant. With this model, the efficiency of cell-to-cell transmission can be evaluated by counting the number of foci designated by ... [摘要]  丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)传播涉及两种不同的进入途径:无细胞传播和细胞间传播。 细胞间传播不仅是病毒传播的有效方式,也是逃避中和抗体的有效方法。 我们采用了病毒感染激活的分裂 - 内含肽介导的报告系统(VISI),并开发了一种直接模型,用于活细胞监测HCV细胞间传递离体:共培养 HCV感染的供体细胞(红色信号)与未感染的受体细胞(绿色信号)和通过在上清液中加入有效的中和抗体AR3A消除无细胞的传递。 利用该模型,可以通过计数受体细胞的绿色信号指定的病灶数来评估细胞间传递的效率。

【背景】越来越多的证据证明病毒可以在受感染的组织中使用不同的传播途径(Sattentau,2008; Zhong et al。,2013)。对于HCV传播,无细胞传播和细胞间传播均可介导肝细胞之间的病毒转移。虽然无细胞传播引发HCV感染,但认为细胞 - 细胞传递直接将HCV转移至相邻的肝细胞。它提供了抵抗中和抗体并有助于病毒持久性的极好方法(Brimacombe et al。,2011; Xiao et al。,2014)。之前的文章也证明了一些促进细胞传递的宿主因子,如清道夫受体BI(SR-BI),CD81,紧密连接蛋白claudin-1(CLDN1),Occludin(OCLN),表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)。 (Witteveldt et al。,2009; ...
