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J63423 Gellan Gum

Company: Alfa Aesar
Catalog#: J63423
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Quantification of Bacterial Twitching Motility in Dense Colonies Using Transmitted Light Microscopy and Computational Image Analysis
[Abstract]  A method was developed to allow the quantification and mapping of relative bacterial twitching motility in dense samples, where tracking of individual bacteria was not feasible. In this approach, movies of bacterial films were acquired using differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC), and bacterial motility was then indirectly quantified by the degree to which the bacteria modulated the intensity of light in the field-of-view over time. This allowed the mapping of areas of relatively high and low motility within a single field-of-view, and comparison of the total distribution of motility between samples. [摘要]  开发了一种方法,可以对密集样本中的相对细菌抽动动力进行定量和绘图,在这些样本中追踪单个细菌是不可行的。 在这种方法中,使用微分干涉对比显微镜(DIC)获得细菌膜的电影,然后通过细菌随时间调节视场中的光强度的程度间接量化细菌运动。 这允许在单个视场内绘制相对较高和较低运动性的区域,并比较样本之间运动的总分布。

【背景】Pilus介导的颤动运动表示与鞭毛无关的与表面相关的细菌运动形式。抽动动力被很多细菌病原体利用,包括淋病奈瑟氏球菌和铜绿假单胞菌与潮湿的表面相互作用并移位上皮屏障。在 P。颤动动力受大量基因调控,这些基因允许IV型菌毛的延伸和回缩,以有效地将细菌细胞拖过任何给定的表面以响应环境提示(Mattick,2002; Whitchurch et al。,2004; Burrows,2005)。在我们对 P的研究中。绿脓杆菌发病机制,抽动运动性有助于细菌在内化和多层角膜上皮细菌穿过后从上皮细胞排出(Alarcon等人,2009)。在角膜感染的小鼠模型中,抽动运动对于P是重要的。绿脓杆菌毒力(Zolfaghar et al。,2003)。最近,我们发现在粘膜液体如人眼泪和唾液中发现的糖蛋白DMBT1能够抑制P细胞。绿脓杆菌抽动动力(Li等人,2017)。在那项研究中,我们利用了一种新方法来快速和可靠地量化P.绿脓杆菌抽动动力。该协议在此处介绍。
