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FisherbrandTM Premium Microcentrifuge Tubes: 1.5mL, Natural; 1.5mL; O.D. x L: 10.8 x 40.6mm

Company: Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 05-408-130
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Expression and Purification of Yeast-derived GPCR, Gα and Gβγ Subunits for Structural and Dynamic Studies

In the last several years, as evidence of a surged number of GPCR-G complex structures, the expressions of GPCRs and G proteins for structural biology have achieved tremendous successes, mostly in insect and mammalian cell systems, resulting in more than 370 structures of over 70 GPCRs have been resolved. However, the challenge remains, particularly in the conformational transition and dynamics study area where a much higher quantity of the receptors and G proteins is required even in comparison to X-ray and cryo-EM (5 mg/ml, 3 μl/sample) when NMR spectroscopy (5 mg/ml, 250 μl /sample) is applied. As a result, the expression levels of the insect and mammalian systems are also difficult to meet this demand, not to mention the prohibitive cost of producing GPCRs and G proteins using

[摘要]  [摘要]在过去的几年中,作为GPCR-G复杂结构数量激增的证据,用于结构生物学的GPCR和G蛋白的表达已取得了巨大的成功,主要是在昆虫和哺乳动物细胞系统中,导致了370多个已解决了70多个GPCR的结构。但是,挑战仍然存在,特别是在构象转变和动力学研究领域,即使与X射线和冷冻EM相比(5 mg / ml,3μl /样品),也需要大量的受体和G蛋白。当应用NMR光谱法(5 mg / ml,250μl /样品)时。结果,i的表达水平 nsect和哺乳动物系统也很难满足这一需求,更不用说使用绝大多数系统使用这些系统生产GPCR和G蛋白的成本高昂了。因此,需要探索一种具有广泛适用性的有效,负担得起的实用方法。毕赤酵母表达系统已在GPCR制备中显示出其希望,并具有其他真核表达系统无法比拟的许多优点。在该系统中表达的GPCR价格便宜,易于操作,并且能够进行同位素标记。在此,我们提出最近开发并在我们的实验室升级的相关协议,包括表达和纯化的毕赤酵母衍生GPCR以G沿α和G βγ蛋白。我们预期这些协议将促进GPCR及其复合物的构象转变和动力学研究。

[背景] G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)是最大的膜蛋白家族,在许多(病理)生理活动中起着关键作用。GPCR的或它们的效应物的功能障碍会导致各种病症,包括神经变性疾病,癌症,和慢性炎症(Overington等人,2006) ...

Advances in Proximity Ligation in situ Hybridization (PLISH)
[Abstract]  Understanding tissues in the context of development, maintenance and disease requires determining the molecular profiles of individual cells within their native in vivo spatial context. We developed a Proximity Ligation in situ Hybridization technology (PLISH) that enables quantitative measurement of single cell gene expression in intact tissues, which we have now updated. By recording spatial information for every profiled cell, PLISH enables retrospective mapping of distinct cell classes and inference of their in vivo interactions. PLISH has high sensitivity, specificity and signal to noise ratio. It is also rapid, scalable, and does not require expertise in molecular biology so it can be easily adopted by basic and clinical researchers. [摘要]  [摘要]在发育,维持和疾病的背景下了解组织需要确定单个细胞在其天然体内空间范围内的分子谱。我们开发了一种邻近连接原位杂交技术(PLISH),该技术能够定量测量完整组织中单细胞基因的表达,现已更新。通过记录每个分析细胞的空间信息,PLISH可以回顾性绘制不同细胞类别并推断其体内 互动。PLISH具有很高的灵敏度,特异性和信噪比。它也快速,可扩展,并且不需要分子生物学方面的专门知识,因此基础和临床研究人员可以轻松地采用它。

[背景技术]我们最近开发了一种复用原位称为PLISH(邻位连接杂交技术原位杂交)(Nagendran等人,2018)。PLISH与其他现有的空间转录组学技术不同,因为它结合了高性能,快速多路复用,低成本和技术简单性(Wilbrey -Clark等人,2020年)。可以通过自动计算完整的冷冻或石蜡包埋组织中单细胞表达图谱来分析PLISH结果,它与同时进行的免疫染色兼容。


Isolation of LYVE-1+ Endothelial Cells from Mouse Embryos
[Abstract]  Lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1, or LYVE-1, is a type 1 integral membrane glycoprotein expressed by lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs). LYVE-1 is commonly used as a biological marker to visually distinguish developing lymphatic vessels from blood endothelial cells (arteries or veins). As our understanding of lymphatic biology is still lacking today, the need to isolate LECs apart from other endothelial cells has taken on greater importance. The following procedure describes a magnetic bead separation procedure for isolating LEC-rich populations of cells from developing mouse embryos. [摘要]  淋巴管内皮透明质酸受体1或LYVE-1是由淋巴管内皮细胞(LEC)表达的1型整合膜糖蛋白。 LYVE-1通常用作生物标记物,以在视觉上区分发育中的淋巴管与血液内皮细胞(动脉或静脉)。 由于我们今天仍然缺乏对淋巴生物学的理解,因此将LEC与其他内皮细胞分离的必要性变得更加重要。 以下程序描述了用于从发育中的小鼠胚胎中分离富含LEC的细胞群的磁珠分离程序。

【背景】淋巴脉管系统形成二次循环系统,其起到从组织排出细胞外液的作用,允许脂质的转运,并提供免疫细胞运输和运输功能。虽然我们对淋巴系统的理解在过去的几十年中迅速扩大,但与我们对动脉和静脉生物学的了解相比,它仍然缺乏。 LECs鉴定LYVE-1受体表达提供了区分淋巴组织的有用工具,但已知LYVE-1在其他组织中表达,包括肝和脾窦状细胞和胰腺外分泌和朗格汉斯细胞胰岛(Banerji et al。,1999)。由LYVE1基因编码,LYVE-1受体的生物学功能尚未确定,但除了跨内皮细胞的HA转运外,还有人建议参与肿瘤转移(Jackson,2003)。尽管LYVE-1在多种组织中表达,但它仍然是目前用于区分LEC与其他内皮细胞的常用标记物。该方法的目的是使用与LYVE-1抗体偶联的dynabeads以正选择方法从发育中的小鼠胚胎中分离LEC。
