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SmartBlock 1.5 ml

Company: Eppendorf
Catalog#: 5360000038
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Affinity Purification of GO-Matryoshka Biosensors from E. coli for Quantitative Ratiometric Fluorescence Analyses
[Abstract]  Genetically encoded biosensors are powerful tools for quantitative visualization of ions and metabolites in vivo. Design and optimization of such biosensors typically require analyses of large numbers of variants. Sensor properties determined in vitro such as substrate specificity, affinity, response range, dynamic range, and signal-to-noise ratio are important for evaluating in vivo data. This protocol provides a robust methodology for in vitro binding assays of newly designed sensors. Here we present a detailed protocol for purification and in vitro characterization of genetically encoded sensors, exemplified for the His affinity-tagged GO-(Green-Orange) MatryoshCaMP6s calcium sensor. GO-Matryoshka sensors are based on single-step insertion ... [摘要]  [摘要]遗传编码的生物传感器是强大的工具为离子和代谢物的定量可视化在体内。设计和优化此类生物传感器通常需要分析大量变体。体外确定的传感器特性,例如底物特异性,亲和力,响应范围,动态范围和信噪比,对于评估体内数据很重要。该协议为新设计的传感器的体外结合测定提供了可靠的方法。这里我们提出了一个详细的协议用于纯化和体外表征的遗传编码的传感器,例示的His亲和标记的GO-(绿橙色)MatryoshCaMP6s钙传感器。GO-Matryoshka传感器基于在感兴趣的结合蛋白内一步插入一个包含两个嵌套荧光蛋白,圆形排列的荧光绿色FP(cpGFP )和Large Stoke Shift LSSmOrange的盒的方法,从而产生了利用被分析物触发的比例式传感器cpGFP的荧光变化。

[背景技术]将绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)在1962年被鉴定在水母水母维多利亚(下村等人,1962) 。30年后,描述了其首次用作报道基因(Chalfie等,1994)。自从发现以来,GFP变体和其他荧光蛋白为生物科学的主要进步做出了巨大贡献,并且现在已成为生物医学研究中的常用工具(Frommer等,2009)。

各种荧光蛋白(FP)和FP变异体已被用作报道分子或与所有生命王国的生物体中的蛋白融合(Chudakov等,2010 ;Valeur和Berberan- ...

Tethered Chromosome Conformation Capture Sequencing in Triticeae: A Valuable Tool for Genome Assembly
[Abstract]  Chromosome conformation capture sequencing (Hi-C) is a powerful method to comprehensively interrogate the three-dimensional positioning of chromatin in the nucleus. The development of Hi-C can be traced back to successive increases in the resolution and throughput of chromosome conformation capture (3C) (Dekker et al., 2002). The basic workflow of 3C consists of (i) fixation of intact chromatin, usually by formaldehyde, (ii) cutting the fixed chromatin with a restriction enzyme, (iii) religation of sticky ends under diluted conditions to favor ligations between cross-linked fragments or those between random fragments and (iv) quantifying the number of ligations events between pairs of genomic loci (de Wit and de Laat, 2012). In the original 3C protocol, ligation frequency was ... [摘要]  染色体构象捕获测序(Hi-C)是一种全面询问细胞核中染色质三维定位的有效方法。 Hi-C的发展可以追溯到染色体构象捕获的分辨率和通量的连续增加(3C)(Dekker et al。,2002)。 3C的基本工作流程包括(i)通常用甲醛固定完整的染色质,(ii)用限制酶切割固定的染色质,(iii)在稀释条件下重新连接粘性末端,以促进交联片段之间的连接或随机片段之间的那些和(iv)量化基因组基因座对之间的连接事件的数量(de Wit和de Laat,2012)。在最初的3C方案中,通过半定量PCR扩增对应于少量基因组位点(“一对一”)的选定连接接头来测量连接频率(Dekker et al。,2002 )。然后,染色体构象捕获芯片(4C)和染色体构象捕获碳复制(5C)技术扩展3C以分别以“一对多”或“多对多”方式计算结扎事件。 Hi-C(Lieberman-Aiden et al。,2009)最终将3C与下一代测序相结合(Metzker,2010)。此处,在再连接之前,用生物素标记的核苷酸类似物填充粘性末端以在后续步骤中富集具有连接连接的片段。然后对Hi-C文库进行高通量测序,并将得到的读数映射到参考基因组,允许以“多对多”方式确定接触概率,其分辨率仅受限制性位点的分布限制和阅读深度。 Hi-C的首次应用是阐明人类基因组中的全球染色质折叠原理(Lieberman-Aiden et ...
