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Ethanol Solution 70%, Molecular Biology Grade, Fisher BioReagentsTM

Company: Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: BP8201500
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Measurement of Dopamine Using Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry in Rodent Brain Slices
[Abstract]  Fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) is an electrochemical technique that allows sub-second detection of oxidizable chemical species, including monoamine neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. This technique has been used to record the physiological dynamics of these neurotransmitters in brain tissue, including their rates of release and reuptake as well as the activity of neuromodulators that regulate such processes. This protocol will focus on the use of ex vivo FSCV for the detection of dopamine within the nucleus accumbens in slices obtained from rodents. We have included all necessary materials, reagents, recipes, procedures, and analyses in order to successfully perform this technique in the laboratory setting. Additionally, we have also included ... [摘要]  快速扫描循环伏安法(FSCV)是一种电化学技术,可以亚秒检测可氧化的化学物质,包括单胺类神经递质,如多巴胺,去甲肾上腺素和血清素。 该技术已被用于记录这些神经递质在脑组织中的生理动态,包括它们的释放和再摄取速率以及调节这些过程的神经调节剂的活性。 该方案将集中于使用离体 FSCV检测从啮齿动物获得的切片中的伏隔核内的多巴胺。 我们已经包含了所有必要的材料,试剂,配方,程序和分析,以便在实验室环境中成功地执行该技术。 此外,我们还提供了一些警示点,我们认为这些警告点对于那些在该领域的新手有帮助。

【背景】由于首先将用于检查生理系统的电特性的能力用于临床前科学研究,因此已经开发了许多用于研究突触生理学的技术。从鱿鱼轴突电生理记录的早期到现在的快速扫描循环伏安法(FSCV)在人类帕金森病患者中进行(Kishida et al。,2016; Lohrenz et al。,2016),该领域在相对较短的时间内取得了重大进展。该协议的重点是FSCV,是物理学家,分析化学家和神经科学家之间40多年的创新和合作的技术成果。早在19世纪(Bard和Zoski,2000年),电化学与Michael Faraday和Alessandro Volta一起诞生(Bard and Zoski,2000),直到20世纪20年代,Jaroslav ...

Using Stable Isotopes in Bone Marrow Derived Macrophage to Analyze Metabolism
[Abstract]  Using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to analyze the citric acid cycle (CAC) and related intermediates (such as glutamate, glutamine, GABA, and aspartate) is an analytical approach to identify unexpected correlations between apparently related and unrelated pathways of energy metabolism. Intermediates can be as expressed as their absolute concentrations or relative ratios by using known amounts of added reference standards to the sample. GC-MS can also distinguish between heavy labeled molecules (2H- or 13C-labeled) and the naturally occurring most abundant molecules. Applications using tracers can also assess the turnover of specific metabolic pools under various physiological and pathological conditions as well as for pathway discovery.

The ...
[摘要]  使用气相色谱质谱(GC-MS)分析柠檬酸循环(CAC)和相关中间体(如谷氨酸,谷氨酰胺,GABA和天冬氨酸)是一种分析方法,用于识别明显相关和不相关的能量途径之间的意外相关性代谢。通过使用已知量的样品添加的参考标准,中间体可以表示为它们的绝对浓度或相对比例。 GC-MS还可以区分重标记分子( 2 H-或 13 C-标记的)和天然存在的最丰富的分子。使用示踪剂的应用还可以评估在各种生理和病理条件下以及用于途径发现的特定代谢池的周转。

以下方案是一种相对简单的方法,不仅对小浓度的代谢中间体敏感,而且还可以 in vivo 或 in vitro 用于确定各种新陈代谢的完整性途径,如特定代谢物池内的通量变化。我们使用该协议来确定磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶1 ( Pck1 )基因在小鼠巨噬细胞中的作用,以确定 13 C将葡萄糖标记为特定的CAC代谢物库


本方案中描述的用于细胞内代谢物功能定量的方法是通过在U- 13 ...

Microfluidics-Based Analysis of Contact-dependent Bacterial Interactions
[Abstract]  Bacteria in nature live in complex communities with multiple cell types and spatially-dependent interactions. Studying cells in well-mixed environments such as shaking culture tubes or flasks cannot capture these spatial dynamics, but cells growing in full-fledged biofilms are difficult to observe in real time. We present here a protocol for observing time-resolved, multi-species interactions at single-cell resolution. The protocol involves growing bacterial cells in a near monolayer in a microfluidic device. As a demonstration, we describe in particular observing the dynamic interactions between E. coli and Acinetobacter baylyi. In this case, the protocol is capable of observing both contact-dependent lysis of E. coli by A. baylyi via the Type VI ... [摘要]  自然界中的细菌生活在具有多种细胞类型和空间依赖性相互作用的复杂社区中。 在充分混合的环境中研究细胞,例如摇动培养管或烧瓶,不能捕获这些空间动力学,但是在完全成熟的生物膜中生长的细胞难以实时观察。 我们在这里提出了一种用于观察单细胞分辨率下的时间分辨,多物种相互作用的方案。 该方案涉及在微流体装置中以近单层生长细菌细胞。 作为演示,我们特别描述了观察 E之间的动态相互作用。 大肠杆菌和 Acinetobacter baylyi 。 在这种情况下,该方案能够观察 E的接触依赖性裂解。 大肠杆菌由 A。 baylyi 通过VI型分泌系统(T6SS)和随后的来自 E的基因的功能性水平基因转移(HGT)。 大肠杆菌到 A.baylyi。

【背景】 不同种类细菌之间的空间依赖性相互作用可能在自然界普遍存在,但它们很难观察到。一个例子是通过天然感受的捕食性DNA受体细胞的接触依赖性,原位裂解作为DNA供体的捕食细胞来增强水平基因转移(HGT)。这种情况最近才出现在革兰氏阴性菌中,但已经在多个物种中观察到,并且它被认为是一种相对普遍的现象(Borgeaud et al。,2015; Cooper 等人,,2017; Veening和Blokesch,2017; Ringel et ...
