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Company: Merck
Catalog#: 300410
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Determination of Intracellular Ca2+ Concentration in the Human Pathogens Trypanosomatids Leishmania mexicana and Trypanosoma cruzi by the Use of the Fluorescent Ca2+ Indicator Fura-2
[Abstract]  Ca2+ is an essential signaling messenger in all eukariotic cells, playing a pivotal role in many cellular functions as cell growth control (differentiation, fertilization and apoptosis), secretion, gene expression, enzyme regulation, among many others. This basic premise includes trypanosomatids as Trypanosoma cruzi and various species of Leishmania, the causative agents of Chagas disease and leishmaniasis respectively, where intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) has been demonstrated to be finely regulated. Nevertheless [Ca2+]i has been difficult to measure because of its very low cytoplasmic concentration (typically around 50-100 nM), when compared to the large concentration in the outside milieu ... [摘要]  [摘要] Ca 2+ 是所有真核细胞中必不可少的信号信使,在许多细胞功能中起着关键作用,例如细胞生长控制(分化,受精和凋亡),分泌,基因表达,酶调控等。这个基本前提包括锥虫如锥虫克氏锥虫和各种物种利什曼原虫,分别南美锥虫病和利什曼病的病原体,其中细胞内Ca 2+ 浓度([钙2 + ] 我)已被证明被精细地调节。然而,[Ca 2 + ] i 与外界环境中的高浓度(血液中约2 mM)相比,由于其细胞质浓度非常低(通常约为50-100 nM )而难以测量。细胞内荧光Ca 2+ 敏感指示剂的开发对于实现该目标至关重要。成功的基础是乙酰氧甲基化衍生物前体的合成,该合成物使通常由许多亲水性羧基组成的荧光分子(其非常亲和的Ca 2+ 结合(因此非常亲水))容易穿过质膜。一旦进入细胞内部,非特异性酯酶会将疏水部分从荧光骨架结构中分离出来,释放出羧基,然后将其转化为分子的酸形式,该分子保留在细胞质中并恢复其在Ca中发荧光的能力。2+ 依赖方式。其中,的Fura-2是迄今为止最常用的,因为它是一个比例(两个不同的波长激发和一个发射)的Ca 2+ 与钙指示剂2+ 与内[Ca亲和力兼容2 + ] 我。该协议主要包括用Fura-2加载指数相寄生虫,并通过双波长荧光分光光度计记录[Ca 2 + ] i 中的变化。这种技术允许有价值的信息AB的获取出的[Ca 2 + ] 我Ç ...

Separation of Thylakoid Protein Complexes with Two-dimensional Native-PAGE
[Abstract]  The hierarchical composition and interactions of the labile thylakoid protein complexes can be assessed by sequential 2D-native gel-electrophoresis system. Mild non-ionic detergent digitonin is used to solubilize labile protein super-and megacomplexes, which are then separated with first-dimension blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D-BN-PAGE). The digitonin derived protein complexes are further solubilized with stronger detergent, β-DM, and subsequently separated on an orthogonal 2D-BN-PAGE to release smaller protein subcomplexes from the higher-order supercomplexes. Here we describe a detailed method for 2D-BN-PAGE analysis of thylakoid protein complexes from Arabidopsis thaliana. [摘要]  不稳定的类囊体蛋白复合物的分级组成和相互作用可以通过连续的2D天然凝胶电泳系统来评估。 温和的非离子洗涤剂洋地黄皂苷用于溶解不稳定的蛋白质超级和巨型复合物,然后用第一维蓝色天然聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(1D-BN-PAGE)分离。 将洋地黄皂苷衍生的蛋白质复合物用更强的去污剂β-DM进一步溶解,随后在正交的2D-BN-PAGE上分离,以从较高级的超复合物中释放较小的蛋白质亚复合物。 在这里,我们描述了来自拟南芥的类囊体蛋白复合物的2D-BN-PAGE分析的详细方法。

【背景】在类囊体膜中发生光合作用的光反应,在高等植物中,由贴壁的grana类囊体和非贴壁的基质类囊体组成。光反应由多亚基蛋白复合物光系统(PS)I和II,细胞色素b 6 f和ATP酶催化。 PSII及其光捕获天线复合物(LHCII)在grana-thylakoids中最为丰富,因此在空间上与基质类囊体定位的PSI-LHCI复合物隔离(Andersson和Anderson,1980)。格拉纳和基质类囊体之间的间期在两个光系统中都得到了丰富(Albertsson,2001; Suorsa et al。,2015)。通过光依赖性LHCII和PSII蛋白的可逆磷酸化介导,光系统与LHCII一起组装成更大的超级和超级复合物。 ...
