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Power Supply

Company: LaserGlow Technologies
Catalog#: C5310051X
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Induction of Photothrombotic Stroke in the Sensorimotor Cortex of Rats and Preparation of Tissue for Analysis of Stroke Volume and Topographical Cortical Localization of Ischemic Infarct
[Abstract]  The photothrombotic model of stroke is commonly used in research as it allows the ischemic infarct to be targeted to specific regions of the cortex with high reproducibility and well-defined infarct borders. Unlike other models of stroke, photothrombosis allows the precise size and location of infarct to be tightly controlled with minimal surgical invasion. Photothrombosis is induced when a circulating photosensitive dye is irradiated in vivo, resulting in focal disruption of the endothelium, activation of platelets and occlusion of the microvasculature (Watson et al., 1985; Dietrich et al., 1987; Carmichael, 2005). The protocols here define how photothrombosis can be specifically targeted to the sensorimotor forelimb cortex of rat with high reproducibility. ... [摘要]  中风的光血栓形成模型通常用于研究,因为它允许缺血性梗塞针对特定区域的皮层,具有高重现性和明确的梗塞边界。 与其他卒中模型不同,光血栓形成能够以最小的手术入侵严密控制梗死的精确大小和位置。 当在体内辐射循环的光敏染料时诱导光血栓形成,导致内皮的局灶性破坏,血小板的活化和微血管的闭塞(Watson等人,1985年 ; Dietrich等人,1987; Carmichael,2005)。 这里的方案定义了如何将光致血栓形成特异性地靶向大鼠的感觉运动前肢皮层并具有高重现性。 提供了大鼠皮质组织处理的详细方法以允许精确分析脑卒中体积和立体定向确定缺血性损伤的精确皮层区域。

【背景】中风的光血栓形成模型允许在皮层的特定区域中精确布置缺血性梗塞(Carmichael,2005; Underly and Shih,2017)。光血栓形成可用于封闭皮层中的特定动脉和动脉分支(Carmichael et al。,2005),pia的个别血管(Taylor和Shih,2013),并定义了皮质区域如桶(Dietrich等人,1987)和后肢躯体感觉皮层(Que等人,1999)。使用这种方法,在许多实验动物模型中已经产生了高度可重现的缺血性梗塞,包括啮齿动物(Watson等人,1985; Carmichael等人,2005)和非人类动物模型人灵长类动物(Ikeda et ...
